Oh My Fucking God

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Lance's POV

***back to the present***

Lance was currently running as fast as he could away from his previos position.  He was almost sure that Keith saw him.  He was so flustered it was hard to run because he kept tripping on himself.  it felt like forever but he finally made it to the rest of the team.  Pidge seemed to notice how frazzled he looked and ran over to him beaming.

"What happened?"


"Oh really?  How interesting.  Let's talk for a sec.  Excuse us."

Lance just kinda kept trying to talk but it came out more broken than not.  They walked off right when Keith came back. He looked a little worried, but was obviosly tying to hide it. 


Keith's POV

"Where are Lance and Pidge  going?"

"I don't know.  Lance came over like he was running for his life then went up to Pidge either mumbling weirdly or speaking broken gibberish and somehow she seemed to understand him and said they'd go talk for a second.  Would any of you have an idea of what happened?"

Keith then realized that Lance was the one who heard him.  Lance knows and had a bad reaction.  Of course Lance had a bad reaction.  What was he expecting?  For Lance to come up to him and confess, then suddenly kiss him?  No...even though that sounded really nice.

"Keith?  Is something wrong?"

"Huh?  No.  Why would you ask?"

Keith assumed that he had a sad look on his face or something but he couldn't help his pity party.  He really couldn't.

"Well...you looked really sad just now."

"Don't worry about it."

Hunk suddenly appeared and gave his little nugget of information.

"By the way, Lance seemed to be in his "humanly impossible level of flustered" state right now.  Just saying."


"He's flustered Keith.  And from your expression i can assume what he heard.  He likes you Keith.  A lot.  Don't take his reaction personally.  He literally can't talk because he's so flustered.  Somehow Pidge can understand him.  Give him an hour or two.  He'll be fine.  While we wait, let's decorate!"

"Wait.  Lance likes me?  A lot?  Even a little?"

"Yes Keith.  He has a crush on you too. Congrats."

"Oh.  My.  Fucking.  God.  Wait what?  What?! That's not possible.  Is it? Wait.  Wait what?"

"Your'e perfect for each other."

Keith went on like this for about the same time frame that it took Lance to cool down.


Lance's POV

When Lance came back with Pidge all he saw was an insane looking Keith rocking in the corner.

"Please go deal with your flustered boyfriend."

"He's not my boyfriend!"

"Not yet."

"Shut up."

Lance didn't appreciate Pidge's teasing but all he could do was ignore her and keep walking.  every step he took made his stomache drop.  He counted foot steps in his head.  Went through what he'd say in his head when he got closer.  Then he took that last step.  His heart was beating so fast he genuinely thought that he'd have a heart attack.  He tapped Keith on the shoulder. All he saw was Keith's beautiful face. He almost couldn't speak. He gathered himself and tried to think of the most casual thing he could manage.

"Hey there. Is this spot taken?"

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