Day 2: As we grow...

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~Why don't we make things more interesting..shall we? Okay, further in time we still have a happy friendship. Its 7th grade now. Oh! Yes, I met her in 6th grade, start of middle school year. I have history and band with her again. I was really happy to see her as I came back from the summer. We didn't hangout with each other in the summer yet cause we weren't that close. We greeted each other and smile as we meet again with the same classes as before. I was thinking "Damn, she still has that cute smile." We had assign seats in history class. I didn't sat very far from her though. Our table were just next to her. Apparently, I sat next to her best friend. Her name was A( I don't want to say her real name for privacy reasons.) She was shy too. I started the conversation though. I wasn't very social with new people. I couldn't work with her because of A, since she wanted to work with her best friend. A and I got closer and became friends because of her. When it came to group projects, us 3 decided to work together. I had other friends too, that I could work with. But, I wanted to work with her. I wanted to spend quality time with her. I wanted to talk to her. I want to stare at her. I want to hear her talk. I wanted to hug her. I wanted to smile because of her. I wanted to start loving for her...

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