Day 8: Thanks A Lot Puns.

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Oh my..More people are gonna know. I made some very 'corny' puns over the past few months. Basically, it was daily pun for them since I told her and her friends a pun each day. Also, yes. They said that they laughed at my puns because of how "stupid" they are. OH! I have been telling 2 other people about this girl I like (who I'm writing about obviously). I told 2 others beside Lals, Cyn, Shan, Ava, etc. I told A who was in my other previous chapters and "Dumb" Curly Red Head Gorilla (DCRHD). That's my nickname for another friend. I told those 2 since I can really trust them. A was always by my side and there for me. DCRHD tells me EVERYTHING that is going on in her life, which she trusts me. I told A over FaceTime, and yeah she was shocked. She didn't judge me or anything negitive. She was just surprised that I would like someone like her. My cousin V, doesn't understand why I like her so much. So I responsed with this, "I like her for many reasons and why do you like your phone so much?" V was quite afterwards. Many things had occurred these past few weeks. I tried to tell Lals all about it, but we can't have the time to talk. I have given my 'lover' a code name since that's what everyone does, but is a good idea though. So, im gonna be using my code name throughout this work or book or something. Her code name is Mapa. I chose Mapa because her first letter of her last name starts with a M and that I though she was Mexican from the start of 7th grade (not to offend anyone). By the way, she isn't Mexican, she's Italian. I got the meaning 'mapa'(map) from Spanish class which I'm taking this year.Lastly, I did the name Mapa because she's like a map. If you'd know what I mean by map, you'll understand. I think this is enough for this chapter. I haven't done my daily puns for a while. But, oh well. Oh, plus I have winter break. We've been talking before her trip to Hawaii today. I miss her. Hope she landed safely and is having a fun time. She told me about how excited she was. It's great to see her smile and get excited. Next chapter is gonna be juicy. So get ready. If you want, this is the song I have been listening to awhile that makes me think about her. ~Not a stalker, I swear.~

That's all for this chapter again. Next chapter will be juicy. Have a great break, Christmas, New Year, etc. everyone! Love y'all! ❤️


First Love ?Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang