Day 6: Love God~

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As long as she's happy, I am too... She likes another guy. I'm not jealous, mad, or anything that's negitive. I'm actually happy for her. She had liked many other guys before and dated. I don't care. My goal is to keep her smiling. I've NEVER been in a lovey relationship or dated anyone. The reason I'm saying this is to show you the fact that,

~people can give good relationship advice even though they never dated anyone. ~

I, myself give advice to others in need. I give her many advice on her relationship with the guy she likes. I was willing to do anything to talk and hang with her. This past week, I have been helping her confront to her crush. I changed her perspective. I meant it as a good thing. She took my advice, and she was confused on how I was so good at giving advice even though I never dated anyone. I told her that, I learned most of my feelings from anime. I know, don't judge me. Sounds kinda stupid huh? I learned how to care for others and take life for granted because of anime. She was pretty shocked when she heard that, but at least she started to understand. We joked around with each other for a while about me being a Love God. After that, she had to go to sleep. So we ended our conversations there with her saying "gn" and I saying "Goodnight and Sweet Dreams."

Couple days after, she got scared of asking her crush out. I relaxed her a bit at school. I told her that we talk about it after school and not to worry about anything right now. So we joked around for the rest of the day and me seeing her smile.
I was talking to Laly jiminotes outside her class. She came by with her friend, R. Damn, wasn't her smile cute as ever. Wish I got class with her. Laly jiminotes , you lucky af getting to be im class with her.

After school, we talked about it. Well, she did. She asked everyone in the groupchat of "We're all losers and that's why were friends." Lmao. That name makes me smile for saying I'm a friend. She was literally watching a Youtube video of 9 Signs He Likes You.

Giving credit to the Youtube creator. Yep, she watched that video. Youtube videos DO NOT help at all. Trust me. We were all talking about who she should ask for relationship advice. M and Ry told her not to ask me. Cause, I never dated anyone. And yes, I got along with all of her friends. :)
She told Ry and M that I'm actually good at giving advice. Guess what? Ry and M still doubted me and wanted proof. I'm better at talking to one on one and gaining some trust from the person. So, she wanted me to give everyone in the chat proof and help Ry with her relationship problems just as I do with her. Ry told me about her problems and I gave a response back. After I gave my response, Ry and M were amazingly shocked and said that it was deep. When stuff like this comes, I'm serious about helping others in need. She gave many compliments about liking this "side" of me. Yes, I got many sides to my personality. I gave her my advice on about her crush and asking him out. I told her that she is strong and beautiful. If she tells him how she really feel in person, life will become a lot more easier. Don't create more stress on yourself. I promised her that she will feel relief after admitting her true feelings to him. And he will too. My final words were...

- Comfort is what you need to make life more relaxed. ~

I got more to tell you. But this is enough for this chapter. I can't help but to love her so much.

First Love ?Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя