Day 4: This new feeling?

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Closer..closer..growth..growth. All I can say hmm? Our relationship got closer and 7th grade. Things change. We got use to each other. She started to show her true nature and I showed mine. Everything was falling in place like I wanted to. This is the beginning of love for me. I go by her locker everyday in the morning before we get to the same class. Which is history fyi. Lets fly through time as in when we get closer. While we are flying..I'll tell you more about her during today's time. ;)

Hint: She is a brunette. Sorry, but I'm NOT into red heads. (jiminotes ) Tagged her cause she thought I like some red head friend of mine. I'm fine being friends with reds heads. Same with blondes. Blackish hair peeps are fine, but im mostly into brunette peeps.

Okay, okay, okay! It's summer time, getting ready to head to today's time. BUH LOTS OF SHIH WENT DOWN IN THE SUMMER.

Man, did we exchange phone numbers at the end of the year hm? Guess what? WE DID?! AFJSJAJJDHDGSHKF...

Dang..I need to focus back on the story but okay. We texted a few times with each other. We joked around with each other, give each other song recommendations of what the other liked.

She gave me this song(kms):

and I...

gave her this:

We didn't like each others best recommendation, until I wonderfully recommend a song of TOKYOOOOOO!!!

We jammed to that song so well bruhh.. okay back to story.

We had FaceTime each other before, and boi was I nervous. I talked to her about a few things..thats all.

She wanted someone to rant with, and that was me. Basically she liked this guy and he into a argument with her and shih. So she ranted to me instead of her other friends because they didn't believe what she had done(if that made sense.) I gave her advice to turn that frowny relationship into a happy relationship. :)

"im such a great friend."

Okay,okay. So we talked a lot and met in person in the summer. That's all. We didn't go hangout somewhere cause we were both busy and my parents wouldn't let me go with her unless my parents meet her parents.

smh strict parents these days. But still gotta love them.

I got more to tell..I'll tell you about my 8th grade year for the next one. Then after that..probs gonna be more stories or memories I haven't fully explained or talked about.

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