Day 7: Your Trust&Smile

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Everyday. Every smile. Every bye. I walk her out to her bus ride every now and then. I always ask about her day. I love listening to her. Her voice is like connecting with my heart. My heart beats every time she is saying something. She likes talking a lot and mostly herself. That might sound kinda selfish, and most people don't like selfish people, but I like her. I don't like selfish people really, but she is different from some selfish people I've ever met aside myself, maybe. I always go to her locker after last period, just so I can talk to her about her day. She always tell me about how studyhall or band was. I'm starting to get along with her friends really well actually. It's like a friend circle I should say. We all talk to each other about our little 'crushes' except me and A. Holdddd uppppp..lets save that story for another time. Okay, back to the original story. I was willing to listen to her. I wanted to prove to her that I'm there for here and is willing to help. I want to earn her trust. I know this is gonna be a long time to earn someone's trust, but I'm willing to put all the effort and work. But the problem is,

I can't earn her trust if I can't trust her?

That's the problem. It takes a long time for me to trust someone. I have different levels of trust actually. Its a scale of 1-5. 1 is the lowest while 5 is the highest. I'll also name some people on my trust level.

Trust Level of Krisus~
0- No trust at all, your seeing a different side of me.
(People- everyone who doesn't know me or I dislike them.)

1- A very little trust, you know some basic stuff about me like my culture.
(People- Classmates or my online friends.)

2- A little more trust, you know more than basic stuff of me like my immature side.
(People- Some friends that I sometimes talk to.)

3- Alright trust, you know some of my secrets and how I act.
(People- My longest friends, my 2 friend circles.)

4- A little more trust, you know almost all of my secrets and I tell you a lot about my day.
(People- Its only one person, and that's my cousin..V.)

5!!- My full on trust, I tell you ALL of my secrets even my deepest dark secrets. I also tell you my problems a lot.
(People- no one)
So that's my scale of trust. Most of my friends are at 3, which is a good enough amount of trust as a friend. I wouldn't expect someone to be at 5 though because people tend to be b!tches sometimes which makes me kinda annoyed. But oh well. All this stuff sounds kinda selfish or rude. Gotta be honest ya know.

Honesty is the key to comfort.~

So, basically the person I like is at a trust level of 3. I'm probably at her trust level of 4 since she always tells me how her day had been and asked me for love advice. Next year, I'm probably gonna be more open to people and give a hand for others in need.


This is probably the end for this section. I'm gonna end it here since I got many other things to do.(school related)

Too tired, thanks for the support though.


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