14. Mikai (Michael x Kai) [Made Up Shipping]

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Michael: Ahhh, nothing but sitting here and react another one.

Lloyd: I'm bored now.

Kai: Hey, I found something.

Jay: What is it?

Kai: I don't know. I think it's... wait a minute. How come me and him in our screen?

Michael: I don't know.

Lloyd: OK, this sounds very weird.

Cole: Uhh, how come both of you in our way?

Michael: I have no idea.

Kai: What are we going to do?

Zane: I suggest we have to turn it off?

Michael: Yeah, I agree.

(Everyone were out doing something what they will do in the house)

(Michael went back to his room, opened up his laptop, and saw more of Kai and Michael. This time, they were making out.)

Michael: What?! the h--. Guys!!!

(Everyone were gathered around in his room.)

(They looked what they have saw)

Kai: What?! Are you kidding me?

Jay: (blushes) I'm going to hurl.

Zane: I have no idea how it got there.

Cole: You don't have a computer virus, do you?

Zane: No, I don't.

Michael: All right, I believe you.

Nya: Oh, sorry, guys, I just got home from the supermarket. What are you guys doing?

Michael: We are just looking up the laptop for something.

Nya: OK, I'm done for today. I'll go to my room. If anyone needs me, call me.

Kai: How long has it been going on?

Cole: I don't know.

(at 9:00pm)

(Michael woke up from his bed and walked on the living room)

(Michael saw something very explicit.)

Michael: (screams) Everyone! In the living room NOW!

(Everybody woke up and rushed to the living room.)

Cole: What is going on?

Lloyd: Ahh! Look away from it.

Kai: Are you kidding me?

Nya: What is happening here?

Michael: Tell me something about this.

Nya: I uhh---(sighs) Let me tell you the truth. I asked the fan girls of Ninjago to send out some pictures of you and Kai. They making it from a scratch or editing them out.

Kai: Why would you do that?!

Nya: Because we're into yaoi stuff.

Michael: Nya! Don't ever do that. Girls, never do that ever again. I'm a real human and he's a lego. What am I going to do with him?

Kai: What is yaoi?

Michael: (whispered to Kai about what is yaoi.)

Kai: Nya! I'm going to beat you up so bad with my fire.

Nya: Oh, yeah! Girls!

(Fan girls were arrived)

Michael & Kai: Oh, sh---

Thanks for reading. See you next time! I F**KING HATE FAN GIRLS. They are so annoying, TBH! F**K FAN GIRLS!

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