•You're a Presley•

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A/N I forgot to put a warning up but I do use profanity at times so if you're bothered by that I'm sorry. Also this is one of the longest chapters I've ever written so I hope you like it! And one more thing, I haven't edited this so there probably are some mistakes. But anyways, enjoy! 🙂💗


He opens the driver door and motions for me to get in and slide over to the passenger side. Then he climbs in and tosses my bags in the back.
"Elvis.. Where are you taking me?"
"I'm taking you home, darling."
"Home where?"
"Home to Graceland of course.."

Wait, what?

Okay calm down Audrey. Of course he's taking you home to Graceland with him. You did go looking for him. This is what you want right? A family. A happy ending. A loving father. To get away from all the abuse at that old hell hole you've called home for the past 11 years? Why am I freaking out? Is it because he has another daughter. What if he loves her more? What if she doesn't like me? What if he's married and his wife doesn't like me? The more I think about this the more I think maybe I should've done some research on this guy before I should showed up on his doorstep. Nice going Audrey. Now look what you've don-

"Yeah Elvis?"
"Did you hear me?"
"Oh, no, sorry I must've zoned out, what did you say?"
"That's okay, it happens. I was saying you have a half sister. Named Lisa Marie. She's nowhere near your age though. She's not even a year old."
"Oh. Cool. So, are you married?" I notice Elvis' hands gripped the wheel slightly tighter and his jaw clench.
"Uh, yeah."

Well this is awkward...

"So... what grade are you in?"
"7th grade"
"Do you have any friends?"
"Nope not really"
"I like listening to music"
"Really!? What kind!?" I start to get embarrassed.
"A-actually, your music."
"You stutter when you're nervous too!"
"I-I yeah, I try not too, M-Mama always yells at me. She said it reminds her of you."
"Audrey it's okay that you stutter. You can't help it. It's nice to know you got something from me. Sounds like you got your great taste in music from your dad also" he winks at me.
I bust out laughing. The kind of laugh that won't stop until you're in tears leaned over clutching at your stomach because it won't stop hurting. "What's so funny?" He grumbles
"N-nothing I just, whew I haven't laughed like that in a long time"
"Ha ha laugh it up while you can, I'll get you back later when you're least expecting it." That shut me up real quick.
"So, Audrey ELLIS huh?"
"Yeah, Mama let it slip one time while she was drinking that she named me after you."
"Why Ellis though?"
"I guess, maybe she thought it was a little bit more feminine than Elvis. I mean could you imagine that torture? Audrey Elvis" Now THAT got him into a fit of laughter.
"Okay okay, so why Jones then? Why not Audrey Ellis Presley?"
"I really don't know honestly. That's one thing I've been trying to figure out"
"Do you want your last name to be Presley?" He glances over at me like he's nervous for my answer.
"Well, I haven't thought about that. I mean I would like to have the same last name as my father. But I don't even know how you go about doing that. Let alone if you'd even want me to have it."
"Of course I want you to have my last name Audrey. I was actually kind of upset when the doctor came in and called you Miss Jones."
"Yeah I noticed that"
"Well we can figure all of that out later. We're almost to Graceland now. I have to warn you there will probably be fans and paparazzi. And it can get a little crazy. So you might want to cover your face. Do you want to borrow some sunglasses?"
"Sure" I watch him get a pair out from the glove box. He hands them to me and I put them on. Then while I'm turned around and leaned halfway over the seat ruffling through my bag looking for a sweater Elvis hits the gas and I go airborne landing in the backseat. He's laughing so hard I'm surprised we didn't get into a wreck
"HEY" I yell at him as I get myself right side up and adjust my clothes and hair. He holds his hands up like he's surrendering.
"I HAD to Audrey. It was the perfect opportunity for payback remember?"
"I'll show you payback" I glare at him. All that does is make him laugh even harder.
Ignoring him, I grab a sweater, get my bag zipped back up and climb back into the front seat just as we're about to pull up to the gates. Elvis grabs my hand reassuring me I'll be okay.
As we're waiting to be let into the gates it's chaos. There's fans standing around screaming, crying. There's photos being taken. People yelling his name. He's right, it is crazy. I don't know how he does this. We make it through and he pulls up to the house. We hurry and jump out. Elvis grabs my things from the backseat and we run up and into the house.

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