New Light (Harry Potter fan-fic)

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A boy lay in a clump of bushes. He looked to be around 10, but he is 11. He lives in a Muggle house, Private Drive. He is scrawny and bespectacled. He is Harry Potter.


He was chased out of the house - thankfully - he didn't want to see the Dursleys' faces - his gossipy Aunt Petunia, his Uncle Vernon that has a temper issue, and the piggy Dudley ; all of them, who had so kindly stored him in a small closet (note the sarcasm). However, he knew, sooner or later, he will have to go back. Meanwhile, he was content to lay in the sunlight hidden from the judging glares of the nosy neighbours. 

"Hello" said an amused voice and Harry jumped. He looked wildly around for the source before realising that the intruder was standing right in front of him. She was around the same age as him from looks, albeit a little older, but she was immensely beautiful for her age. With naturally cherry red cheeks contrasting with a milky complexion, it matched her bright red hair layered thinly with a sheen of gold, straight and puffed out at the top, ringlets at the bottom. Her large, almond shaped dark honey eyes were framed with long, thick lashes and artfully shaped, thin, chocolate brown eyebrows. Her lips were a pearl pink colour, seeming to gleam with natural smoothness. Her high cheekbones and a perfect figure with slim body and limbs - slim, not skinny - topped it all off.

He blushed at being found out in such a odd place - being the thin, scrawny and currently covered in the ground's mud and dirt and the leaves and twigs from the bushes, it was practically a sin for him to be seen with her - dimly, though, he was sure he had never seen her before in his entire 11 years with the Dursleys - was she new?

He didn't realise that he had said it out loud until she replied. "Yes" she said, and her voice was hypnotisingly clear, smooth and melodious. In his flurried thoughts, he wondered whether he was dreaming or if he had been killed by the Dursleys and is now in heaven. He blinked, and sense returned to him. He hoped fervently that he was not caught staring like an idiot at her but her knowing looks was enough to tell him she had noticed. He noticed that she seemed too wise for her age too. If she had wrinkles on her face and white hair, he would have no doubt that she was a all-knowing old woman from the knowledge that flashed in her eyes. Without knowing what he was doing, he blurted "How old are you?" She smiled and said "Don't faint now but I am 7 years old"

His brain froze. What? She, who looked and seemed older than him was younger than him by 4 years? How was this possible? As if reading his thoughts, she said "Well, nothing is impossible, really, but some things are bound to change you". Before he could ask her what she meant, she exclaimed "Oh, how rude of me! I forgot to introduce myself! My name is Evangeline Ametrine Millenia, what's yours?" Harry thought that he couldn't have heard a stranger name but answered anyway. "I am Harry Potter, he said.

"Hi Hair" she said and laughed when she saw Harry's bewildered expression. "It's a pet name" she explained "but if you don't like it, I can call you by your name" she added anxiously. In that instant, Harry felt loved. No one had cared about him, even in that little way before and he felt hopeful that she will become his only friend. "No, its okay" he reassured her, liking that she liked him enough to give him a pet name and she smiled again.

"Where is your family?" she asked. Harry's face fell. "They're dead" he said sadly and then as an afterthought added "Car accident". "I'm so sorry" she whispered. Feeling the need to cheer her up, he said "I'm fine" and put his arms around her. For a split second, she stiffened and he froze too, afraid that he had done something wrong. But then she relaxed and leaned into him, resting her head on his thin shoulders. A spark of warmth that symbolized the start to a lifelong friendship ran though his veins and he felt sure she felt the same thing too.

After a while, she broke the silence. "So you live alone, or what?" Bitterly, he responded "I live with my uncle, aunt and cousin" Detecting the sourness behind the tone, she cocked her head to a side and asked "You don't like them much do you?" "Are you kidding, I hate them. You would too, having to sleep in a closet and having to hear them insult you and work you to a bone without giving you food" all the abuse he had to live with came pouring out. She looked shocked. "So why not run away" she questioned. "Run away?" he blinked in shock. "Sure! That's what I did too! That's why I am here alone" She leaned towards me and whispered "My parents and sister is worse than yours. I got money from writing books and decided it is time to go" she looked around and said even softer "You can run away with me if you want. But first I have to show you what I am" She closed her eyes and her face screwed up in concentration. Suddenly, he knew. It was like she pushed her memory to him. Searching through the new pieces of memory that had appeared in his mind, he realised that that was exactly what she did. Her lips trembled with her now shaky voice "So do you want to leave with me?" and she held her breath waiting for his answer.

Harry couldn't believe his eyes and ears. She was afraid that he would hate her just because of this? He whispered back into her ear "Yes, don't be afraid, in fact I would say that there is something with me too" and he explained to her the many times weird things happened to him. When he was done, they both smiled simultaneously. "Go pack you stuff then" she said. "No stuff" he replied. "Okay then, let's get going" she announced and teleported them to right outside a grand house. She leaned conspiringly toward him and said "Welcome to Forks, Washington"

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