Birthday Surprise

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The next few weeks were both busy and fun. Evangeline took it upon herself to educate Harry both academically and in the psychic sense. Because being as experienced in the psychic world as Evangeline took a long time, she decided to help him along. She pushed her psychic abilities to him so that they both were very skilled. Practicing those skills was another problem and Harry found it tiring. However, he had to admit that the skills, once put into use, were amazing. He could do all sorts of things, including running faster than the Cullens are having sharper senses and reflexes than them. Then there was what the 'normal people' study. Aside than having to study topics that were of collage quality, he had to study other things too like psychology and he also had to study different languages, more than what people usually studied, he suspected. He also had to train in all sorts of defense - every kind and more than what he can think of types of martial arts and all kinds of riding skills too. He was also taught to be able to use anything he picked up and even his bare hands as a weapon. The fun side to it all is cooking, baking and mixing drinks and non-alcoholic cocktails and afterwards he was allowed to consume his creations, and what he enjoyed most was mixing drinks and cocktails as he was able to mix and match as he liked after a few lessons and tasting the individual samples of the drinks and syrups he could mix so that he wouldn't end up making a horrible match. Of course, they also relaxed at times, with visits from and to the Cullens (it was entertaining to see the look on Emmett's and Edward's face whenever they beat them in strength and speed which was most of the time), and doing all sorts of fun stuff like bowling, skiing, skating, hiking, sailing, basically all kinds of sports.

A day before his birthday, Evangeline said that she would give him a special gift and that he could accept it if he wanted to. All day he was thinking about what the gift would be. Finally the day was here and he could hardly wait to see what his present would be. Harry woke up early and went downstairs. Breakfast was already prepared with Evangeline's special vanilla and rose pancakes with sugar sprinkle on maple syrup on top of the pancakes served with pieces of chopped cherries and honeyed almonds. There was also fluffy orange and lemon flavoured vanilla sponge cake with sweet but low fat whipped cream and also sandwiches with nothing but tuna mayonnaise spread on the soft white breads, which was cut into triangles. It was topped off with freshly squeezed grape juice and everything was prepared by hand by Evangeline. They both ate while chatting but nothing in the conversation mentioned what Evangeline was going to give him which made Harry even more curious. Finally, when Harry was full, Evangeline spoke. "Harry, do you want to bring back your parents?"

Harry froze. He didn't expect this. After a while, though, he was able to think carefully. "Yes" he answered simply and she nodded, as if expecting this answer. She then said again "You can have the day off but you must come down to the basement at 11pm for us to set everything up. At 12 am sharp we must start, otherwise, it won't work". He nodded and then Evangeline handed him his 'real' present. It is a remote controlled airplane. Harry threw his arms around Evangeline and said thank you. He then went outside to try it out. After a while, he wanted to go watch a movie. He went to the cinema and bought a ticket and some snacks and drinks (Evangeline made sure that he had his own money by giving him lots of money everytime he did something well). Afterwards, he went bowling at Forks' only bowling centre. At 8pm, he was starving and grabbed a delicious dinner at the mall. Because there was still time, he decided to head home for a nice jacuzzi spa. 

When Harry was done, he realised it was 10.55 pm and hastened down to the basement. There, he found Evangeline and they proceeded to set up the place with candles and diagrams. When they were done, they had 10 minutes to spare. Evangeline told Harry to think of nothing but his love for his parents and that she would do the rest. They meditated and when it was almost time, Harry thought of the parents he never knew and how he wished for them to be back. Dimly, he heard Evangeline chanting something. Harry felt a sudden coldness and opened his eyes. The candles had gone out. The only illumination came from the ceiling where a white light was streaming through. Then, that went out too and Harry saw two naked figures on the floor. Through the darkness, he could barely make out Evangeline passing clothes to them and the figures dressing shakily. Evangeline then told Harry to turn on the basement light and he obeyed. When the light flickered on, unaccustomed to the sudden brightness, all four of them blinked. When they regained their sight, Harry saw someone like an older version of him with a different eye colour and a woman with long brown hair and green eyes like his own. He then knew they were his parents. "Mom, dad" he exclaimed and threw himself at them. Both of them hugged Harry too. When the festivities died down, all three thanked Evangeline who smiled and said that friends need not thank each other. Harry's parents accepted her invitation to live with her and Harry then they all settled down for a long catching up session.

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