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"Wake up" said a voice and for a moment, Harry thought the voice is Uncle Vernon's. Jumping up, he saw a large bedroom and was confused until everything came back to him. "It's dinnertime" Evangeline said and led Harry downstairs to the dining room. Pushing open a glass door, Harry saw a beautifully lavished kitchen, which was, of course, better than the Dursleys'. Around what seemed like a coctail bar, were 3 different cars. One of them was a leopard spotted Ferrari, the second was a baby blue vintage car, and the last is a royal blue car which he did not recognise. The top was a clear plastic. "Pick a car" she told him smiling. Without hesitation, he picked the blue one. "That's my favourite one too" she said and she opened the door. The interior was just like a car with leather seats but there was a table in it too. She left for food and within minutes came out carrying a plate of honey chicken wings, teriyaki chicken with the sauce sizzling on the chicken and mashed potatoes and onion rings on the other side of it, clam chowder soup and eclairs with vanilla ice-cream on top of it. Harry, who have never in his entire life seen or eaten so much food, widened his eyes. When dinner started, he practically gorged himself on the food. It turns out that the food not only looked good, it tasted exceptionally sumptuous too. When dinner was done, they set off for the only mall in Forks.

Harry got himself a lot of clothes, new shoes, socks, a iPhone and a few watches, all paid for by Evangeline which he was glad for as he had not a single cent or possession on him. When they have finally went through the whole mall, they decided to take a night stroll through the forest surrounding their home. 

The forest was silent at night. As they made their way through the path, Harry and Evangeline exchanged more details about their life. Evangeline told Harry that they will have to start studying tomorrow. Though it was the school holidays at the moment, they must catch up on their studies as Evangeline had no doubt that Harry did not do much at home. Also, she felt it was necessary to educate him about the psychic world. They brushed past a clearing and stopped short when they saw another big house. As the houses were quite close by, Evangeline felt that they should be neighbourly and she summoned a gift voucher from their home. They then went to knock on the door. The person who opened the door is a blond man who looked around 20 to 30 years old and was pale and beautiful with gold eyes. Evangeline gasped and blurted out "vampire". As soon as she said that, the blond man gasped too and 9 other people appeared by his side. 

It turns out, they were really vampires, except a girl Renesmee, who is a half-human, half vampire and a guy Jacob, who is a shapeshifter. They were friendly too and soon everyone were friends. After a promise visit to Evangeline and Harry's house, they set back for their home. Harry was tired although he had taken a nap but wanted to try out the jacuzzi spa tub so after fiddling with the controls, hot steaming bubbly water frothed out and with it came an aroma of morning dew and sea scent. Without hesitation, Harry took of his clothes and slipped into the water. He almost fell asleep in the comfort of the heady scent of the hot water and the sensation of the jacuzzi's water beating against his back like a massage but he just managed, although reluctantly, to step out, drain the water and dress in one of the silk pajamas he bought. He clambered into bed and immediately slipped into a dreamless, peaceful sleep.

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