Disastrous Christmas Nightmare

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That night, when Evangeline when to sleep, something horrific happened. She was in a forest she recognized as the Forbidden Forest. She didn’t want to go in, but her feet had a mind of their own. Force-walking her into the forest, she saw eyes everywhere. She recognized them. They are the eyes of Nightmares. Nightmares are creatures covered in eyes. If you knew which eye to remove, they will tell you who is about to die. Therefore, they were never good signs. There were so many Nightmares around, which means that there was going to be a lot of deaths. She went to the first one and removed the eye. It revealed a picture of Fred Weasley. She dropped the Nightmare and began screaming. “NO! NO! NO” she moaned over and over again but her hands and legs were now possessed and she was helpless to the force, revealing picture after picture of people that were going to die. Although she had never met them, she still recognized them. They were all from Hogwarts. When she revealed the last one, it showed a picture of Dumbledore. Shocked, she forgot to scream and just dropped the Nightmare. She then began crying and moaning “No” all over again. She then felt like she was sucked through a portal and before she got sucked through completely, she heard a familiar feminine voice saying “Candle….must trance…summon Bonnie” and then she jerked awake.

Staring at her were people with worried faces. She recognized them to be Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall, Fred, George, Ron and Harry. Seeing Fred and Dumbledore she started crying again. “It’s just a dream” Harry was saying. “No” she said and told them shakily “Fred and Dumbledore’s going to die”. Everyone looked shocked at this but before anyone could say anything, she said “So what happened” Harry said that since almost everyone had gone for Christmas, he and Ron were the only ones who heard her screaming. For some reason, the staircase wouldn’t let them through so they had ran out to find someone and they met Professor McGonagall. He then said that she was mumbling about death and nightmares and candles and someone by the name of Bonnie.

At this, her eyes widened. “Oh no” she moaned. Then, with an air of someone having made an important decision, she said “I need to trance”.

“NO!’ Harry shouted. Can’t she understand it’s dangerous? “Harry, I don’t like it either but I have to do it” she snapped. “Listen to me” she said fiercely for Harry was about to argue again. “If I don’t do it, a quarter of the population at Hogwarts is going to die at the hands of Voldemort” everyone but Dumbledore flinched. Then finally, she conjured up a candle. Placing it shakily on the table, she snapped her fingers and a flame appeared. Before she tranced, she said “Listen, okay” Harry nodded mutely. Evangeline then gazed into the flame until her eyes got lost in it.

Harry knew from the blank look that Evangeline had tranced and he was right, for a second later, a soft female voice that did not belong to her said “Death.” “Deja-vu” Harry thought. The voice spoke again. “Death. Death is coming. Death is everywhere. I never thought I would come again but there is just too much death. Too much destruction. Too much blood spilled.” Harry’s blood chilled. “What do you mean?” asked Dumbledore, being the first to recover. “I first spoke to Evangeline about Katherine. It turns out that when that changed, Elena could no longer help and Evangeline returned to help with Klaus. Now, death in a different form had returned upon them, this time set to turn children against their parents. A fight to the death, literally. I told them I would rest, but how could I, when death approaches again. Especially since death is visiting here too. I don’t have much time left. There are corrupting forces out there pulling me back. All I can tell you is that you have to go to the Gatehouse and get things from all seven treasure doors. By helping them, you will help yourselves. You will need all seven types of treasures. She will know what I am talking about and she will know what to take and how they can help. Farewell.”

A strong gust of wind raged through the Gryffindor common room. The person’s voice was becoming more and more distant. “Wait!” Harry yelled. “What’s your name?” With the sound of the wind howling, they could just make out ‘Honoria Fell’ and then the candle flame went out and Evangeline was once more conscious.

“Did you ask who that person is?” was her first question. When Harry mentioned Honoria Fell, her eyes widened and she called out into the air “BONNIE MCCULLOUGH! ELENA GILBERT! DAMON SALVATORE! STEFAN SALVATORE!” 4 people then materialized out of thin air. A dark haired, dark eyed and dressed all in black guy immediately shifted into a crouch, baring his… fangs? Looking as shocked as him was Professor McGonagall, Dumbledore, and Ron.

Evangeline spoke. “Damon, get out of that position, we are not going to attack. Honoria spoke to me” she explained. Everyone of their new company looked shocked except for Damon, who looked like he never had a single emotion on his face before. Evangeline continued “She sent me to help you guys and if I am not wrong, it is to do with kitsune, am I not?” “Truly spoken as a true psychic. Too bad I am not as good as you” a girl with bouncy strawberry red curls piped up. Evangeline turned to her very stunned magical audience and introduced them. “This is Elena, Bonnie, Stefan and I believe you already know Damon when I spoke his name just now” she said gesturing at a blonde girl with blue eyes, the redhead girl, a dark hair, dark-skinned girl, a dark-haired, green-eyed guy respectively. “They are all 18 years old except for Damon and Stefan who are centuries old. We met when we Honoria told me that they needed help with the type of vampire that is not what you all know, who is Damon’s and Stefan’s kind. Her name is Katherine. She is their previous lovers. Their love triangle is pretty complicated but in short, Katherine changed them and then became bad and then a few years ago, she came back for revenge and I helped get rid of her. After that, her creator who is an Original vampire came back for revenge. I came back again to help them since Originals are much more powerful than normal vampires. And now they are facing what I believe to be a kitsune problem. Kitsune are sort of were-foxes, like werewolves, but much more powerful. We need to get to the Gatehouse at the Netherworld in the Dark Dimension to stop them from using their puppets called malach to posses the children to kill their parents. I need to help them, please can I go with them, Professor Dumbledore?”

Harry’s head was spinning. He didn’t know there was so much to Evangeline’s life. Crammed with all the new information, he felt like he was so laden with them he was going to faint. Meanwhile Ron was looking pale and was staring blankly at Evangeline. Professor McGonagall looked speechless. Professor Dumbledore, though, was as calm as ever. He spoke. “It’s fine, but you must return before school ends.” Evangeline nodded her thanks but Harry suddenly found his voice. “I’m coming with you” he said, surprising himself with the calmness of his tone. Ron, Fred and George said the same things, only in a shaky voice with the exception of Fred and George, who were surprisingly cheerful. Dumbledore nodded his approval.

Evangeline then said urgently “We must go now. The Last Midnight approaches.” Harry had no idea what she was talking about and from the looks of it, neither did Ron or the Weasley twins. However, the rest of them ,aside from Evangeline and Damon, seemed to, as they went paler. She continued as if not noticing their reactions “The Netherworld is bound so tightly we cannot teleport there. We can only teleport to the boundary at the Lake Mirror”.“Lake Mirror?” Damon said, cocking his head to one side. “I always thought that was a fairy tale,” Stefan said. “Welcome to Bonnie’s storybook” Evangeline said sarcastically. Then, she helped them all to teleport to Lake Mirror.

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