Competitions and the Gathering

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Harry couldn’t believe that life with Evangeline and his parents wasn’t a dream. In fact, he expected to wake up someday to find himself back at Privet Drive and that everything had been a mere dream. However, he was certain that some things that had happened could not have been dreamt up, for they are just too weird.

James and Lily, Harry’s parents, were extremely worried when they heard about their escapades with Voldemort (Evangeline and Harry had told them everything). However, Evangeline promised to look out for everyone.

Meanwhile, Harry and Evangeline were doing their Hogwarts homework. Evangeline had already finished and was studying what Muggles commonly studied. She also was keeping fit, running cross-country around the forest surrounding their Forks home and dragging Harry and his parents along, much to their horror.

“Honestly, Evangeline, if you want to kill us just feed us poison. It would be an easier way to die” Harry grumbled once, earning a glower from her.

It was his birthday. Evangeline got him a brand new Nimbus Two Thousand and One. She had ordered it by owl post and the owl came flying through at breakfast that morning, landing expertly on the table. Harry spent the whole of the morning admiring the new broom. Evangeline had also made a cake for the occasion – chocolate fudge caked marshmallow cake, two tiered. Harry enjoyed the cake, like any other cooking Evangeline did. James and Lily also sampled the cake and agreed wholeheartedly with him. When the day ended with them all going out for a fun ice-skating at the skating rink, Harry was exhausted. As a treat for himself, Harry decided to take a nice Jacuzzi bath. He ran the large spa tub and filled it with his favourite bath salts and scents. It was so good he spent an hour in it without the water ever getting cold and almost falling asleep in the bath but he sternly reminded himself to get out. By the time he had drained the bath and dried himself thoroughly, Harry went to his bedroom to sleep. He collapsed on the bed and instantly fell asleep.

The next day saw Evangeline dragging Harry and his parents off for a run again. Harry realized it wasn’t that bad after a while since he had got used to it but he wasn’t about to tell Evangeline that. He didn’t need to face her smugness. When they got back home, Evangeline checked the mail. Minutes later there was a yell from her and before anyone can move, Evangeline came bursting in, a look of pure happiness on her face. She was clutching 3 letters, all addressed to her. The first letter was an invitation to a formal dinner. As she told him when they first met, she had once written a bestselling book. Now, she was invited to a celebration for the book’s successful production to a movie. She was invited to the premiere and she was allowed to bring friends along. Of course, she had immediately invited Harry since James and Lily had to remain hidden, as well as sending her owl Caramel and borrowing Hedwig, Harry’s owl, to Hermione and the Weasley family. The next two ones were confirmations to the finals of a fashion show and a debate competition (Evangeline had of course, invited them to the competitions)­. Hermione and the Weasley family had agreed, though the Weasleys had no idea what a debate was.

The day for the premiere (being the first event) came. They had all dressed in suits and dresses (Evangeline wearing a strapless pure white silk gown which tightened at exactly the right places with hints of silver streaking through and going to the ground in a crescendo which covered some parts of her smooth silver heels and silvery-red gems at the hem. She had piled her hair up in complicated patterns, giving off a grand aura. The only makeup she applied was silver eye shadow and pearl pink lip gloss. Everyone gasped. Harry could see everyone’s jaws dropping and he couldn’t blame them. She looked stunning.

The premiere went successfully. The movie was, in Harry’s opinion, amazing. Mr Weasley kept asking what things were and plenty pictures were taken of them and of course, Evangeline was interviewed. They had to practically fight their way through the throng of reporters to get out.

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