Personal Opinions

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I took this right off my Tumblr, if you like go check it out (AlwaysWillBeBlake) of course I haven't updated this at all so please don't be upset. I didn't change anything as well as the A/N at beginning and end.



So these are my personal opinions about BTS new album Love Yourself Her. Please do you not be upset or angered by what I say, this is what I think about it after listening to it all day.


I feel as if this song can really enter your heart. When I first heard it, I cried a little. Jimins vocals are amazing, honestly I could listen to this over and over again till I die.


Do not get me started. I have been waiting for so long and now that I finally listened to it I am very happy (did J-Hope say "put that ass on me"?) The whistle is so addictive that I got my friend to whistle it. I love the dance, the part they hold hands and like move around amazed me. One thing I didn't like, the beginning with Jungkook and the camera panning around where he looked, scared me, he didn't look real in a way and somehow reminded me of FNaF.

Best of Me

Oh my lord, by now I was sweeping. Their voices are just so beautiful, the tune really got to me somehow. You got the best of me, after my first time listening to it I somehow wrote that down. You got a grasp on me! Might be one of my favourite songs. I was singing this to my best friend.


I've not really listen to this song and I'm to tired to translate it right now but what I can say is the vocals and music just fits so well, it has the lyrics that somehow get into your head and sing that same line until you remember the whole song. Overall, I love it.

Pied Piper

Lovely, the rap is really good (of course RapMonster.) Can't close your eyes, I can when I look at J-Hope. I could get really into this. I'm taking over you. Every answer back to a song? I do. Alsoooooo, did yoongi whisper Suga before his part?

BillBoard Music Awards Speech.

Brings back memories.

MIC Drop.

I didn't think I would like this, at first it didn't sound like something I would listen to until I just kept listening to it and it really just started to sound better every time. I'll probably be waking up to this every morning now.

Go Go

Right before I actually start I couldn't remember the name at all, I knew the song so well then suddenly I had to keep looking at my phone to know the name. This is really chilled, relaxed in a way. I was dancing to it at lunch in school, my best friend would laugh but I was enjoying myself so who cares right? Where the money at? Where the party at?


Lord save me.... I refused to listen to this because I wanted to wait till I was alone to enjoy the song at the fullest. We were looking for love, maybe I was looking for you! I call you Her, Her, because your my cure, cure.


The whole album was great, I waited so long for it and I'm sure everyone else did. Thank you for reading. Tell me what you think!


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