chapter 7

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*third person view*

Once the nurse and security guards made it to the teenage boy who just collapsed, they grabbed him, placing him between the two guards, and made their way inside.

The nurse began yelling orders as soon as they entered the building, "I need a gurney! Unconscious and injured patient!"

Not too long after, a gurney was shoved into the room, and Stiles was strapped on. The nurse wheeled him into a room and put an i.v in his arm. Stiles was sedated and now out of pain, as far as could be noticed.

The nurse studied every scratch, feeling every broken bone on his malnourished body. The boy looked terrible, but they couldn't do surgery, the ribs had to heal on their own.

She called a doctor into the room, and he put Stiles' hand, arms, and one foot in casts. He sighed and whispered a good luck to the kid, and then left the room quietly when he finished his review.

*1 week and a half later*
*Dereks view*

I slammed my fist onto the table, "Scott, it's been two weeks since we've seen Stiles! I swore to him I wouldn't let him go again!"

I found a chair and slammed it against the wall, breaking it beyond repair. To say I was furious would be an understatement, I was beyond furious at this point. I was going to kill each and everyone of those mutts that call themselves alphas.

It was like Scott was inside my head, "Derek we are going to find Stiles, but we are not killing anybody from the alpha pack to do so!"

I growled at him and flashed my eyes, and he did it back. I growled once more before heading outside.

"And where do you think you're going," Scott yelled at me as he followed me to my car.

I shrugged and got in, "I'm going to find Stiles."

I peeled out of the driveway and sped down the street.

*Nurse view*

I was trying to finish the John Doe report, but failed to do so as my brain wondered off.

How did this kid get so beat up?

It's all I could wonder about every time I check on him. He's been in a coma since he fell in the woods. His body isn't healing as fast as he needs to be, so all we can do is put him on liquid food and morphine and hope he wakes soon.

His ribs are broken, and he has awful scars twisting intricately all over his body. I tap my long nails impatiently on the keyboard, not knowing what to write.

I am about to go eat lunch when the speakers ring out.

"Code yellow, coma patient has gone missing. Be on the look out for a brown eyed, brown haired, teenager."

Sitting up in shock I sprint to the elevators. I click the button rapidly, waiting painfully for the elevator doors to squeak open. When they do, I'm caught off guard when the teenager is laying unconscious in the middle of the elevator.

I yell for nurses to come help me, and wonder how he got into this.

*Stiles view*

I woke up in pain, everything hurt, and to make it worse the bright lights were giving me a headache. I look around, hearing the 'beep, beep, beep'.

I'm in the hospital.

I gently extract the i.v's out of my arms and limp to the elevator.

I need to leave now, I have to get home.

It doesn't work when I pass out right after getting into the elevator.


I woke up to a nurse looking down at me with her eyes wide. She clicked a button on a remote, and then moved to shine a light in my eyes. As if the ones already blinding me weren't enough.

"Eyes equally reactive to light, pulse is now normal, but injuries have yet to heal." I groan as she fired questions at me, "Are you hungry? Thirsty? Hot? Cold? In pain?"

I croak out, "All the above."

That's all I can get out. The nurse checks the i.v's that are once again in my arm. I could gag at the thought of needles sliding into my arm.

"I'll get you crackers and water. Don't move."

Nodding and look around, I take notice that they washed my clothes and shoes, which are in the corner of the room. The nurse saunters back in, and sets them crackers and water in front of me, looking at me like she's going to wait and watch me eat. I pick up the water and take a few gulps, soothing the ache in my throat.

I smile politely, "Is there any chance I could shower?"

The nurse smiles kindly back, "Of course, let me go set it up."

I don't change my expression, but as soon as she leaves I pull out the i.v's once again, gagging as I did, and put on all my clothes as fast as my body let me. I grab the water and crackers, and make my way out the door.

Turning, I shut the door quietly and then jam it with a chair I found right outside the doorframe. I slowly drag myself to the stairs and begin my descent down. I bite my lip, grimacing with pain, but it's much more bearable with the drugs in my system. I make it outside where I find my backpack and knife exactly where I left them last.

I open the map and find Beacon Hills, "Almost there dad."

Slowly heading North, determined to get to my home once again. 

I walk up the driveway of my dads house. I hesitate before I knock on the door, leaning heavily on the rocking chair next to me. The door opens and my dad stick his head out, confusion floods his face for a moment, and then realization and happiness.

"Stiles," Tears flood his eyes instantly.

He grabbed me into a bear hug and squeezed. It hurt so bad I pushed him away, his face fell and he stepped back sadly.

I was quick to explain, "No dad, I missed you too but-"

I pulled my shirt up to reveal the broken ribs and scars that littered my body. His eyes went wide and he dragged me inside, placing me onto the couch. I sat there in confusion until he brought a pillow and blanket.

My dad pulled a wooden chair from the kitchen next to the couch and smiled at me. Clearly glad to see his soon return home.

It didn't last long before his face clouded with sadness and then anger, "Where have you been. I thought you were dead, and I have never seen Scott and Derek and the pack so upset. Explain yourself or so help me."

My eyes were wide, I was scared. My dad never yelled, not ever.

He noticed this and took my casted hand, "Please Sti."

I looked down at the ground and began, "I was taken and sold into a slave- underground fight club for the supernatural."

My dad stared at me as though I spoke a different language, "But your human."

I shrugged my shoulders slightly, "Not if they turned me."

My dad shot up to study me, "But you're not healing."

I shook my head emotionlessly, "Was. Not anymore."

My dad closed his eyes and rubbed his face tiredly. "Well get some rest, try to get that body to heal a little bit. We can talk later."

I heard him walk off and dial something in his phone.

Ring... Ring... Ring-

"Hello? Mr. Stilinski?" I hear the voice question statically through the screen.

My dad tried to keep his voice quiet, "Derek, get Scott, Stiles is here."

I close my eyes.

They won't bother me if i'm asleep.

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