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(This chapter will be about you and what took place when Jolene and Annie were speaking to Harold)

The man with the fuzzy hair looks so familiar it's eerie. He's smoking a cigarette and not talking to anybody. He kinda stands out like a sore thumb since he isn't wearing a Christmas sweater. He is wearing a red sweater with a green buttoned-up shirt underneath. Yes, I guess it's sort of Christmas themed but it's not the sweaters with Santa or a snowman. But the thing that draws me to him is his hair.

It's very curly but not so curly that it carries out an Afro texture. His hair looks handsome and makes him look magical. He pulls his hair that looks like a lions mane away from his face and takes another puff of his cigarette.

I want to talk to him but I can't, well at least not sober. I'll get all anxiety driven and freak out. I also noticed that he had a beer in one hand and his cigarette in the other. Hopefully, he won't be too sober to see how absurd I am. I walk over to the booze table in the kitchen and get the strongest stuff there.

I'm not really an alcoholic type, but I can handle my alcohol. I chug so many types of alcohol that I lose count of how much I'm having. After I chugged all the liquor in sight, I let it sit in my system for a while so that I can really feel it in my body. After, a minute or so the bang really hits me. In fact, it hit me so hard that I almost cracked my head open. Maybe I can't handle my alcohol.

I slam my hands on the counter to keep my balance. I take my hands off the counter and stretch my arms and take a huge deep breath. After I steadied myself down, I decided that I'm ready to meet the man. But before I go, I take one last shot. After the shot, I waddle over to where he is.

He is leaning on a wall smoking so I decide to lean on the same wall and ask for a cigarette. I don't smoke in fact I actually hate everything about smoking. But for some strange reason, I feel like I have to have a cigarette. I lean on the wall and he looks at me. I look at him and our eyes meet. His eyes are the colour of a lush green pasture on a pleasant summer day. Once our eyes clashed, it felt like I've seen him before.

"Ah, Hello," The man says

He gives me a strange look like he's creeped out. Which makes sense because I've been gawking at him in awe for a while now. The mysterious man becomes confused about why I'm looking at him like I'm trying to analyze him. I finally snap out of the awe phase and get back into reality.

"Oh, yes. Yes, hello" after I said that he looked puzzled

"Hello, The name's Tim, Tim Curry. A pleasure to meet you." He says as he sticks his hand out to shake mine

After he said that my heart stopped beating. Now that's why I knew him. He was Tim Curry. I must say, wow. He looks good. I accept the handshake then after the shake he brings my hand to his lips and kisses it like if I was the queen. I've never had my hand kissed before but maybe at this time, it's a friendly greeting I mean everyone does it here.

"My name is...Y/N, Y/N Y/L/N" I respond in shock to the kiss to the hand. I know it's not a big deal but right now my anxiety is through the roofs for so many reasons. He notices something is wrong.

"I'm sorry if that kiss weirded you out love," He says

"No, no it's okay" Now he really knows something is wrong

"Here love, have a cigarette. I didn't mean it in a sexual way if that makes you feel better." He now looks guilty for something that wasn't wrong which makes me feel guilty for making him guilty.

I don't know if it's the beer or me or me just being downright insane. But I kissed him, not on the cheek. The lips. He gets confused and almost drops his cigarette on the floor.

But he likes it. At this point I'm guessing we're both out of it. The moment was weirdly wonderful and I kinda enjoyed it. But yet again, the beer might be to blame. The moment was ended when a loud unison of two female voices screamed my name over and over very loudly.

"Y/N! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" That was definitely Jo. She ruined the moment by pulling the back of my shirt out of the house to a car. I didn't even get to say goodbye. Jo started to carry me wedding style so I could see who was behind her. I saw Annie and I saw some weird middle-aged man talking to her.

"Who're you?" I ask the man

"You will know soon enough" The man replies

Jo throws me in a car and then the man, Annie, and Jo hops in too.

"Where are we going?" I ask

"My house," The man says

"Excuse me?!" I start to freak out

Annie is sitting in the back of the car with me so she explains what is going on. It makes me less freaked out but note that I am still freaked out.

We drive off to Harold's house for the night to get settled in. He said that he has 3 bedrooms from his 3 children that don't live with him anymore. It's convenient.

(Tims P.O.V)

I see that Y/N is with Harold for some reason. It's strange. I want to see her again and figure out what she is like. She is a very interesting woman. And I like it. I'll stop by old Harold's house soon to find her. Harold is my fathers' friend before my father had died. Strange, but interesting. I like it.

Tim Curry: back in timeWhere stories live. Discover now