Trixie-Anne Uchiha

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Well some of you already do know about Sasuke and Alexis's older (and sister-to-be as well!!!!!!) daughter------Trixie. *oh & P.S. she's gonna have her very own sharingan when she is like 6 years old from training with her mother.......Allie.......* and if you didn't notice this before though: Stormy-Chan & Kiara-Chan are both Trixie's Aunties *well it's only Kia who is the Great-Aunt.....just because Stormy is the normal one.....besides that Storm doesn't mind it like at all!!!!!!*
What is her favorite kind of line? well i think it's this one:
"Do you really think that your stronger then me?!?!?! hah no way.....cause you are the prey now!!!!!!!" it is probably not a real line but so what?!?! she chose it for a reason. also if she does choose to go to the academy for the first-ever time, i will help Trixie with her training sessions ofc. but not yet until she gets her gosh damn sharingan first!
What if she has a crush on somebody? well i guess that would be okay because she already has my permission for it, but it better not be anyone from that one certain group 'Akatsuki' though cause Me and Sasuke never trusts them and we also despise them all with an extreme bleeding passion as we're always trying our best to keep Trixie away from those people.....(AND THEM FAR FAR APART FROM HER!!!!! cause i never wanna see my only daughter get hurt or worse by people like them in front of me or Sasuke's eyes....because that's my exact oath & promise!!!!!!) but since i am not over-protective i will have to force my husband to approve on letting our daughter have a boyfriend. because if he doesn't sooner or later then maybe she'll be totally upset. "Well yeah that's because papa is an idiot if he doesn't let me have a boyfriend for my whole damn life------anyways besides that i don't really take no for an answer even if it is for my own good------like i don't have to care if that's exactly what i wanna he can either count on that or lose his own daughter for nothing!!!!!!!" Trixie said to me: "yup and except for that matter, my older brother has already lost me to your father and favorite aunties....even to your cousin Hinata too!!!!!!" i told my daughter;

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