Things To Do In WTHAUTAM:

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1: Keep letting my hybrid OC speak to her brother both in and out of her mind other then her own mouth, cause that's exactly how she communicates with him now ever since his death from last yesterday night but it doesn't ever have to be limited by any other chance what-so-ever cause that can and will break her poor heart more then it already has been done, while knowing that she can't either see or even talk with Carl ever again, and she will be pretty upset until it's the end for her 2: she is still pretty upset about the certain 'last night incident' with Carl and now she just can't get the feeling that Judy is going to hate her so much now out of her head....if she tells her little sister about whatever she has done....3: i am now actually kinda thinking about pairing a certain male proxy with my hybrid's little girl Roxy.....*no way, not either Masky or Hoodie-----cause she hates both of them way more then her mother does-----so it will be Toby of course!!!!!* but her older brother has gotta stay out of the way, cause he doesn't like Toby and she is like totally p1$$ed off at the fact; & now she is thinking about many kind of ways to keep Drew out of her life until either she's ready to let him back in or if it has worked out in between older brother & proxy boyfriend and wants Roxy to let her brother straight back into her life now just in order to force him to like and trust her boyfriend otherwise though she won't love her older bro anymore longer. and that it's got nothing else more to do then any more of that. *because she has been absolutely planning on it all ever since then.....and her bro doesn't even know about it!!!!!!!*

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