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(Requested humbly by DragonNadder, so..bye! Also, I don't personally ship it, but I'll try my best! ^^)


"Go away."

"No, Jesse, I'm not going away. You know that. I'm staying right here...what's wrong? Why did you do that?"

"You should hate me. You should hate me."

It had been a mess, a disaster.

She'd never felt herself so, sad, so hollow and angry before. Right outside, the sky was a dark violet-blue, freckled with snow. It was only about 5 in the afternoon, yet still it was darker outside than normal. Clouds seem to cover the dome of the sky itself, and yellow-orange and navy blue light absorbed Jesse as she tired to lose herself in her dark astrology maps and books.

"I'm so sorry," She said softly, her head resting against the door, huddling into herself to keep warm in the already pretty warm hot cocoa smell-filling home she had, torches burning brightly.

"It wasn't your fault. You just got mad, that's all....everyone gets mad sometimes."

"That's not true, Lukas. I got mad for no reason. A hero wouldn't do that. Now you're all drenched in paint and hot cheese."

Lukas sighed from the other side of the door, and for a second she thought he had finally, finally left her all alone. Thank goodness. Now she was all alone. Finally. Just her, some books, her picture of Rueben, the llama...

"Get up."

Jesse yelled out in a weird, 'ahrg!' when an entity pulled at her aquamarine shining and teal glimmering Ender Defender armor and the warrior leapt up immediately, hissing wildly.

"Hey! What're you doing?" She asked, thrashing around. Of course Lukas had opened (or broken,) her window, and was now pushing and trailing her outside, the cold nipping at her nose and ears, and Jesse so wished to just have a hot cup of cocoa or even a warm hat to wear.

Her feet made large trails in the snow, and finally Lukas pushed her in front of him. They were now a pretty good distance away from her oak wooden-ish birch house, littered in small prizmarine blocks from an earlier battle of hers (not important, something about an aquamarine prizmarine giant from the sea,) and some mycelium (or mushrooms,) and some lavender, helped by the Youtubers.

The dark dimmed but also kinda warming yellow-orange lights almost perfectly complimented the lavender-violet-blue sky speckled with clouds and wind alike, snow in a soft blanket everywhere.

But it did nothing to calm Jesse's storm inside of herself.

"Arg! LUKAS, why did you do that!?"

"Because! You won't talk to me! Why did you run off?" Lukas wiped off a small splatter of golden-yellow-orange cheese from his cheese, although in overall fairness it was all over his clothes and face. The Ocelot looked miserable.

Jesse sighed.

"I'm sorry."

She had run off about a minute ago, and had only stayed in her own home for about 12 or 19 seconds before her friend had come running in to rescue her from herself.

↪️ THE MASQUERADE ~ A CHRISTMAS COUNTDOWN ONE-SHOT BOOK (MCSM)↩️Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora