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(Requested by GAMEPRO42 thank you! ^_^)



No more distractions.

Just him, and Petra, and a sea temple.

It was going to happen.

He was finally free to adventure like old times with his best friend. He couldn't mess this up today. It just couldn't be a possibility.

Okay Porter, he thought to himself. If you mess this up, Petra will hate you until you die.

Lukas took a deep breath in, and walked outside in the soft snow. A map was tucked under his arm in light tan, ferns, yellow-oranges, teals, and light limes, with a couple of cookies, some steak in case they got hungry, and some swirling silvery-blue-grey potions of water-breathing, that sometimes turned to a bright aquamarine teal sloshing colour, much like the sea.

And that's exactly where they were going.

As he walked, he thought.

Why wasn't he so smitten with Petra anymore? He used to be head-over heels with her, couldn't be more in love with her. Every time he saw her, his heart had swelled and overflooded with coral and rose across his face, making him freeze up and just..stare at her, how amazing she was.

He had blushed way too hard often, and often, 'AT s,' blared in his head in full volume in all its lovey-dovey glory, as well as probably a couple love songs from Owl City for good measure.

He began to hum.

(hah, you thought I was putting the entire lyrics? Oh jeez please no that would take up way too much of the chapter. Heh, sorry ^^' *gives you all hot cocoa and warm blankets* okay moving on,)

"But when her smile came back..." He hummed a little bit. He feet shuffled snow as a sudden sadness drifted over him.

He felt so bad for not having to not be joining her on adventure with her. But no, today was the day. About to happen, and they'd be best friends again.

He hoped.

"Just because she looked so.."

He paused and sighed.


Knock knock knock.

Petra almost whipped open the door to her little oak birch cabin, looking him up and down. One eyebrow raised. "Hey Lukas. What'd you want?"

Her short hair was messy and unruly, and she wore dark teal cotton pjs. Her face a pale, and it looked like she had been crying by the way her eyes were red around the edges.

A pang splashed across Lukas. Was she okay?

It chilled him how calm and cold she had sounded. Nonetheless, the abashed boy brought up a map, and some of the water-breathing silver-blue and teal potions.

"You said you wanted to go to that sea temple again after going with Jesse, Nurm, and Jack...right?"

Petra blinked and shrugged. Lukas swallowed the sudden hurt that was rising in him. "Yeah. Why?"