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(OKAY SO THIS IS A SPECIAL CHAPTER AND AN ORIGINAL PLOT/CHARACTERS THAT ARENT MCSM OR MURDER MANSION OR AWU. (Or Escape the Night) This was requested by @DragonNadder, and pretty good buddy of mine, and id like to give her the spotline of her original characters..that kinda actually remind me of The Zoo from Steven Universe. Onwards!)

(also mcsm finale came out and I'm trying not to spoil anything for myself before I catch up but I spoiled like one thing AND IM CRYING)

(double also, this is A DAY LATE AHHHH IM SO SORRY *awkwardly huddles into corner with my hot cocoa, cyan colour palettes and Escape the Night*)

Sa'ila lived on an island.

Smooth and soft swatches of fern patches of grass, with mint, seafoam, jade, teal, emerald, and every other shade of healthy green you could ever imagine.

Trees sprung out from the ground into gentle palm trees, periwinkle stalks or little cyan cacti, bushes and coral salmon roses flowering around.

Light pale green or lime strips led or bordered tiny slabs or hills of brighter cyan-turquoise, outlining a beautifully bubbly minty waterfall, dark smoky blue-grey rocks

In the middle of the vegetation were little woven together birch and terra cotta (ahaha sorry,) huts, arching over, smooth and warm, little beds made from especially soft grass. In the center was Sa'ila, sitting in the grass, listening to unknown birds chirping into melodies above the canopy.

The warm weather had put everyone in the giant place in a good mood, talking excitedly and laughing, using potions and adventuring to their heart's desires. Kids ran around the little village, playing games. A brisk fresh gulp of air made her grin. A perfect-


Sa'ila blinked and looked up. "Sanu'o? Are you okay? What's wrong?" She pressed her lips together, furrowing her eyebrows in concern. She stood so she was eye-level with her partner, and the friendly girl wrapped her arms around him.

But Sanu'o's eyes were glimmering with hope and something else: adventure? excitement? relief? "What's wrong?" She repeated. Sanu'o backed away from her and grinned-no-beamed. "I found a wyvern." he exclaimed excitedly.

Sa'ila gasped and pulled him aside, into their little hut and birch woven tent. She looked at him seriously and sat crossed-legged on the soft grass splayed around the hut, a medium carpet woven from the same material on the inside as on the outside of the hut. He followed her example, his eyes still gleaming. "Are you ill? Sick? Do you need to go see Galano?"

But Sanu'o just shook his head. "I actually saw one, Sa'ila! One of them-the same colour as our fires, with a teal, sea-like underbelly. And a bird-a giant bird!"

Sa'ila gasped loudly once more.

Once every so often, there were legends of a wyvern and a large giant bird coming to the edge of the island. The village people would hear their melodies, gently drifting through the humid air. If anyone were brave enough to go and find them, they would be granted, with the village's permission, to go and fish out near the sea. They-anyone-anybody-hardly went near the sea.

"Are-you suggesting that we-"

Sanu'o grinned once again. "We can finally go see more of the sea, isn't that amazing?" He got up and grabbed his partner, and soon the two were dancing around the tiny hut, excited to share their news of going out.