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(So..where was Aranna that day Jesse overworked herself and sprayed everyone with hot cheese? Requested by PekeLukive_Aranna , and lemme just say this was super weird but fun to write.)

(also I'm so sorry but it's very short and awkward.)

(But I'd like to think this chapter is kinda like a parody and funny and comedic ^_^ a bit of a break from all other heartbreak and heart-melting..)

"Aranna, why?"

"Because I want to."

"That doesn't even make any -" Wolfe began to yell out.

Aranna immediately clapped her hand over Wolfe's mouth. The dark-tan-skinned girl grumbled. The two had been portal-hopping for a couple of days, adventuring through weird sea temples, meadows, towns, and other places.

But now they had landed in a tiny village, snowy and fluffy, with light teal skies or periwinkle blue-grey skies, and a couple of terra cotta cabins.

It was called, 'The Old Builder games,' and Aranna has been dying to try out the games, much to Wolfe's dislike. The two had already signed in and were going to play in the Games the next morning.

Now, the sky was a dark midnight blue, speckled with snow and stars, and the two were at a little birch table eating bread and some steak. Wolfe sat uncomfortably, giving Aranna, 'the look.'

You know, the this-was-a-bad-idea-why-did-you-drag-me-into-this look. The usually cold or analytical girl actually snorted.

"Wolfe, relax, this'll be fun! Since when was the last time we went on an adventure together, anyways?"

Wolfe grumbled. "I guess this little village could be interesting. I've always been curious to what to was like to die and respawn, anyways."

"Didn't Papisuu tell you? She got burnt to death in a fire and respawned, Aranna mumbled, and Wolfe nodded. "Well of course - Papisuu tells everyone that- but I don't really believe her."

"Hmm, I guess you'll have to go into your own mansion to experience what we did," Aranna replied. Wolfe laughed.

"Aranna, we literally went to our own mansion locked away in time a couple of months ago."

"Oh yeah," Aranna grinned.

(haha please don't kill me please check out murder mansion okay bye)

Aranna laughed and playfully punched Wolfe across the arm. The tan-skinned girl winced and stuck her tongue out, two seconds away from tackling the girl to the ground.

But someone yelled out, "Yo Clutch, where's my sandwich?" And Aranna turned to look, missing Wolfe by an inch. The girl tumbled onto the snow face-first. Wolfe spat out some snow, looking up dizzily into the navy blue periwinkle sky.,

Aranna's mouth dropped open.

There at the small booth stood two big-shouldered and tall figures, one with bright coral hair and a dark black mask of makeup, the other with tan skin and a big black helmet, glaring angrily at the first one.