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(Requested by I forgot. Probably Snowyflight or me.)


While Dawson would've liked to spend all Christmas break playing Shelter and Shelter 2 while wearing comfy cotton new fresh pjs and her new lynx toque while desperatly wanting to taste hot cocoa, on one particular evening, her brothers insisted that, "Snowy," come over.

She had no idea on earth why, probably because every time Cindy came over, her brothers tried to nudge them together or get them to be alone together, which, by the way, gross.

Dawson was apperently old enough to be in relationships and all that other crap, but decided against it because, well, sure, she was bi, but more straight and awkward around everyone.

(Disclaimer: Dawson's bi, but I myself am straight. Okay? Okay ^_^)

But, nontheless, the idea of having a sleepover with Cindy sounded fun, so in the next half an hour of eating dinner while the sky changed to a gentle lumiescent blue-violet, Cindy came over.

She came with a dark Christmas-colored sleeping bag and a smaller bright teal backpack for herself. She adjusted her circular black glasses at Dawson's little beach cabin house. all absolute fairness, the beach was now covered in a huge thick blanket of snow, with a gentle light blue-violet sky and a big sparkling lit-up Christmas tree, surrounded by trees and presents for the people who lived near the beaches.

Cindy knew the youtubers were out of town for the next couple of days, but she was a little disapointed that she wouldn't get to see them.

Knocking on the door, one of Dawson's three (or was it four?) brothers opened the door. He had caramel terra cotta messy straight hair that was short, with a couple of sandy blonde streaks in, wearing nothing but kakhis and a teal tank-top.

(Oh, this one was Bellus, the one who Dawson described as a, 'mom who bakes for us, loves summer, rain, sea temples, and is very very effeminate...and probably gay.' which had made Cindy laugh.)

He quickly ushered her inside the house, and had to blink.

The light birch cabin was filled to the brim with Christmas decorations. A tree with multiple bright and pastel red and blue and yellow wrappings underneath, with eggshell pastel blue snowmen. Lights were strung around both the outside and the insides of the house, a light pastel red and blue, wrapping around both the windows and the railing. Hot cocoa was sat on a table in little teal snowmen mugs, and Christmas music played from a radio.

Though, surprisingly, it wasn't too over the top. The birch house was actually big enough that it wasn't all clamed together, but equally spread out.

In the living room were comfy blankets, and the TV was turned onto a movie, not a Christmas one, but Cindy couldn't identify which one it was.

Cindy followed Dawson's older brother (Bellus, she remembered his name was,) up the stairs and into a room, possibly Teddy or Ollie's. (the youngest brother and sibling of the Fishers,)

Lights and toys were strung around, as well as a plate of cookies and a telescope. Dawson stood with her back to Cindy, taking turns looking out with Ollie, who the others called Teddy.

The oldest brother (so there were onyl three other Fishers! Huh, the more you know,) Finn, she remembered, was sitting on the floor boredly. Cindy saw Bellus and Finn exchange an excited glance, and she groaned inwardly.