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Hello! Dawson again, hah. I'm still very much working on The Vacation aka year two, but I'd want to know what ships I should add this year!
Some ships from last year will carry over, but for the most-part I'd want to know which OCs I should have get moments together?

Aaaand if you guys are alright with it,,

         I uh kinda want maaayyybeee for one ship to kiss. 

Like, not a cheek or nose kiss, but an actual one. Of course if the people involved would be comfortable with it. 
So, I'm making a kind of form thing for you guys to suggest everything! The people so far in the story are:

- Myself (Dawson)

- Kendall (theKendallStorm)

- Cindy (Snowyflight)

- Kyril 

- Shez (STMinecraftFanGirl)

- Myst (AwesomeYay99

- Papisuu (papisuu

- Boredom (apersonofboredom)

- Hatsumi (Hatsoomi)

- Wolfe (Blaccwolfe)

-Aranna (PekeLukive)

- Jasmine (Bunnylover426)

- Serena (serena-harper)

- Fangirl 

- Investagator (EmoSCP)

- Rush (RainingFaye)

- Here's the idea suggestion thing: -

The two people that should have a cute moment together:

Your Idea:

Who is who's secret santa? (I'm adding that as a small part of the story): 

And also, Which Pair Should Kiss (If they are comfortable with their characters kissing lol):

Sorry I can't add all my friends, sadly! But hey, anyone let me know if they want me to be in next year's story and I can be sure to add you in!
Anyways I'm going to write more I literally have like five days to do this but uhh..let's try!


↪️ THE MASQUERADE ~ A CHRISTMAS COUNTDOWN ONE-SHOT BOOK (MCSM)↩️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora