Alia - 27/11/1997

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Hi! I'm soo sorry for the late post... Something had happened to my cat so I didn't had the chance to post..


Strength: Born to be a leader, has many attractions of the opposite gender, haveintelligence, have strong analytical power that will make people knowledgeable, a very careful in all things, a very creative person and very sensitive. If the creative and conscious attitude is fully used or activated, wealth is waiting for you

Weakness: You selfish, not easy to take criticism, you are also difficult to accept ideas or suggestions from others. Therefore, usually you are a leader or boss. Self-employment is the best choice.

Things to learn:

1.    Ready to receive ideas and opinions from others which may be good or better than yours.

2. Open minded.

3. Tactful when necessary.

Throughout life, you gave a lot of charity and contribution to those in need. Which is good.


1. Very emotional, unpredictable, constantly changing feelings and moods. Easily mad.

2.A good planner which will lead to success in the future.

3.Difficult to save money. Like to talk big, no one can be better than you.

4. Have the advantage to convince people to achieve success.

Again, sorry for the late post... :)

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