Lizzie - 10/12/1999

87 1 2

Hey there! Yours is finally done! :D

Go on and continue reading it ^ ^


Strength: Born with strong leadership attitude. Do you like taking risks. A charismatic and you can lead. You are very diligent and stay focused to achieve success in the future if you wish. A realistic, tough, very reasonable and do not like dreaming. You need variety and are always excited in doing something.

Weakness: You do not like to be blocked in doing something. You’re usually fussy about small issues. Sometimes you’re stubborn in doing something. You also rarely relaxed. Also, you are not into details when doing things.

Things need to change:

1. Be more relaxed, not fussy about small issues.

2. Look at things carefully.

In life you'll get a lot of money. Well, that tells that you're rich. ;)


1. Quick-tempered, impatient, moves fast, aggressive and busy.

 2. Talkative and talks straight forward.

3. Emo, unpredictable and your mood always change too constant.

4. Easily deceived if not careful.


So what do you think? If there's any similarity, do tell which one :)

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