Zach - 16/11/1991

64 0 2

Here you go, hope it's okay. :)


Strength: A highly skilled person and have a cool personality. Always calm in any situation. Friendly and concerned about cleanliness. You’re very hard working and mature in thinking. Usually easy to get along with those who are older than you. If given a task, you have the ability to do it right.

Weakness: You do not believe in your own abilities, even if others believe in you. Listen to the advice given, but may not follow. You’re very stubborn. You always give priority to the interests of others above yours.

Things need to learn:

1.       Believe in your abilities.

2.       Boost your self-esteem.

3.       Focus on yourself when the situation requires you to do so.

You'll have a lot of money in life.


1. Independent.

2. Quick-tempered.

3. A good talker.

4. You have your own way to success.

5. Friendly. There's a possibility that you can attract women's attention.

6. Charismatic.


So what do you think about it? Any similarity? :D

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