Kaity - 10/12/1997

82 1 2

Hey there, how are you? Hope you're fine... Here's yours ;)


Strength: you are an all-rounder. Idealistic, active and always a few steps ahead. Someone who knows and understands what she wants. Ability to distinguish a good or bad. Talented in any field she chooses. Can be rich and wealthy, should strive in earnest. Like to be straight forward. Easy to express views on matters.

Weakness: You can be too aggressive, not patient and quick temper. Normally, you take things easy and not firm. Sometimes you’re mischievous. Also, a sarcastic person. If you are not careful with the words, may cause cracks in a relationship.

Things need to learn:

1.       Need to learn to look into things more realistic.

2.        Try to complete something that you have started.

3.       Think first before expressing your thoughts.

You like to collect things. When you leave the world, you obviously have a lot of property.


1. Hot-tempered, not very patient and always busy.

2. Very emotional, unpredictable, constantly changing feelings and moods. Easily mad.

3. You will see many advisers who will give sage advice.

4. Charismatic individual.

So yeah, that's some of the things I learn from your birth date... :)

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