Daisy - 10/07/1998

87 2 7

So here's yours! Go read it :D


Strength: An active among your friends, makes you a well-known. You are very quiet, conservative and passive. You’re responsible and very immoral. You’re a reliable one. Usually you are the problem solver.  You will not mock other people.

Weakness: Sometimes vague in what you do. You have to be smart. On the outside, you look strong but is actually a soft-hearted. Very carefully and believe in themselves a strong perspective and this will result in the loss of an opportunity. Also, you are always busy looking to see something, you sometimes do not know what you are looking for actually. So, take care to not waste time on things that are not beneficial.

Things need to fix:

1.  Learn to make decisions according to your needs than following what others need.

2. Don't waste time on things that are not beneficial.


1. You can't sit still.

2. You can't keep the money you have/earned.

3. Loves to take risks.

4. Emo, not focus and has a lot of pressure.

5. Busy.


So what do you think about it?

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