Princess Amus' Flash Back to Bamf's arrival on Googlon

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Bamf looked at Amus just as he did the first time they had met.  She was beautiful and vulnerable now just as she was then.  Princess Amus' mind slips back into that memory for a moment.  That moment when he had rescued her from the dread Pirate Xsmaster.  Xsmaster had entered Googlon's atmosphere three ships strong.  He was a rebel of the IGSC that raided planets outside the IGSC controlled universe.  He usually kidnapped women and children, and raided expensive resources or anything else he could trade as currency.  Being that Googlon was just outside the IGSC security bubble, had beautiful woman, and precious resources, it was only a matter of time before he made a visit.  Unfortunately for him, Bamf just got orders to Googlon and was on his way ... at light speed. 
Princess Amus was visiting the South side of the planet as a the royal guest of a wedding between two Googlonians.  The royal family was intimately connected with their people.  Amus and her parents loved visiting and being with the Googlonians.  It was a beautiful wedding on a beautiful day.  The bride, Ally, and groom, Tim, looked so happy to be standing side by side their soulmate.  When pirates landed all around them.  These viscous low-lifes were grabbing women and children while beating the men.  They were ripping people's belongings from their cloths. 
Princess Amus and the bride Ally were abducted by a large grotesque man.  He dripped slim and sweat from all over his body, that stained the pretty dresses of both ladies he was carrying.  Princess Amus and the newly wedded bride tried to fight loos, but their attacks seemed more like tickles to the monstrous man that just laughed as they punched, kicked, and bit him.  The bride looked up and wept as she saw her husband Tim being stomped on by two pirates.  People were screaming for their lives.  It was chaos and calamity.  The man threw the two captives on a transport with other Googlonian women and children.  The platform began to fly vertically toward one of the hovering pirate ships.  Amus looked at the other captives as they all wept and said, "it will be alright, my father will come and rescue us.  The Royal Guard will not allow this to happen, I assure you..."
She was interrupted as Xsmaster grabbed her by the hair, drug he to the edge of the ship, and pointed to where her Royal Guard were being slaughtered by pirates, "I assure you, my lady, nothing will stop me from taking you and having my way with you."  He smiled and licked the side of her face then threw her to one of his men, "She must be their leader of some sorts, take her to my chambers.  I will take the first few rounds with this one, hahaha."  Another big slimy man grabbed her, took her to a room, threw her on the bed and said, "We are going to have fun with you tonight, ha ha ha." 
Meanwhile as Bamf was traveling through space on his command cycle Kortney the artificial intelligence (AI) appeared as a 2 foot image in front of him, "Sir, Planet Googlon is under attack by a pirate named Xsmaster.  He has kidnapped several Googlonians, and among them their princess."  She projects images of data from Googlon, one of them a picture of Princess Amus.  Her picture takes Bamf's breath away as if she were the most beautiful thing he had ever seen.  He took a moment to memorize every curve, every detail, from her pretty Goddess smile to her more woman parts.  "We might be able to get there in time to make a difference if we jump through a warp hole...," Kourtney paused in thought, "here!"  A sub map of the galaxy appears next to her image and where she pointed coordinates ran from her fingers.  Bamf responds, "let's do it."  He jerked the bike hard to the left and pulled on the throttle as the engine roared. 
Jumping through warp holes was dangerous because the jump could rip you apart and there was no telling where you would end up.  But, Korney felt confident that she could calculate this jump safely and accurately.  Kortney's image was of a beautiful, fit woman, that glowed with images of the data that made her figure.  Her outfit and color would change most every time she was projected, as if she had feelings.  Kortney was different than other machines because it was in her programming to learn, which gave her kind of a human feel. 
The King was in the council room in Castle Googlon when his advisor, Benard, received some disturbing news on his forearm screen.  Benard had shiny red hair and skin.  He was a quiet man, but a technical genius.  He always carried his forearm computer screen with him so that if he wasn't doing research on it, he would get updates on what was happening around the world in case the king needed to know.  And right now there was some urgent news happening on the other side of the world. 
Benard looked at the king with wide eyes, "My Grace, pirates have invaded on the South Side of the planet..."
"My daughter?!" The King interrupted.
"She has been kidnapped along with several other Googlonians."  Benard replied.  
The King looked at Ganzo, the head of the royal guard, "Get to the attack cruiser now!" He said as they ran side by side out of the room and up the stairs followed by other guardsmen.  On the roof, they frantically climbed into the ship.  The king looked at Ganzo, "What is the status of your men there?"  Ganzo looked at the king with frustration in his face, "Sir, I haven't been able to make contract with them."  They sped off at supersonic speed.
As they approached Minor City, they saw chaos as most of the Royal Guard lay dead on the ground with pirates terrorizing their people.  The King launched out of the ship followed by his guard.  He drew his sword, the legendary Sword of Googlon (SoG) and attacked the pirates closest to him, "where is my daughter, you scum?!"  A firefight erupted between the pirates and the king's guard.  More pirates took a break from their pillaging to aid in the fight. King Jerry's forces were at a stand still just West of Minor City where two Pirate Ships hovered.  A puff of black smoke hurled out the side of one of the ships.  "Pop smoke!" Several Pirates started to yell.  The pirates started to throw little black pellets that would explode on impact with big clouds of smoke. 
Above the smoke several pirates could be seen flying on multiple platforms towards the hovering pirate ships.  King Jerry points in the air at them, "There, direct fire there!" The Royal Guard direct fire at the fleeing pirates, just as the pirates return fire from the platforms.  "Get to the attack ship, they cannot leave with my daughter!" Commands the king.  Just then one of the pirate ship's cannons fires at the attach cruiser, destroying it.  Nearby, Gonzo and Benard are trying to coordinate with the Royal Air force that arrived during the fight, but they are getting destroyed left and right by the pirate cannons.  The Royal Air Force would doing better, but Benard suggested using a less lethal shot because the princess and several other Googlonians were captive on those ships. 
The two ships started to change course as if they were about to take off.  The King thinks to himself, " daughter and my people.  Lord help us."  Just then a mysterious figure flies in on a space cycle and does a marvelous flip from his bike right over a platform docking the Easternmost ship.  The mysterious figure is Bamf.  He lands on a pirate standing at the center of the platform, crushing his opponent's skull and spine.  He then draws a jagged machete from his back that has written on the side, "The Z-TAB Experience," and he starts cutting pirates to pieces.  He grabs the blaster from one of the pirates he cuts in half in a skillful display of athleticism.  As more pirates came flooding into the docking point of the ship, Bamf opens fire with his right hand. He hits targets with impossible accuracy as he flips around killing more pirates with the machete in his left hand.    
He fights his way deep into the ship's Command and Control (C2) Rooms, where the Captain of the ship is commanding. Bamf fights his way to the C2 node with lightning fast efficiency the pirates had never seen before.  Bamf's speed and ferocity is mesmerizing as it is devastating.  He grabs the Captain by the throat and says in a stern voice, "where are all the hostages?"  The Captain tries to choke out the words from his incredible grip, "th...there aaarn't any he...he...hereeee..." as he points to the monitors.  The screens in front of him mostly show the destructive path Bamf made through the ship. In the parts of the ship he hadn't been were images of pirates moving through the halls and re-arming.  There were no signs of the hostages.  Bamf loosens his grip slightly.  "The slaves you are looking for are on the ship next to us," murmured the Captain.  Bamf crushes his neck and throws him against the wall. 
"Kortney, tap into this ship's mainframe and find a way to destroy it, I'm moving to the next ship and securing the hostages," Bamf commands.  Kortney appears on the main screen in front of Bamf in a pirate outfit, "Arrgh, Yes Sir! Arrgh," she says in her jovial joking way.
Bamf pulls his primary assault rifle from the magnetic plate on his back and cocks the canon baster on the bottom rail of the rifle.  He aims at the West wall and fires several powerful blasts that carve a tunnel through the ship.  He blasts a hole all the way to the outside of the ship. You can see the front of the other ship through the hole.  Bamf sprints through the tunnel and makes a perfectly executed 200 foot jump to the nose of the adjacent pirate ship.  As he closes with the other ship, he blasts a hole for him to jump through.  There are several pirates stunned in the room that Bamf lands. He begins blasting away at stupefied pirates as he spins in the air delivering a roundhouse kick that throws the body of a pirate though the door into a hallway.   
The Easternmost ship explodes throwing pieces of the ship everywhere.  The King looks up at the calamity and commands, "Get me a transport to the other ship now!"  Benard runs to one of the damaged pirate platforms with a squad of Royal Guardsman covering his movement.  Moments later, Benard gets the transport working and flies to the king.  King Jerry, Ganzo, and several other Guardsmen board the transport.  They take off to the ship as fast as the platform will fly.  An explosion erupts on the side of the ship. A giant 40 foot hole reveals some Googlonians trapped inside the ship. 
"There!" Says The king as he points to the hole in the ship.  Benard redirects the platform to the giant hole.  They start to load the refugees. A mysterious knight approaches them covered in pirate blood and holding a wounded child, "This one needs medical attention.  Start shuttling as many of these people back as you can.  I will search for more hostages," says Bamf in a calm confident voice.  The King directs Benard to do as the Knight suggested.  Ganzo commands a squad to protect the transport.  Bamf touches the radio on Ganzo and tells Kortney to get their frequency. 
The king recognizes the markings on his suit and says, "you are an IGSC Soldier.  What is the IGSC doing this far from The Corps Worlds?"  Bamf looks at the King and says, "my apologies your Highness, but we don't have much time if we are going to save your people and rescue your daughter.  Kortney will give you the coordinates for other hostages we find on this ship."  He then disappears into the smoke coming from a broken exhaust pipes above them.
Within minutes Kortney makes up call signs and sends data to Ganzo, "Royal 1, this Pirate Slayer Romeo, we have located and secured another room with hostages.  Send some men to Room 236 on the GRG I just sent to transporter 1's screen." 
"Who is this woman on my net? And who is Pirate Slayer?!" Responds Gonzo.
"I am the all knowing artificial intelligence coming from Pirate Slayer Actual's suit," Kortney responds with sarcasm. 
Just then Benard, who just returned from one of his shuttle runs, heads toward Ganzo, "I got the schematics she sent."  He hacks into one of the pirate terminals next to him, prints out several copies of the Grid Reference Guide (GRG), and hands them to Ganzo. He then runs back to the refugee-loaded transport. 
Tim stumbles as he regains consciousness.  A Royal Guard helps him to his feet. 
"Where is my wife?" Tim asks in a daze. 
The Soldier responds, "I am not sure, but the rescued hostages are over there." The Soldier points to the Landing Zone (LZ) where rescued hostages are being brought.  Tim rushes over to the LZ in desperation, "Allison! Allison! Where are you?"
One of the rescued children walks up to him, "she was taken to another room in the ship, I don't think she has been rescued yet." 
Tim's eyes water.  He runs onto the platform and asks, "is there anything I can do to help?" 
Benard looks at him, "buddy, we can use all the help we can get."
"Transport 1, we have secured Docking Point 5 just on the East side of the ship and are bringing the hostages from Room 236 there," one of the Guardsman says on the radio.  Benard moves to docking point 5.  Tim looks at the docking point with terror as bullets and lasers fly from the entry way.  Screams echo from the hole in the ship. 
"Ladies, get down!" A Guardsman commands as he shoots over them at Pirates coming into the room from the hallway. 
"Pirate Slayer, my men need critical reinforcements at Docking Point 5!" Requests Ganzo.  More pirates flood into the dock while women lie on the floor in the fetal position, crying, and holding their ears.  A Guardsman in Dock 5 gets hit with a round in the torso that knock him from the ship. 
Benard maneuvers the platform to catch the falling Guardsman.  As they dock, the Guardsman on the platform rush into the fight.  "For the Glory of Googlon," they chant.  They continue to take casualties as they rush onto the dock. 
The wounded Guardsman that Benard caught with the platform as he fell from the ship, looks at Benard and hands him his rifle.  "I am not a warrior," utters Benard.  Tim and Ben look at each other scared for their lives. 
"Today, you are..." says the warrior as he loses consciousness while blood hemorrhages from under his body.  Tim grabs the side arm from the bleeding warrior. He cautiously looks over the control council they are hiding behind.  Through the smoke he sees Ally trying to crawl toward the platform.  A pirate moves to grab her. Emotions overwhelm him. 
He stands and shoots at the pirate about to grab her, "ALLY! I'M HERE!"  Benard stands up next to him and fires.  Their shots bounce off the walls without hitting anything.  The pirate holding Ally by the hair laughs with his buddies before returning fire.  Benard and Tim duck for cover. 
"We are in a whole world of hurt if I'm supposed to be Ranger Badass," Benard says to himself. 
"What am I doing here? We need a miracle.  Please Lord, help me to save my wife," Tim prays to himself.  Tim and Ben stand to deliver another barrage of fire.  Only a few Guardsman remain between the dock and the platform.  It is a grim sight for the terrified women in the dock.   The pirate holding Ally looks at Tim and takes careful aim.
"Nooo..." screams Ally as she comes to her knees and punches the pirate in the balls just before he pulls the trigger.  The pirate groans in pain. Then, he points his pistol at her. 
"Ally!!!" Tim yells in terror. 
Just then, Bamf decapitates the pirate and sends a barrage of bullets throughout the dock, eliminating all threats in seconds. 
Bamf looks at a stunned Guradsman and says in calm voice, "Get these women out of here." 
"Yes, Sir!" Responds the Soldier. 
Ally and Tim run into each other's arms as if it was the first time they had seen their lover. 
Benard commands, "come on! We have to get out of here," interrupting the lovers reunion. 
Bamf scans the crowd...riddled with dead pirates and bloody Soldiers.  Kortney appears in his helmet screen, "It looks like all the hostages have been rescued except for the princess.  She hasn't appeared in any of the cameras on the ship for some reason.... Wait, there is a room that doesn't have any cameras in it. It's on the other side of the ship."  Her image turns into a schematic of the ship with a blinking dot in one of the rooms.
Meanwhile, a long bearded pirate kicks open the doors where Princes Amus is being held, "I'm not going to wait for the boss.  I am going to get me a piece that royal ass now."  He walks to the side of the bed where she is tied to a bedpost.  He gropes her and licks the side of her face.  Amus closes her eyes as she tries to wiggle free.  The pirate starts to rub himself on the side of her leg. 
Amus turns her head and bites the top of his right ear off.  The pirate stumbles back and grabs his ear.  She then spits the bloody ear back at him. 
"Oh, you're going to pay for that, woman," he says while holding the right side of his head.  He pulls his hand away and looks at the blood.  His eyes go blood red with anger. He draws a dagger from his hip. 
Amus closes her eyes in fear and prays, "God, help me." 
The bearded pirate lunges at her with the dagger, right before his head explodes.  Amus jumps in fear at the noise. Pieces of skull and brain matter splatter all over her face.  She opens one eye at a time slowly to see a warrior standing their with a smoking gun. 
Bamf holsters his pistol and unties her restraints. He then stands and removes his helmet.  Bamf is speechless as she is more beautiful in person than she was in the images Kortney showed him.  Amus looked up at her savior.  The blood stains on his face are terrifying at first, but as she studies his face more, there was a very handsome gentlemen behind the madness.  She reached up and touched the side of his face.  Bamf stood there, heart pounding through his chest like a fist busting through his armor.  He froze mesmerized by her with is mouth wide open.  They moved closer to each other.  For the first time in Bamf's life he didn't know what to do or say.  It was like Kryptonite to Superman for him. 
"First time you've seen a woman? Weirdo," Kortney says, interrupting the moment. She appears as a full sized, three dimensional image projected from Bamf's helmet. 
Bamf and Amus both turn and look at the image shocked and embarrassed. 
"If you're done, Romeo?  Xsmaster is coordinating his escape from this ship and is about to get away," taunted Korney in a pink pirate suit. 
"Uh, yea, we should get the Princess off this ship first," says Bamf. 
Kortney rolls her eyes and broadcasts on the net, "Transporter 1, it's Pirate Slayer Romeo, we have the princess and need pickup at Docking Point 1, over." 
"Roger that, we are  enroute," responds Benard.
Bamf cradled Amus in his giant muscular arms.  He held her with his left arm under her torso and his right arm under her legs.
"Whoa," said Amus as she looked at him with daze holding his helmet. 
"Ugh, drama much, stud?  Are you seriously going to carry her like that the whole way," teased Kortney. 
Amus still star struck with Bamf says, "it's ok, I can walk." 
"Trust me, it will be faster this way," smirked Bamf. 
He takes off down the hall only to find a pirate in the doorway to Docking Point 1.  Using his momentum, he front kicks the man in the chest and displaces him like a professional pool player hitting a game winning shot at the 8 Ball.  The kick send the pirate flying into the room, knocking two more pirates to the ground like bowling pins. 
As Benard gets close to Docking Point 1, he sees an unconscious pirate body flying from the ship followed by gun shots.  The King leaps from the platform onto the docking bay with sword drawn in one hand, and his pistol in the other hand.  Following him is Ganzo and a squad of Royal Guard.  They are met with gunfire from the pirates.  Bamf does an acrobatic flip over the insuring combat acting as a human shield while still carrying the princess.  As he lands on the platform next to Benard, he is shot in the back by a stray bullet.
"Uh, your back is smoking, super dude," mumbles Benard. 
"It's ok, warrior. I've been through worse. Can I leave the princess with you," responds Bamf. 
"Yea, of course.  Princess, how are you," asks Benard.
"I am good, thanks to our hero here," responds Amus as she admires he knight in shining armor.
Bamf leaps back into the fight, online with with the King.  Rifle shouldered, Bamf neutralizes the all active terrorists in the room within seconds. 
He looks at the King and says, "The princess is loaded on the platform, get your men out of here.  I will cover your exfil." 
The King responds, "but, how will you get off this ship?" 
"Don't worry, I have a ride, Your Highness.  I will meet up with you after this is done," says Bamf.
"I look forward to it, son.  Good luck," says the king as he jumps onto the platform. 
"Hey stud, Xsmaster is on the roof of this ship," chimes Kortney.
Bamf leaps from the dock onto the side of the ship and starts to scale it vertically like Spider-man.  The third pirate ship soars in from the Northeast and comes to an immediate halt about 100 feet above Xsmaster.  Bamf crawls to the roof and sprints to Xsmaster. 
"Captain...Bamf...Storm... You know, I've heard a lot about you, and let me tell do not disappoint.  You cost me a lot of money today, man.  Big money.  Do you even know what a ship costs?  You meathead," barks Xsmaster.  A rope comes flying down from the ship hovering above.  Xsmaster secures it in his hand. 
Bamf draws his jagged machete and says, "well, you're about the meet the Z-Tab experience. Mr. wanna-be Popeye."   
"Ah, dipstick, you thought this was my first run in with the IGSC.  Hahaha, I want you to say hello to my little friends," says Xsmaster as he steps on a button under his foot. 
Two big panels on the roof fly open revealing six giants squids.  Two squids leap out at Bamf, trying to attack him.  They meet the Z-Tab experience as he cuts them into sushi.  Three more of the squids move toward him. Bamf draws his sidearm and opens fire on one of them, while cutting tentacles from the other two squids. 
The ship above starts to pull away and Xsmaster floats away with it. While dangling from the rope, Xsmaster taunts, "hahaha good luck hero.  Till next time." 
Bamf looks up at him and squats down to prepare for a big leap, thinking to himself, "I am going to crush the life out of this guy once I get my hands on him." 
Just before he can spring up, the other squid wraps its huge tentacles around Bamf and secures him to the deck.  The squid begins slamming him up and down against the deck. 
"Hey Romeo, you are really killing it right now... Yea, you look real smooth right now," says Kortney as Bamf continues to fight the squid. 
"You have got to be kidding me, right now,"  Bamf thinks to himself as he is repeatedly slammed against the roof. 
The tentacles pull him in toward the mouth of the beast.  Bamf is able to free a foot just enough to push back against the beast's mouth and delay being eaten.  He manages to reach an incendiary grenade from his hip and tosses it into the squid's mouth.  The squid bursts into flames freeing Bamf from it's impossible grip. 
"Perhaps, I was too spicy for 'em, ayh?" Jokes Bamf. 
"You might have survived being sea food, but Xsmaster still got away," pokes Kortney.
"Ah, things could be worse.  What do you say we blow up this ship just in spite," suggests Bamf. 
Kortney adds,"you think blowing everything up is a solution."
The command cycle flies above Bamf.  He squats down and executes an acrobatic side flip as he lands on the bike as it flies by.  He pulls on the throttle. As he speeds away from the ship, it explodes into a million pieces. 
"Well, at least it makes me feel better," says Bamf.
That was how Princess Amus and Bamf met.  Several months later they were married and Bamf stuck around as long as he could.  He enjoyed his time on Googlon. He was vested in the planet.  He was home on Googlon.  Amus' mind slips back into reality. Back to the present where after years of service to Googlon, Bamf was being taken from her.  Now her hero finally got reassigned. It was heart wrenching as they became attached and even had children.
Princess Amus broke down as Bamf boarded his uniquely custom command cycle. She tried to pull Syd from him, but Syd's desperate grip on her father could not be broken. Bamf began inputing coordinates in his cycle.
Prince Sam and Chase asked their mother, "when will daddy be back?" 
Their mother just looked at them and shook her head with eyes watering. The boys then clung to their father and both said, "I love you, dad." 
He responded in his even keel powerful voice, a voice that commanded obedience from anyone around.  He said, "I love you all very much. I am sorry I have to leave, but it is the way things must be. One day you will understand. I charge you boys to take care of your mother, and when, I return, we begin your training." 
He grabs Syd, looks her in the eyes, and says, "my princess bear, you are a leader amongst these people now. You must be strong, for they will look to you in times of despair."  She knew exactly what he meant and she took a step back, sucked up her tears and nodded her head. Then their father flew off into the sunset with a loud roar of the engine beneath him.  They held each other for a moment, while the rest of Googlon cheer for their hero in honor of his time there and prayed that one day he would return.

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