The Unauthorized Rescue Mission

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    Bamf and Slad docked on the lower landing bay of Ship 9958. They found the SI in the C2 room and asked what happened to Bobby.
    "Hey numb-nuts, what did you do with my brother?" Asked Bamf to the SI.
    "Well uh, well uhm, that's classified and you know that..." said the SI until he was interrupted by Bamf punching him in the face.
    Slad stood guard at the door.
    "You pressured him into going to Junction City, didn't you?! You piece of shit, didn't you?!" Interrogated Bamf as he choked the SI.
    The SI couldn't respond because Bamf was cutting off all the air flow through his neck. Huge veins were popping out of Bamf's arms. The rage in his eyes could be felt all around.
    Slad taps Bamf on the shoulder and says, "bro, if you kill him, we won't get any answers."
    Bamf Slams the SI's head into the council knocking him unconscious. "It's ok, I know where they sent him...Junction City," said Bamf as they walked out of the C2 room.
    Colonel (COL) Dumbass with several guards met the brothers in the hall way and says, "you know rescue missions for Z-Tabber's is unauthorized. I cannot allow you to go to Planet Z to get your brother. Furthermore, I am placing you both under arrest."
    Bamf tosses a concussion grenade in the hallway towards them and pulled Slad back into the C2 room. KABOOOMMMM!!! After the loud explosion went off, Slad and Bamf ran into the hall way and made quick work of COL Dumbass and his personal security detachment (PSD), rendering them unconscious in less than a second. The brothers looked at each other. Slad's power stick was still glowing from the fight. They turned and ran down the hallway.
    Met by more instructors, Bamf rolled a smoke grenade down the hallway to create confusion. They barreled their way through the Soldiers. This fight continued until they made it back the the lower bay.
    "Kortney, buy us some time and close the access doors so we can launch," said Slad.
    "Already on it," responds Kortney.
    Alarms were going off everywhere as the hallway doors slammed shut. Slad and Bamf jumped on their bikes and took off out of the ship enroute to Planet Z...
    Slad asks," How do you know where to find Bobby?"
    "Because bro, I can still feel him. Plus, I read the SI's mind. And, I've been there before. I don't remember everything, but bits and pieces keep coming back. The more time I spend here, the more I am remembering," responds Bamf.
    Kortney projects herself on Slad's rocket as a two foot image in a toga covered in rainbow colored LED lights with a confused look on her face. Slad and Kortney look at each other with their heads cocked, like they are seeing a unicorn for the first time.
    Kortney whispers with one hand over her mouth and the other hand doing the crazy motion next to head. She adds, "I think your brother has officially lost it man."
    Slad rides speechless on his bike. There seems to be more going on here than meets the eye, but he can't seem to figure it out. They zoom at warp speed toward Junction City. It looks like a total war zone. Slad could smell the decaying flesh as they entered the planets atmosphere thousands of feet above the ground.
    Bamf pulls the giant jagged machete from his back and talks to it, "you ready to see your birth place again sweetheart? Don't worry, we are going to kill a lot of zombies today to commemorate this special event." Bamf winks at his machete.
    Kortney whispers to Slad, "so...I am just going to talk to you right now because there is something really wrong with him, and I have seen him on a murderous streak before."
    "Bro, I can feel him. He is still in Junction City. There is still a piece of him left," Bamf says to Slad.
    "Bro, lets get our brother back. Never leave a fallen comrade behind," says Slad.
    "Winners Lead the Way. Follow me," says Bamf.
    As they reached the rooftop of Building 7, they leap from their cycles and land on the roof. There was an eerie silence.
    Bamf looks at Slad and says, "something isn't right, this place should be crawling with zombies."
    Slad charges his stick. Then, the city erupted with zombies. Hordes of Zombies ran from everywhere. IGSC Zombies started to appear on the roof tops. Bamf went right into his natural zombie slicing mode. Slad started to leap from building to building, knocking zombies from the roofs and drawing fire from Bamf. The chaos ensued. Bullets firing from everywhere. A Zombie walks from the rubble of Building 1 with a rocket launcher and aims it at Building 7. He fires...
    Building 7 explodes with zombies and building fragments everywhere. Bamf flips in the air, mid fall, and lands on his command cycle as it flies under him just in time. Bamf does a few strafing runs to thin the herd. Slad does the same. The body count is high. You can't even see the street from layers of dead zombies.
    "Can you still feel him?" Asks Slad to Bamf.
    "I don't know bro, I don't think we will be able to find him from up here," responds Bamf as he leaps from his command cycle. As he hits the floor of dead zombies, the horde starts to merge together into a giant, rotten, tree like merging of zombies. The high pitched squelching starts. Slad continues to execute strafing runs to cover Bamf. Cutting The Horde in half as he passed by.
    Bamf looks up at The Horde and smiles as he says," you remember me, suck-head?" The Horde and Bamf communicate telepathically.
    The Horde reunites with more zombies and tries to attack Bamf. Bamf bounces around cutting giant limb from giant limb. Zombies scream in unison. The echo is heard throughout the city. The Horde says to Bamf, "I have something you want... Look to your right..."
    Bamf looks to his right, an IGSC figure appears in the doorway of Building 5. Bamf cringes as he tries to make out the figure. The figure stops in a creepy lifeless posture and looks up at Bamf.
    Bamf says to himself, "Noooo......Klu....Fuck...." He is interrupted as he is tackled by Zombie Bobby. The Horde and several other Zombies try to hold Bamf down as Klu jumps on him and tries to bite him on the neck. Slad comes screaming by on his rocket with his power stick held out, charged with bright green all around it. He knocks the zombies from Bamf and lights The Horde on fire with exhaust from the bike. Zombie Bobby is knocked against the rubble next to them and moves to get back on his feet. Bamf sprints to him and delivers a devastating uppercut to the jaw, sending him flying 30 feet into the air.
    Bamf tells Slad, "grab him and get him to the infirmary on Ship 9958. I will meet you there."
    Slad swoops in on his rocket and grabs Bobby in mid air. They take off at warp speed toward the ship. The brothers move in unison with each other, as if they were anticipating each other's moves.
    Bamf looks at The Horde as it burns and says, "you mother fucker! You thought I wouldn't come back for my brother! I am going to make you feel the pain, bitch."
    Bamf cracks a magazine just as he did those many years ago and crams it in the burning mass. He drops an incendiary grenade and leaps into the air. He flips onto his command cycle as it flies by. He leans over the edge and shoots at the cracked magazine. It is deja vu all over again. The Horde explodes just as it did the last time they had met. Bamf flies off at supersonic speed toward the ship.
    Slad carries Bobby to the infirmary and frantically tries to place as many restraints on him as possible before he regains consciousness. Everyone else in the infirmary looks at them with awe, like a deer in the headlights. They are speechless and cannot move. Slad is wrapping everything he can around Bobby: chains, nylon straps, metal straps, screws, nails, rope, pieces of clothing, tooth floss, PT belts, tampons, anything he can get his hands on. Bobby wakes as Bamf enters the room.
    "RRRRAAAAARRRRHHRRRHHH!!!!!!" Screams the zombie as everyone disappears from the room.
    "Holy smokes, that is scary as crap, man," says Kortney in her zombie hunter outfit.
    "Kortney, I need you to seal off this room and buy me as much time as you can," commands Bamf.
    The doors slam shut. Alarms and smoke are going off everywhere again.
    "Is it ever not mass chaos, when I am with you?" Kortney asks Bamf.
    Bamf walks to the head of the table where the zombie enhanced Bobby is starting to break free from his restraints, but not from a lack of effort on Slad's part.
    Bamf places his hands on Bobby's head and closes his eyes, "brother, I know you're in there. Talk to me. I am here. Fight it man. It is just a symbiotic virus. You can take control."
    Bamf reaches down to the growth on the back of Zombie Bobby's neck and rips it from his body. Unheard high pitched squelching happens between Bobby and Bamf telepathically.
    Murmurs of Bobby can be heard in the background of the transaction, "Bro, where am I? What is happening?"
    Bamf concentrates, "bro, fight. Fight Hard! Come on!! Push Through!"
    The squelches and chimes take over. Bamf focuses his rage. Images of murder and torture take over all the entities involved. A red aurora casts over the images. This powerful rage consumes everyone. Bamf concentrates some more. The symbiot is weakened from Bamf's rage.
    "WINNER, WAKE THE FUCK UP!!!" Commands Bamf. "You are of the most powerful bloodline in the universe, WAKE!!! THE!!! FUCK!!! UP!!!" Continues Bamf.
    Bobby concentrates. He feels the foreign entity. He can feel his brother. His brother starts to download thoughts and images like a computer on how to interpret the chimes and be able to communicate with the symbiot. They fight together. Bamf teaches him how to dominate the symbiot in the psychic realm. To take control of the zombie symbiot virus. Bobby feels it. He starts to take control. The blood shot aurora leaves his eyes. He feels he is taking control of his body again. The victory drives him to continue...
    Slad stands guard by the door as IGSC Soldiers place beaching charges against it.
    "There are too many of them outside for you to successfully escape together," Kortney informs the brothers.
    "Just a little longer, I almost have him," says Bamf.
    Just then, the door explodes, followed by a few concussion grenades. The blast renders Bamf and Slad unconscious...
    As they lay there, CPT Kissass walks in and commands, "well boys, the boss wants to keep them alive, but he didn't say anything about crippling them."
    The Soldiers start to beat on Bamf and Slad's unconscious bodies. Then all of a sudden, a fist punches through CPT Kissass. The Soldiers stop stomping on Bamf and Slad to shift their attention on a big scary Zombie Bobby drooling everywhere as he throws CPT Kissass from his arm. Zombie Bobby attacks everyone else in the room with such ferociousness that no one is able to escape. He rips the heads off the Soldiers and eats them. Zombie Bobby is much faster and stronger than the evolved IGSC Soldiers because of the genetic enhancements from the zombie symbiot virus. Additionally., their weapons are useless against him because because of his incredible healing ability. Bobby stands over the Bodies of Bamf and Slad covered in blood from the battle.
    Kortney appears as a life size image from Slad's suit and strongly requests, "Bobby, stop. These are your brothers."
    She places her hands out to try and stop him, but she is just a projection of light. Bobby walks right through her and grabs the brothers by the neck.
    He lifts them up and screams, "RARRRRAHHHARRH!"
    Bamf and Slad wake to the shocking image of a Zombie holding them suspended in air...
    "Wake up, you pussies. Im back," Bobby says with a giant smile on his face as he sets them down. Bobby reaches down and grabs a pair of Brand Name Glasses from CPT Kissass.
    Kortney stands there with her arms in the air, "what the fuck!? I would have just crapped myself if I were a real person. What just happened?"
    The brothers laugh and embrace each other. The moment is short lived as sirens continue to resonate throughout the ship. More IGSC Soldiers moved toward the room.
    "Alright boys, what do you say we get off this ship," says Bamf.
    The brothers sprint through the ship leaving a path of destruction in their wake.
    "There is an unsecured escape pod not far from here in sector 8 of this ship," says Kortney as a she projects a map in front of the brothers. There is a blinking light were the escape pod is located. The brothers immediately turn right down a hallway toward the escape pod.
    "Sir, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but Googlon is under attack by the Raider," says Kortney to Bamf. Slad and Bobby look at eachother with confustion as they dodge bullets flying down the the hallway.
    "Damnit, we are all not going to make it out of here in time," grumbles Bamf as he grabs Slad and Bobby by the back of the neck and throws them into the escape pod with his machete. He Jams the door shut. The Brother start to pound on the door to help their brother.
    "Sir, what are you doing?" Asks Kortney as she appears on a 12 inch screen next to the escape pod.
    "Hack into the ship's defenses and shut down the cannons to buy you guys time to warp out of here and get to my family. They don't know anything about Googlon or their family there. Brief them and get them there in time to rescue my kids. The Raider is a very dangerous man," responds Bamf.
    "I have already dissabled the cannons, we can make it with you," says Kortney.
    "No, the Soldiers in this hallway with damage the pod enough to disable it's warp capabilities. Trust me, this is the only way. Now GO!!!" Commands Bamf as he shields the escape pod with his body.
    As each blast takes it's toll on his body. He starts to lose consciousness. Kortney launches the escape pod.
    The brothers yell at Kortney, "What the Hell is Going On?!?! Turn us around immidiatly, we are not leaving without our brother!"
    Kortney begins to brief the brothers as they warp jump towards Googlon. The brothers look with frustration as they see Bamf fall at the opening of the ship.
    "Goodbye," says Kortney on the 12 inch screen next to Bamf with a very sad blue face.

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