Zombie Bobby

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Several years later Bamf was on Ship 6789 to refit from one of the Ghost Wars missions in sector 7, just outside IGSC controlled space.  Bamf walked into the bay he was staying in, still wet from showering.  He saw he had a missed call from his brother Bobby.  Bobby was a heavy weapons CPT in the IGSC.  Bamf got dressed and went to the communications center on the ship and called his brother. 
"Hello," answers Bobby.
"What's up bro?" Says Bamf.
"Oh hey brother, what's going on?" Says Bobby.
"Just on refit for a day or two before I get back out there, ya know?" Says Bamf.
"Yea I hear ya... Well, I am on Ship 9958 reporting to Zulu school for my Z-Tab," announces Bobby.
"No kidding, that's awesome man.  I am proud of you," says Bamf.
"Yea, we will see if I can be an even bigger legend than you haha," responds Bobby.
"Haha, hopefully your experience is less eventful than mine," hopes Bamf.
"Well do you have any pointers for me?" Asks Bobby.
"Just stay under the radar and you should be fine," recommends Bamf.
Bamf starts to have images of his Z-Tab experience.  He remembers the fun it was killing zombies all day everyday, but wait.  No...he remembers something else... darker.  Something that just doesn't seem right.  His memory fades in and out.  He can't remember the specifics enough to articulate it to his little brother.  The brain damage he's sustained from multiple concussive blasts have taken their toll on his memory.  Bamf barely knows if he is a awake or dreaming half the time.
"Bro, do me a favor and be careful around junction city," suggests Bamf.
"Yea sure.  Why? Is there something I should know?" Asks Bobby, confused.
"I can't remember, but be careful.  I think the zombies are evolving...thinking even.  I can't remember everything, but don't be surprised if they have learned how to use some of our weapons or even use tactics against you," says Bamf.
"Bro, they are zombies.  They don't think, they are just moving targets," says Bobby, sarcastically.
"I know, that's what they were like years ago when I was there, but something was different about Junction City.  Bro, just be careful if you get tasked to go there, and avoid it if you can," warns Bamf.
Bamf can hear the Senior Instructor (SI) yelling at Bobby to get off the phone.  "Uh, ok bro.  I got to get off now.  It was good to hear from you man.  Hopefully I am a fellow Z-tabber the next time we talk haha.  Later bro, love you man," says Bobby in a rush. 
"Love you too, bro, later," replies Bamf as they hang up. 
That night Bamf has visions and nightmares about Bobby's Z-Tab Experience.  He wakes up in a sweat.  He remembers more of what happened at Junction City.  He wants to warn his brother, but knows he can't.  That was Bobby's last phone call before he either graduates or dies.  Zulu School is 64 days if you make it straight through.  Although most of the people that don't make it straight through, usually die and become zombies on Planet Z.  It was an elite combat school only meant for the very best in the IGSC.  Only the best would survive and bear the Z-Tab. 
Bamf prayed for his brother, "Father in heaven, please watch out for my brother, be with him through these trials.  Bless him with the strength and wisdom to fight and win.
Be with my wife and children as well, Lord.  I pray that they are safe, protected, and provided for.  Lord, strike down any evil that threatens my family.  Bless me with the ability to provide for and protect my family.  I pray these things be your will, Amen."
About two months go by.  Bobby is excited to be close to graduation.  It is their last patrol before they head back to ship 9958 and see if they got their "Go."  Everything at Zulu School was graded as a Go or No Go.  There was no grey area.  Every night after actions on an the objective are complete, Z candidates move to their next Patrol Base (PB). At the PB, Zulu sends out the new leadership for the next day with their new missions.  As a special challenge they ask if anyone wants a mission to Junction City:
"And for any real life takers out there, we have a special challenge for you.  As you all know, we haven't had anyone successfully take and hold an objective in Junction City since the legendary 'Bamf Storm.'  And his brother just happens to be playing tonight as the infamous Red 6 again.  So are there any red blooded, testosterone pumping, Winners out there up to make history again?..."
Bobby feels the pressure.
"No...No takers..." antagonizes Zulu.
Bobby keys the mic to take the challenge...
Bamf rolls in his bed with visions of his brother.  He wakes in a sweat and telepathically tries to reach him through space.  He thinks he can connect, but can't quite reach him...
Bobby, with the mic still keyed stops himself from saying anything and releases the net.  He doesn't know why, but he felt his brother somehow.  Even delusional from weeks of no sleep, he some how remembers the conversation he had with his brother.  He struggles to remember the details.  Something about Junction City.  What was it? Why was this such a built up thing?  There has to be a reason it's a suicide mission. 
"Really, not even the prospecting Storm brother?... I guess you will never be as badass as your bro..." Zulu taunts.
Bobby's Platoon Sergeant looks at him, "Come on man, we can do this.  Take the mission brother, I got you.  Let's be legends like your brother was."  Klu was an awesome guy and served with Bamf on one of his defense mission in the far East side of IGSC territory.  Those missions were known to be the Buttprirate Wars as those terrorists had a weird tradition of conducting man on man butt sex on Thursdays for fun.
Klu and Bamf were Rakkasans at the time and called the event ,"Man Love Thursdays."  It was their favorite day of the week to kill Hajj. 
Klu dreamed of the day he could be a Z-tabber like Bamf.  He looked up to him, as most people did.  He thought to himself how cool it would be to have done the impossible like he did during his Z-tab experience.
"Come on, you are Bobby Storm!  We can do this."  Klu encourages Bobby.
Bobby keys the mic, "This is Red 6, we'll take Junction City. Winners Lead The Way!"
"All The Way, Red 6!" replies Zulu.
Bobby receives the rest of his mission details through his visor.  They are to secure the rubble that used to be building 1 to find evidence of how the outbreak started. 
Bamf is restless back on ship 6789.  His thoughts are interrupted as the Ship's Commander comes in his room. 
"Bamf, we need you to take your team out one more time before you RIP out with the new guys," says the Captain to Bamf.
"Send it, Sir" replies Bamf.
"I know you guys have been going hard the past few months, and the results speak for themselves, and I hate to ask another golden nugget from you and your boys, but this one could really break the back of the Iron Cloud.  I just don't trust the new guys to do it, especially with your track record," says the Commander.
"Sir, it's what Z-tabbers do...Win, give me the specs.  You don't need to butter me up like your prom date," Bamf says as he looks in the mirror still drenched in sweat.
Commander Toner, didn't understand Bamf, and quite frankly was deathly afraid of him.  He came to personally deliver the mission to him because A.) no on else would, and B.) it was that important.  Bamf was violently erratic sometimes when dealing with what he called "POGs."  So non combat staff avoided him like the plague.  Toner had seen his fair share of combat in the past, but was always quick to send someone else in for the hard jobs.  He was a careerist.  And he didn't want to tarnish his perfect reputation now. 
Bamf's boys were just 4 hours into the first sleep they had in a couple months.  These were hard men, that yearned for combat.  It was like food and sleep didn't satisfy them like combat did.  They lived for this.  They just didn't care for people that were more concerned about their careers than winning.  But, this mission might have the two men on the same path.  To Win!
Bamf receives the specifics on the mission, which was vague intel about two power houses of the Iron Cloud meeting together on Planet X... Xsmaster and Slither.  Bamf had been licking his chops to kill this guy.  Planet X was deep in enemy territory.  Toner could send two destroyer ships in to blow up the planet and achieve the same results, but that would be messy.  There would be a lot of casualties on both sides and a lot of questions to answer for from the Council.  The Council didn't want IGSC interference to be publicly known.
Toner was close to being on the council himself, his packet was even up for consideration a week ago.  Why do that? When he can send a team in undetected that can gather the same information, and they were expendable.  IGSC Soldiers were the best, but there was no consequence when a covert team dies in a war as opposed to expensive equipment like a destroyer and their crew.  Especially, when the crew was hesitant to die for this fight and the warriors that followed Bamf were ready to die at a moment's notice. 
Bamf woke up his Team Sergeant and gave him the WARNO.  Before long the boys were geared up and ready at the flight line where Bamf briefed them the mission.  
"Jackass 1 and Jackass 2 are going to be meeting on Planet X in the next 2 hours," says Bamf as a picture of Xsmaster and Sliter pop up on a screen behind him.
"Our mission is to infiltrate undetected behind enemy lines, find the meeting, gather what intel we can get, then kill Xsmaster and his boyfriend.  And as a bonus, blow up and kill as much of the Iron Cloud as we can on the way back.  A lot of death and destruction to get our rocks off before R&R, Men," briefs Bamf.
"Kill em all," says Oger. 
"Airborne!" replies the team.
Airborne was a tradition thousands of years ago back on Earth 1 were paratroopers jumped from aircraft into combat.  It was a mark of a warrior and a concept of pride and history that warriors clung to as a montage for a Soldier to do what it takes to win, no matter what. 
    They jumped on a mix of space rockets and command cycles and fired up the engines.  The thunderous sound of the engines could be heard throughout the vessel.  The 69 Hotels around the flight line came out to the deck to see the men off.  It was an impressive site to see these men as they took off into space.  They were dressed in pirate attire and painted their rides to look like rouge vehicles. It was important to blend in so they could infiltrate first, before the fireworks.
    Bobby briefs his platoon on Planet Z. They were all pumped up to make history. Every warrior believes they are the one, they can do the impossible, they are king dick of the jungle. Red Platoon was on fire. It was a standard raid. By this point in the game they were a well oiled machine. They had successfully completed dozens of missions, and even with no sleep, and little food, these warriors were the best of the best.
    Third Squad moved to isolate Junction City. "Red 6, this is Red 3, we are set."
    Fourth Squad moved to SBF 1 (support by fire position one) with overwatch on Building 56. Building 56 was on the East side of Junction City, and was were Red Platoon was planning to get their initial foot hold in the city. First and Second Squad moved to ATK 1 (attack position one).
    The Fourth Squad Leader announced on the net, "we have movement in buildings 53, 54, 55, 56, and 57. I think our secret's out, haha."
    "Red 4, go ahead and give em some love then, haha," replied Red 6.
    "Roger that!" Said Red 4 as Fourth Squad unleashed a barrage of fire on Junction City. Fourth Squad was a mix of heavy weapons and snipers. Their position was roughly 800 meters East of Junction City. Death and destruction rained from SBF 1. With adrenaline pumping and hard-ons raised, First and Second Squads started to sprint to Building 56. Zombies started running toward them. In a flurry of lasers and bullets, the zombies were cut to pieces.
    "Shift One!" Commanded Bobby over the Net.
    Klu grabbed the rocket launcher and shot from SBF 1. The rocket leveled Building 55.
    "Roger that," Replied Red 7. Fourth Squad shifted fire South, toward Buildings 56 and 57.
    "Shift Two!" Said Bobby.
    Klu reloaded the rocket launcher and sent another powerful round toward Building 57. Pieces of zombie and building explode everywhere.
    "Airborne!!!" Chanted members of First Squad as they moved toward Building 56.
    First Squad free flowed into the first floor and secured it in seconds.
    "First floor secured," said Red 1 on the net.
    Alpha Team from Second squad simultaneously leaped into two windows on the second floor on the East side of the building. With an array of gun fire and explosions. Their violence of action was a work of art. They moved seamlessly with each other. Bravo Team with Red 2 passed through First Squad and stopped at the stairway.
    "Alpha Team, are you ready for us to move?" Said Barton (the Bravo Team Leader).
    "Wait one," replied Alpha Team Leader.
    There was a loud explosion heard on the Second Floor, then a headless zombie body rolled down the stairway.
    "Go ahead," said Alpha Team Leader on the net.
    Barton lead his team up the stair way to the third floor. As he approached the hallway of the third floor, a zombie busted through the wall and grabbed Barton by the neck...
    "Rarrrrrhhr!" Screamed the zombie.
    Barton side stepped and hip tossed the zombie to the ground. The rest of Bravo Team stepped over Barton and continued to clear the third floor. The zombie was still choking Barton as he pulled out his knife and with one powerful stroke, cut both arms off the zombie. He then punched a fist size hole through the zombie's head.
    "Coming in!" Said Red 2 with a forceful voice.
    Barton stood up with the zombie arms still hanging from his neck.
    "Yea, floor secure, come on up," said Bravo Team Leader as he pulled the decaying arms off his neck.
    Second Squad continued to systematically clear Building 56 till they got to the roof.
    As Second Squad set up overwatch on the roof top, Red 3 came across the net, "I don't know what you guys did, but the Mongolian horde is on its way from the East."              He could barely be heard over the gunfire in the background. Red 6 made his way up to the roof top were he could get eyes on the situation. Hordes of zombies could be seen all around, like ants. There was so much activity that it looked like the buildings and streets was alive.
    Bobby thought to himself, "I expected the city to erupt, but not like this."
    As he looked out into the distance he could see zombies moving in from all directions. As if they were reinforcing Junction City. He could see Third Squad fighting off the zombie horde the best they could, but the zombies were closing in on them. There were just too many of them.
    "Go ahead and break down and move to Building 56, we can cover you from here. I say again, all Red elements break down and move to my location," commanded Bobby.
    He looked at Red 2 and nodded. Second Squad opened up with an explosion of bullets to cover the rest of Red Platoon.
    Klu came up to the roof as Red Platoon occupied Building 56 and fired from several windows to keep the horde at bay.
    "Dude, this is something else. It has never been this bad," said Klu.
    "Yea, I think this is why my brother said not to come here. These zombies are not acting randomly at all. They are focusing on this building as if they were coordinating with each other," said Bobby.
    "Yea, this kind of dampers the plan a bit. They are too thick to move through on the street," suggested Klu.
    "Yea, I was thinking that too, but I think these roof tops are close enough that we can leap from one to the other till we get to Building 5," said Bobby as he thought out loud looking at the zombie filled roof tops.
    Red 3 looked at Red 2 and said, "bro, if you clear the roof top for me, we'll make the jump."
    All the leaders looked at each other and nodded.
    "Clear the roof top of Building 48," commanded Red 2 to Second Squad.
    Second Squad concentrated fire at the adjacent roof top. Third Squad lined up on the East side of the roof top of Building 56. It looked to be about a 30 foot jump to the roof of Building 48. The array of bullets from Second Squad looked like a wall of lead as zombies continued to rush to the roof top of Building 48.
    "On my mark!" Announced Bobby,"3...2...1...Follow Me!" He said as he made the death defying leap just as Second Squad seized fire.
    In mid air, the elite warriors opened fire at zombies flooding on the roof top of Building 48. They hit the roof with an athletic combat roll and rolled right in to securing the roof.
    Red Platoon systematically leap-frogged from building to building until they got to Building 15, about 20 meters from Building 5.
    The Zombie horde moved inside the buildings and strangely stopped attacking Red Platoon. It was an eerie, chilly feeling. Like someone pushed the pause button in the middle of the war. Red Platoon looked at each other in confusion. It was nothing short of a miracle for them to have made it this far without any casualties. But something seemed off. Movement stopped. Time seemed to stand still. Bobby got a sick feeling in his gut. He lined up to lead another death defying leap to Building 5.
    Red 1 looked at Bobby and said, "well, this looks like it's going to be the easiest rooftop to take."
    "Yea, but something doesn't seem right," replied Bobby.
    "COME ON RED PLATOON, DO YOU WANT TO LIVE FOREVER?" Chanted Klu and Barton as they leaped from building 15.
    "NO! Wait!," yelled Bobby as he jumped after them.
    "Airborne!" Added Red 1 as he and the rest of First Squad jumped from the roof top with a powerful leap.
    Just then, IGSC looking zombies appeared on the rooftops of building 5, 6, and 7. The IGSC Zombies were armed with standard issued rifles and equipment. They were moving with Z Tab efficiency. They all opened fire at the same time. Klu was shot in the face mid air just before reaching the edge of the building. His limp body flipped and rolled down the side of the building before zombies on the second floor pulled him inside.
    There were casualties on both sides. Everyone was hit. There was some kind of strange growth on the IGCS Zombies on the back of their necks. Every time the IGSC zombies got hit, the wound immediately healed and they continued to fight as if they were never hit.
    Bobby and about half of First Squad made it to the roof of Building 5. They were instantly tied up in hand to hand combat with these elite zombie warriors. Just then, a rocket launcher went off from Building 7. Bobby looked up to see Building 15 leveled with the rest of Red Platoon on it.
    As the building was collapsing, you could see Rangers jumping to the adjacent buildings, but they were instantly swallowed up by the unstoppable zombie horde. Bobby continued to fight along side the few survivors on the roof of Building 5. Hundreds of zombies swarmed the roof. He looked to his right as he saw zombies ripping back some of Red 1's armor as they bit him in the neck. Red 1 continued to fight, but within a few seconds his eyes went bloodshot red. He stood there looking lifeless as a growth started to form on the back of his neck.
    "No...," Bobby thought to himself.
    The IGSC zombies we faster and stronger than they were. As if the zombie virus enhanced their abilities somehow. Additionally, they were invulnerable to what seemed like everything, as limbs grew back, and wounds healed themselves in seconds.
    Bobby continued to fight, slaughtering zombies before a zombified Red 1 grabbed him from behind, and threw him from the roof. Bobby, regained his composure in mid and fired at the zombies below him. But, as he was falling the hundred stories to the ground, hundreds of zombies below him started to merge together with web-like growth forming them together as a zombie tree. It formed a 100 foot monster of zombie bodies intertwined. All the zombies started to scream together in an echo of high pitched beeps. Bobby concentrated fire at the center of it. But the bullets seemed to have no effect on the beast. As Bobby fell, about ten meter above the monster, it swung with a giant arm and smashed Bobby to the ground. With the weight of hundreds of zombies, The Horde held Bobby down. Screeching and decaying flesh surrounded Bobby's body. He couldn't move. Several zombies started to rip armor from his neck.
    Bobby bit the fingers off of one zombie. "Get your dick beaters off me, you disgusting ziek," said Bobby as he spit the fingers back at them.
    The screams intensified. Then, a zombie bit Bobby in the neck. He could feel the poison spread inside his body with a painful burn like the hemotoxin from a rattle snake. His eyes went blood red. He could feel the high pitched tones inside his head. He clinches his teeth and tries to fight it. But, before long, his mind fades into black. He can see and feel, and even think a little, but he can't control his body. More high pitched tones take over his mind. Bobby rises to his feet...an obedient zombie to The Horde.

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