The Training Begins

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Meanwhile, back on Planet Blackheart, The Raider contemplates how he will re -invade Googlon. He sits in his lair, leaned back in his chair with one leg propped up on the arm of the chair. He sits in silence, deep in thought as he studies the footage from the previous raid on Googlon.
"Chazaz, come in here!" The Raider demands to his personal servant that was sitting outside his room.
Chazaz comes running in, "yes, Sir. What can I do for you?"
"I need you to hack into the IGSC database and see what information you can get for me about these two warriors we encountered back on Googlon," says The Raider.
"Yes Sir, you mean the Zombie and the fast green guy," confirms Chazaz.
The Raider nods his head in affirmation. Chazaz bows and leaves the room. He gathers a team of analysts that The Raider had trained to data mine information throughout the galaxy. They work tirelessly for months.
Meanwhile back on Googlon, the Royal family starts to regroup. Syd still sulking from the news about her father goes to the escape pod that Slad and Bobby arrived in. She walks in and sees her fathers giant jagged machete on the ground full of blood and etched into the side, "The Z-TAB EXPERIENCE." She grabs the giant blade, sits down and weeps as she misses her father. She remember when he used to teach her how to fight with that very weapon. She reached up around her neck and pulled off a pink silk scarf that Bamf had given her when she was little. It had embroidered on it, "I love my Princess Bear." She tied it securely to the base of the hilt of the machete and slung it to her back.
She then started to investigate the pod, "computer, replay images from when this pod was activated."
Kortney appears on the screen in front of her and remembers Princess Amus' reaction to the same footage, "I am sorry princess, it is not advised that you witness this data."
"Shut up! You're a stupid computer, now play the data! NOW!" Replies Syd.
Kortney looks at the ground in front of her and shakes her head. She then disappears and plays the data anyway. Syd freaks out and starts breaking things in the ship. She rips the chair out of the ground that she is sitting on and smashes it into pieces. She then storms out of the pod and sprints to her room, leaving a path of destruction in her wake. In her room she can be found training with the machete. The training is therapeutic to her as it makes her feel closer to her father. She also desperately wanted to kill The Raider for taking her grand parents' lives.
Ten Royal Guardsmen struggle to drag in the giant war-hammer that was left in on the epic battlefield where Slad defeated Blackthunder.
"Sir, what would you like us to do with this?" Asks a Guardsman to Ganzo.
They are interrupted as Prince Chase walks in and grabs the hammer.
Zombie Bobby stands behind him and says,"there is a lot of history in that legendary hammer."
Chase struggles to lift the enormous weapon. He finally picks it up and begins to weld it, "Uncle Bobby, can you teach me to use this?"
Bobby nods his head and says,"follow me, young prince."
Chase struggles to carry the hammer outside. The Royal Guardsmen looked at each other baffled at how the young prince could lift the heavy hammer. But the prince possessed evolutionary strength that he inherited from his father. Bobby started to run him through basic maneuvers with the hammer. Chase followed, the strength in him growing with every swing of the hammer that was more than double him in size.
Bobby then grabbed the hammer from Chase and fired a powerful blast from the top of the hammer at the side of a mountain. A giant crater was carved into the mountain with pieces of rock and dirt flying everywhere, "when you get strong enough, I will teach you how to do that."
He hands the hammer back to Chase. "I am ready now!" Chase demands.
"I don't think so, buddy, you can barely lift it," responds Bobby.
"Oh yea, watch this," says Chase as he aims at the mountain. Some how he figured out how to activate the hammer by watching his uncle.
Bobby thinks to himself, "how did he figure that out. Oooh, I better stop him before he hurts himself."
As he moves to take the hammer from Chase, Chase fires the hammer. The Blast throughs the young prince back a couple hundred meters on to his back.
Bobby looks up and utters, "oh Crap."
He sprints to the the prince and holds out his hand, "you see, young man."
"I am going to get stronger and kill those bad men that killed my grand parents," Chase says with fire in his eyes.
A green aura starts to run from the planet's surface into Chase. He starts to glow green for a second and jumps in the air to slam the hammer down like it was weightless. A powerful blast emits from under the hammer. Chase stands there staring at the ground, breathing hard like he just ran a marathon. The green aura leaves him and the fire in his eyes fades.
Bobby studies the boy and grabs the hammer from him, "ok, hero, I think that's enough for today. We had better get you back to the castle before your mother kills me."
After Bobby gets the prince back to the castle, he finds Slad, "bro, the craziest thing just happened with Chase. He glowed green like you, but his power manifested in strength."
"Oh yea," replied Slad.
"Yea, I think we need to study that more. If this place is attacked again, we might need them to be as strong as possible," says Bobby.
"Yea, agreed," says Slad.
"Uh, what the heck are y'all talking about? My babies are not warriors. They are children, and they will not be training. Do you understand me?" Announces Queen Amus.
"My lady, we didn't see you there," says Slad.
"My Queen, the brothers bring up a good point, I fear the worst has yet to come," says Ganzo as he comes in. "Additionally, we have the sword to discuss."
"He is not ready. He is just a boy," responds the Queen.
"My Lady, The Sword of Googlon has never not been wielded by it's King, and Sam, though a boy he might be, is stronger and faster than any Googlonian that has ever lived. His father's blood makes him the most powerful king that has ever been on this planet. If anyone is ever ready, it's him," says Ganzo.
"No! He is just a boy, and the journey is dangerous. I will not allow it," says Amus.
The brothers look at each other with confusion.
"What journey," asks Bobby.
"It is the sacred journey to the core of this planet that every king must take before he is worthy to wield The Mystical Sword of Googlon," says Ganzo. "The sword has power, that only is reveled to the rightful king of Googlon. But, the journey is dangerous, as kings have died in the process and the next in line had to step up to take the mantle. Additionally, their is a legend/prophecy that suggest a powerful king will take the sword and unlock the full power of Googlon one day. A dangerous gesture that has cost several good men their lives on the conquest.." Adds Ganzo.
"And that is exactly why he is not ready. MEN have died on that journey and my baby is not ready," interrupts Amus.
"Does he know any of this?" Asks Slad.
The queen shakes her head as she looks as Slad with the death stare," and he won't because he is my baby!"
"Well being this is the first time I have even known you guys existed, I am not going to jeopardize my relationship with my nephew by keeping secrets. I will not push, but if he asks me, I will not lie either," responds Slad as he leaves the room to go to bed.
Early the next morning, the Queen mysteriously finds Sam staring at the Sword of Googlon (SoG) that is displayed above the throne.
"Mama, this sword woke me up and called me to it. I don't understand what is happening," asks Sam to his mother.
Amus stands there speechless. Slad walks in the room and looks at Amus and cocks his head and raises his eye brows. She looks back at him like she is going to murder him in his sleep.
Bobby walks in and tries to alleviate the tension," well, big gulps huh? What's for breakfast?" Bobby looks at Amus, "you think you could go wrangle us up some bacon and egg sandwiches?"
Amus looks at him and rolls her eyes.
"Hahaha, I am just kidding. Look, this could be a sign. A sign that something worse is coming and we need to start preparing," says Bobby.
"Yes, I know, but he is my son and I still see him as a baby boy," says the Queen as she looks at the ground. "I have had visions of this at night. There is something coming. I had a vision that something much worse is coming, in a couple months maybe. Something that could destroy us all. And I know, that my children are the best hope for Googlon, but I am struggling with this. They are my kids and are not trained warriors," says Amus.
"Uh, did she just gloss over a vision of death and destruction a couple months from now?" Bobby says to Slad with a confused look on his face.
"We have trained for worse, and Z Tab school is only a couple of months. We can make your children elite warriors in a couple of months, but they will need the support of their mother," says Slad.
Queen Amus looks at the ground.
"Mom, what are ya'll talking about?" Says Prince Sam.
Amus looks at Sam with a heavy head, "grab the sword honey. We have a lot to talk about." She looks at the brothers, "I will take him to the core."
Ganzo walks in, "Madam, the journey must be taken alone."
"Listen, I am the queen and if I am going to be ok with this then I will be going with him," says Amus.
"My queen, that journey could kill you," says Ganzo.
"I will go with them," says Bobby.
"This is madness," says Ganzo.
"If anyone has a chance at survival, its the reanimated zombie in the room. Surely, he can keep the Prince and the Queen safe," says Slad.
Bobby looks at Slad, "I got this, but I need you to look into Chase's training today."
"Yea, I got it," says Slad.
Slad walks upstairs to see Syd tirelessly training in her room and asks her, "you doing ok kid?"
"I am fine, now leave me alone," she says as she slashes away with her father's machete.
He goes to sit down next to her, "you know, that machete has an epic history. Your father forged that on Planet Z the day he became a legend."
"My daddy has always been a legend. And I am going to cut The Raider's head off with it," says Syd.
"Haha, that may be, but sometimes you need the help of your family," says Slad.
"I don't need any help, I am the strongest warrior on this planet," boasts Syd.
"Haha, you might be strong compared to these people, but The Raider is a formidable foe," educates Slad.
"I don't care, I am going to kill him. Just like my daddy would have," says Syd.
"Well, I can tell you this, if you are going to be successful, you are going to have to learn how to work as a team," says Slad as he walks out.
Sam, Bobby, and Amus make their way down to the sacred passage under the castle to start their journey to the core. Sam is swinging the sword around and around like a toy.
"That is not a toy, and this is a serious endeavor my son," says Amus.
"Ah mom, you take the fun out of everything," says Sam as he skips down the stairs.
Bobby laughs, "this journey doesn't seem that dangerous at all."
Amus looks at him as if their is something he does not know...
Slad walks into Chases room where his is already standing with the hammer. "I am ready to begin training, Uncle Slad," he says with a serious look on his face. "I will be strong enough to defeat that evil man, teach me," Chase demands.
"Alright come with me into the yard and lets begin," responds Slad.
Syd makes her way down to the range and starts shooting with a Googlonian rifle modeled after her dad's standard issued IGSC rifle.
Chase and Slad begin drills with the hammer.
Sam and company make it deeper into the planets' core. Things start to get strange. Blue bolts of electricity begin to fly up the hallway. Sam's sword starts to glow blue. He looks at his mother to see her scared. Bobby tries to smirk it all away, but something strange was happening. An eerie feeling started to come over them as if they were surrounded by ghosts. They continue to push forward to the core.
After Syd shoots thousands of rounds at the range, she looks at one of the Guardsman and hands him the rifle, "clean this and have another batch of ammo ready for me in the morning."
The man nods as she sprints away into the adjacent forrest with the machete drawn. He sees trees flying out of the forest as she cuts them with such power that they fly hundreds of feet into the air.
"She may possess the strength of her father, but she is lacking some of his character," the guardsman thinks to himself as he looks at the dirty rifle.
Bamf would have cleaned his own weapon and never treated people in that way. Syd had an entitled attitude. One that started to make people resent her. It wasn't entirely her fault. She has been raised a princess, but she was being compared to a mature warrior and a mature queen. She was still a child learning and grieving. But, she will need to get over herself if her people are going to survive the threat that is coming.
Syd continues to slash away. She has so much frustration pounding through her body that tears runs from her eyes. The rage give her power and she uses it to train.
Chase begins to show signs of fatigue after hours of training with Slad. "Winner, you are going to have to push through if you are going to tap into the power within," says Slad.
Chase digs deep and goes for another attack on his uncle. Slad side steps and kicks him in the side of the head. "Focus, you are going to have to get faster with that weapon. The Raider is fast and strong. You will never hit him if you don't grow stronger and wield that hammer with more speed," commands Slad.
Chase slams the hammer on the ground with frustration, "I am trying Uncle, I am trying with everything I have."
"No you are not. Your Uncle Bobby told me how you glowed green yesterday and had a burst of incredible power come over you. You need to tap into that again. We need to unlock your true strength. It is in you, I can feel it. Focus!" Responds Slad.
Chase widens his base and grips the hammer with both hands as he concentrates. He grits his teeth and squeezes the weapon as he starts to feel something...
As Sam approaches the giant blue ball of electricity at the center of the planet, the bolts of electricity attack Sam, Amus, and Bobby. Sam somehow instinctively holds us the sword to draw in the electricity. He begins acting like he has been here before. Knowledge flows into him from thousands of generations of his ancestors. Sam's eyes glow blue with electricity. He feels the frustration from the spirts because he is not alone in the cave. Bolts of electricity fly from the sword and the core at Queen Amus...
Bobby steps in front of her to take the shock. The electricity fries his body and burns him to a crisp. The burnt corpse lets out a belch with a puff of smoke from his mouth as he collapses. Amus screams.
Another burst of power comes from the core at the Queen. Sam concentrates and squeezes the sword with both hands absorbing all the energy in the cave. Sam begins to glow blue with bolts of electricity surging all around him. He sees images of others before him that tried to put the sword into the core to download the full power of the sword. The process kills all that try. He sees images of others leaving at this point in the journey to survive and take command of the planet. The prophecy is downloaded to him like a computer. He moves to the core. He believes he is the one. He stabs the core with the sword. He is instantly electrocuted. Power surges through his body.
"Ahahahaha," says the Prince as the pain surges through his body. He takes it like his father would, with pleasure.
The Princes body starts to go limp as all the power is about to kill him, but Zombie Bobby catches the prince and supports him, "come on Sam, you can do this, make the prophecy true, you are Bamf Storm's Son, Winners Lead the Way!"
The electricity starts to burn Bobby again. Bobby focuses his healing power to stay upright to support Sam. Amus runs to her son, but as she touches him, she is electrocuted and thrown against the wall. Her unconscious, limp body lays on the stairs in the passage way.
The Red Storm is ripping through an IGSC Ship near The Corps Worlds, gaining more and more power with every soul he takes. With every kill, he grows stronger. He stands ready to eat the head off another crew man when he feels something. He feels a connection to a planet far away. Just outside the IGSC controlled universe. He feels it from a planet his former self has been. He doesn't remember why. The rage of the Red Storm blocks his memories, but the connection is strong. He squints his eyes and concentrates. He feels pieces of himself on that planet. He feels their despair. It starts to bring a human side of him back. The red aura starts to fade in him when the crew man draws his side arm and aims it at Bamf. The Red Storm takes back over with all the rage in him. The red aura shines like fire all around his body. The power is blinding. The Red Storm bites the man on the top of the head and violently rips his head from his body. While he chews on his brains, he lifts his head up with his nose in the air and inhales his soul as it ties to escape the poor man's body. He then stairs at the wall, eyes glowing red. He focuses his rage and power on the connections.
Syd, Sam, and Chase feel the power surge. They are all connected some how. All the pain, power, and rage. The power consumes them all. It lifts them in the air. Red lightning runs around their bodies. Anyone around them looks on, shocked. They all look up with an impossible rage, eyes glowing red.
Another crew man busts into the room Bamf is standing in and opens fire with a cannon blaster. A cannon blaster was a powerful laser designed to cut through and blow up tanks. The connection with Googlon is severed. The Red Storm turns his attention to the crewman that just fired on him. He stands there as if the the blaster did not effected him at all, like a small cool breeze effects a mountain. The red monster glows with rage and power. He attacks the crew man and continues his predator-like rampage through the ship.
Syd drops to the ground with her left hand and knee on the ground and her machete drawn at the ready in her right hand. She looks up to see she is surrounded by a herd of Lobobestias. Lobobestias were giant wolf like creatures that lurked in the forests of Googlon. They are why the Googlonians typically didn't go into the forests. They stood 20 feet tall and weighed thousands of pounds. They were powerful, athletic animals that moved with devastating efficiency. The leader of the pack lunged at Syd...
Chase drops to the ground with his left hand and knee on the ground with his war hammer at the ready in his right hand. He concentrates and feels the power of Googlon flowing in him. The green aura returns to him. His eyes glow green as his muscles grow. He lunges at Slad with incredible force. "That's it!," encourages Slad as he jumps out of the way. The power and strength in Chase grows with every swing of the hammer. As his muscles are stressed, the radio active power heals them and makes him stronger.
Sam drops to the ground with his left hand and knee on the ground and his sword at the ready in his right hand. Smoking with blue lighting all around him. Bobby was knocked unconscious from the power surge Sam got from his father. The full power of the sword had been downloaded from the core. Sam could feel the power in his body. He could move at light speed by flowing with the electrons in the air like lightning. His mind was faster and sharper too. He had done it. He still had much to learn about the mystical power of the sword, but he had survived the full power of the core. He had done what no king before him could do on the journey.
As the wolves lunged at Syd, she gathered the rage and power inside her. She exploded from the ground slicing the head off the leader of the pack with incredible accuracy and technique. She spun around and round house kicked two more in the head. The kick chatted the skulls of the two animals exploding pieces of brains and bone all over the trees behind them with all the kinetic energy flowing from her foot. She continued to unleash her frustration by cutting up the other animals with predator-like instinct. The animal in Syd takes over. She is wild like the beasts she was slaughtering.
Chase kicks a rock at Slad. Slad leaps out of the way as the rock explodes with radioactive energy. Then, BOOOMMM!!! Chase strikes a distracted Slad with a powerful sideswipe of the hammer that fractures Slad's left humerus and hip bone. The blow sends Slad spiraling to his right. Slad's instincts take over. Slad charges himself and regains his composure in the air. He spins to his feet and slides to his right from the force. He teleports forward with a green burst of energy with super speed. He uses the momentum to front kick Chase in the chest. The kick sends Chase sliding on his back digging a trench into the ground about 50 feet in length. Slad gets control of himself and calms down. Chase back flips out of the trench to his feet and readies the hammer for another blow.
Bio foam capsules in Slad's suit erupt filling his wounds with bio foam. The burning sensation fills his body as his cells begin to rapidly heal. The hyper increased metabolism from his radioactive cells increase his ability to heal. Slad usually grows faster in this process. They continue to fight and increase their abilities.
Sam teleports to the basement of Castle Googlon with his new found power and speed as he carries Bobby, Amus, and the sword.
"Well, that was a shocking experience," says Bobby as his body starts to heal in seconds. Ganzo, who was stressing out waiting in the basement, grabs Amus and rushes her to the aid station. Sam looks with amazement at his magical weapon.
Syd returns to the castle covered in blood. She has the bloody clown face her father use to have from combat. She walks into the courtyard with rage in her eyes, still wild from the forrest. She is dragging the hide of the lead wolf she had slain. She drops it and points with her machete at one of the servants and demands, "you! Tan this hide and have it brought to my chambers when when it is down."
The servant freezes with fear as the bloody warrior princess looks at her. The wild animal in Syd takes over, she raises the Z Tab Experience in the air to cut the woman in half. But, as she drops the blade, Zombie Bobby catches it and throws her back. She then focuses her attention on Bobby and swipes at him, cutting his right leg clean off with a piece of his face. Bobby starts to hop around like a one legged man in an ass-kicking contest. Syd goes in for another attack. Bobby jumps in the air and drop kicks her in the face. She flies agains the wall and bounces off it like a ping pong ball as she lands on the ground face first. Bobby rolls to his feet reattaching his leg that heals in seconds. Syd jumps to her feet as Slad, Chase, and Sam make their way to the courtyard. Syd explodes from the ground and attacks them all. The rumble continues in the courtyard as Googlonians flee for their lives.
"STOPPPP! Enough! Knock it off!" Amus shouts to interrupt the chaos. She holds her head. "I have a splitting head ache and can't take any more of this. Training is done for the day, wash up for supper," she commands.
All action stops in the courtyard as they all look at each other shocked. The animal aura leaves Syd.
"Oh thank God, I don't how many more Storm monster attacks I can handle," Kortney says as a life size image next to Slad.
"Me too, she was scary as crap," says Bobby as decaying skin falls from his face as new skin grows over his exposed teeth from where syd cut some of his cheek off.
"Oh you're one to talk, Night of the Living Dead," responds Kortney as she looks at Bobby wide eyed.
"Oh shut up, digi-dork," says Bobby as they walk into the dinning room.
Months later Chazaz runs into The Raider's quarters, "Sir, I've got it, I've got it. They are the CPT Slad and Bobby Storm. Bamf's brothers. Bamf and Slad illegally rescued Bobby from Planet Z after he turned into a Zombie."
"Interesting. And, what about Bamf?" Asks The Raider.
"He was captured as they tried to escape Ship 9958 and sentenced to death to The Reaper Planet," says Chazaz.
"Hahaha, so Bamf Storm is no longer a problem of mine. And his brothers are fugitives of the IGSC. This is great news hahahahaha," boasts The Raider. "Send a trade craft message to the IGSC so they can't trace it back here to find the whereabouts of Planet Blackheart. Send them the whereabouts of Bamf's fugitive brothers," commands The Raider. "The brothers will undoubtedly meet the ships in space to avoid Googlonian collateral damage, which will leave the planet defenseless and ripe for the taking," The Raider thinks to himself with his fist clinched in front of his face.

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