Bamf's Death Sentence

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Meanwhile on Ship 156, a crippled Bamf is brought forward in front of the Council to answer for his crimes. "Do you have anything to say for yourself Captain Bamf Storm?" Asks the council.
Bamf looks up through his blood covered face and smiles,"Yea, you can kiss my ass." Bamf spits blood at the council. The guards start to beat him with electric taser sticks.
"Enough!" Says one of the councilmen, "We have decided your fate. You are hear by sentenced to The Reaper Planet."
Councilman Toner looks at Bamf and says with a smug tone, "looks like you suck again, especially after your disastrous mission on Planet X."
Bamf picks the lock on one of his hand restraints, unzips his pants, pulls out his big wang and starts to piss on Councilman Toner, "how is this for a disastrous mission, puss-nuts..." Bamf is interrupted by multiple hits from the guards. They tase him unconscious and carry him away.
Bamf is taken to ship 687 where they study the Reaper phenomenon. Planet Reaper has been a death sentence since its discovery several thousands of years ago. They have reverted to studying the phenomenon by sending inmates on death row toward the planet with recording devices to see what they can pick up before they lose contact with them, but they are always instantly cut off. No one understands why or what is happening on The Reaper Planet, only, that everyone and everything that is sent there instantly loses contact and is never seen again. The scientists on ship 687 are constantly trying to experiment with new innovative technologies to break through the barrier.
Bamf is chained to a platform with several other inmates. They all have recording devices strapped to their heads. "3...2...1...drop," announces the ship as they are hurled toward the mysterious red planet...
Bamf fights to break free of his restraints as the platform flies at terminal velocity toward Planet Reaper. The scientists look with amazement as the platform is swallowed by the red atmospheric cloud. The cloud engulfed the planet. They instantly lose contact with all the electronics as they pass through the cloud. Nothing can be seen through the red cloud. They look baffled as they still have yet to learn anything, even after thousands of years of study.
The platform smashes into the ground. Bamf's legs are broken on impact. As he falls, his lungs get punctured by some of his broken ribs. He tries to sit up and coughs up blood everywhere. It is pitch black with surges of red energy everywhere. Bamf looks around, trying to focus. He sees the other inmates being consumed by the red spirit like ghosts as they pass through their bodies steeling their souls. Bamf fights hard just to breath.
He starts to chew on the restraints on his wrists to try and break free. A red reaper ghost appears in front of him and screams with a horrid sound and disappears. Bamf fights to his knees on broken legs. The pain is agonizing, but if he is going to survive, he is going to have to evolve into something else.
Another Reaper screams in his face, this time it grabs him by the neck and cocks back to rip his soul from him. Bamf feels the burning sensation throughout his whole body. The pain is overwhelming to the senses. Bamf uses it for strength, it distracts him from the pain of his broken body. Bamf is losing too much blood and struggles to concentrate. He focuses his anger, and gathers strength in a superhuman way. He glows red with anger. His mind set on murder and torture of the IGSC. The reaper lets go of Bamf in pain.
Five other reapers circle around like sharks around their prey. They smell blood in the water. They fixate on Bamf. But, just as they dive in for the kill...
She arrives. She... The infamous Reaper Queen. Bamf feels a connection with here telepathically. With one strong swipe of her scythe the other reapers scream and disappear into red smoke. The images move in and out like a night club hot boxed with smoke. Bamf can't tell if he is dreaming or dying. She grabs him by the neck, swipes hard with the scythe to shatter his restraints.
Bamf is captivated with her. She is a wildly beautiful seductress. Beams of red light highlight her figure. She is wearing little clothing, just enough to cover her nipples and crotch with skin tight appeal. She has giant red wings that wave like a cape in the wind and Harden at her will. She has a very thin yet athletic frame. She looks up with long fiery red hair flowing in the wind. Her eyes glow bright red and are focused on Bamf as she studies him. She wears a red crown made of metal and bone from the surrounding death. She is clearly in a position of power on this planet.
She gazes into Bamf's eyes. His face still blood stained from combat. The blood stains on his face and nose look like a sadistic clown. Bamf struggles to make out the seductive figure.
She speaks with a powerful yet elegant voice, "you...CPT Bamf Storm...we have been waiting for you!!!"
Her voice sounds like an echo all around him. Bamf is having an outer body experience as she drags him by the neck through the death and destruction around them.
He communicates with her telepathically as he can barely speak from his injuries, "what happened here, who are you, am I still alive?"
She looks at him with fire all around her and in an angry tone says, "YOU!! You are the cause of all this. You created the reaper phenomenon that has in-prisoned me here ages ago. I could kill you now if I didn't still have feelings for you."
Her mood changes and she looks down at the ground. She drops Bamf as he oozes blood from every orifice on his body. He gasps with tiny breaths. Blood spewing from his mouth. Bamf smiles as he embraces his fate. He feels the death start to take over him. The ammonia smell from his rotting lungs and limbs signal certain death.
He smiles and thinks to himself, "finally it is over, my war is over and I can rest."
"NO!!! Bamf Storm, it is not over for you!" The Reaper Queen commands as she spews red flashes of light into his mouth that breath life back into him.
Bamf chokes as he starts to glow red. He feels himself healing at a rapid rate. He feels one with the planet, but then, The Red Queens demonic lover appears with all the rage and jealousy of a husband discovering his adulterous wife. His image vibrating all around them a thousand times a second. The Reaper King screams with fire and rage. A circle of fire forms around them.
The Reaper King lands and move in and out of solid form. He grabs Bamf by the neck and lifts him in the air with superhuman strength. Bamf is unable to wiggle free or breath.
"So this is the one? This is the one you have been waiting for all this time? Tell me how it feels my love, tell me! You will watch as I crush the life out of your iconic hero and take his soul for my own," says the Reaper King with an impossible rage.
He smacks The Reaper Queen to the ground and stomps on her turning her into red smoke.
She reappears on the other side of the ring of fire weeping and crying on her knees, "No Maxx, No... haven't I suffered enough? Leave him be!" The Reaper Queen is overrun with mixed emotions.
The Reaper King turns his rage filled eyes on Bamf, "so you have finally come to finish me off? Hahaha, but you don't have the reaper power anymore, hahaha. Finally, I will beat the infamous Bamf Storm. HAHAHAH!!"
Bamf looks at him with confusion.
"Oh this is even more precious, he doesn't even know. I have been waited so long for this moment. Hahaha. This is his younger self. HAHAHA. I am going to torture your soul for a thousand years as I beat and rape your beloved Holly Davidson on the regular. You see I have taken her as my queen of this planet. And nothing dead can ever leave this place so once I steal your soul, you will be here forever with the rest of us."
He throws Bamf miles into the air and flies at several light years a second to appear above Bamf as if he teleported above him. He smiles as he kicks Bamf at light speed back to the earth. The Reaper Queen flies to catch him and kicks The Reaper King in the head. She tries to breath more life into Bamf as she brings him to the ground, but they are met with a devastating blow from the King. Bamf's body skips several hundred meters across the ground like a smooth rock being skipped across a calm lake. Bamf's body comes to a screeching halt against the platform he arrived on.
The King over powers the Queen and beats her into the ground. From her back she reaches up and knees him in the groin. There bodies move too fast to follow as they slip in and out of the ghost realm. Bamf finds a blaster from an IGSC Soldier's corpse. Bamf hopes it will still work. He shoulders the weapon and takes careful aim. The Red King is about to strike the Queen again, as Bamf opens fire. The bullet passes through him like a hole in smoke. The Reaper King was not in his physical form, but a spiritual one.
"Oh, that's it. I am going to finish this now," says The Reaper King as he teleports toward Bamf.
The Queen hanging on his feet trying to slow him down enough...just give Bamf a fighting chance. The Reaper King closes in on Bamf as he channels the power within to take Bamf's soul....
Bamf reaches down and pulls up one of the corpses from the ground. The King mistakenly inters his aura into the corpse and takes over the body like a living thing. Bamf then fires the blaster under the chin of the corpse before the King can really gage what is happening, Bamf blows his head off. Weakened from multiple transitions, the red aura of the King slips out of the corpse and Bamf breaths him in. He concentrates, The Reaper Queen channelling energy into him. Bamf fights The Reaper King on all fronts from the psychological realm to the ghost realm. As they fight, Bamf channels his rage. His body starts to evolve into a reaper. The Queen fights with him, and Bamf is able to take control of The Reaper King. By essentially killing him and stealing his soul, Bamf inherits the Reaper King's powers. He is able to teleport through space and time with limitless strength. The difference was that Bamf was the only thing living on this planet which means that he is the only thing that can leave the planet.
The Queen embraces Bamf.
"You know what you have to do," she says to him with sadness.
"I am not leaving here without you," he responds to her.
She looks at him with confusion, "the red cloud that surrounds this planet will not allow anything dead to leave it. I could never go with you."
"Well I am the king of the impossible. The Wizard of solutions. The embodiment of Winning! Watch this," Bamf encourages her.
He starts to build a marvelous chopper with all the twisted steal and death around them.
"When I was a kid, my dad said a special kind of bike has its own soul. It can be alive," Bamf says while he works.
He puts fragments of skulls and corpses together on the bike to give it organs that can be alive.
"Now, possess the bike with your soul and you can come with me. You will be connected with the bike. It won't be glorious, but you might be able to leave this place," Bamf advises the Queen.
She looks at him with hope, "I have always thought that you are crazy, but there is something special about you."
She pours herself into the bike.
"We are now the Death Sled, now ride me out of here," demands The Queen.
The chopper lights up with a red aura and fire for wheels. The engine roars and the corpses scream. It's easily the most bad ass ride in the galaxy. They soar through the cloud and attack ship 687. With every soul they take, the more powerful they become. Bamf moves on, possessed by rage and power. He forgets who he is. The anger and evil in him become addicted to souls. Not even a thousand baby hearts would satisfy his appetite. He becomes the Red Storm. A being of raw power and hate. He teleports from IGSC Ship to IGSC Ship ripping them apart with his new found power. The Reaper Queen fueling his rage and need for more souls...

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