The Attack on Googlon

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Everyone is gathering at the castle for Princess Syd's birthday. There are beautiful decorations everywhere with dancing jesters and a magicians on stage for entertainment. Googlonians are happy to celebrate some good news after all the destruction and chaos the planet has endured since the last invasion. Syd walks out in a beautiful dress and gives her mom a hug. There is music in the background and everyone is having a good time. But prince Sam and Prince Chase are no where to be found. As Amus looks around she notices their uncles are no where to be found either. "Kortney!" The queen commands.
"Yes Ma'am," she says as an image in the screen above them. She is dressed in a jester outfit in rainbow colors. "I am even in my party outfit for the Princess," Kortney says as she smiles.
"Well, you know who isn't here in their party outfit? I'll tell you! THE BOYS!" Says the Queen.
"Um, which ones?" Says Kortney.
"ALL FOUR of them!" Responds Amus.
"Oh, well uh, let me just talk to them about that and I will be back," Kortney smiles and disappears off the screen.
Slad, Sam, Chase, and Bobby are training in the pastures behind the castle. Chase and Sam are starting to show true talent as warriors as the brothers and uncles sharpened their skills with each other.
"Uhemmmh," says Kortney with a puff of digital party smoke being projected as a life size image from Slad's suit. "You boys think you are forgetting something right about now?" Asks Kortney as she points to her watch. A giant ten foot by fifteen foot projection of a digital clock appears next to her screen with the time,"10:05," and under it is blinking in giant red letters,"AKA 5 MINUTES LATE to the Princes' Birthday Party!"
"Oh crap, I bet the queen is pissed right now," Bobby says.
"Ya think," says Kortney with sarcasm.
"It's ok bro, we will uh...distract her with some break dancing when we show up," chimes in Slad.
Kortney stands there looking at them with her arms crossed, head tilted, and cock eyed, "uh, she might just punch you both in the face. And you had better hurry up before she turns into a banshee eats your souls."
Chase and Sam look at each other, "oh we better hurry."
They all take off toward the castle and quickly change. As Prince Sam and Chase enter the courtyard their mother power walks over to them and grabs them by the ear lobe, "where have you two been?" Chase and Sam squinting in pain point across the courtyard at uncle Slad and Bobby breakdancing as they enter the party. Amus throws her arms in the air and lets out a sigh.
One of the servants walks in with a perfectly groomed unicorn. The unicorn was white in color with big wings and a magical horn that came from it's forehead. The unicorn was a rare creature on Googlon. Ty the servant boy had worked very hard to find it. Ty recently joined the castle staff after Slad saved him from being crushed by Blackthunder a few months ago. Ty's father was killed in that raid and didn't really have anywhere to go so slad suggested he come work at the castle. He was a sweet boy that was generally pretty happy, but had a tendency to drift off into a day dream. His day dreaming affected his work progress so some of the staff would get frustrated with him. However, he delivered on this task and it was a big one. The Queen's face lit up as she looked at the gift.
"Oh this should be the very thing that could make my princess happy. She has been in such a terrible mood since The Raider attacked us," says the Queen as she admired the magnificent beast.
Syd walks right by the unicorn without even acknowledging it and approaches her mother, "so when do I go on the journey to the core and rule Googlon? I am the oldest after all," says Syd.
"Baby Bear, it doesn't work like that, but look what this nice young man brought for you for your birthday," the queen said as she smiled at her daughter.
"It isn't fair, I am the oldest and I should be in charge, NOT Sam!" Syd said as she pitched a fit with her arms crossed and bottom lip sticking out.
"She is unappeasable," says the Queen with frustration as she throws her hands up in the air and walks away shaking her head.
Four Googlonians brought out a table with a giant birthday cake on it. Sam and Chase started to wrestle on the stage near the cake. "Boys, stop that," said their mother. Their contest escalated as each brother got their licks in. Then, Sam slams Chase through the big beautiful birthday cake, breaking the table underneath them. Chase spins around and starts to work an arm bar.
Syd screams,"YOU TWO BONE-HEADS! You guys ruin everything!"
Ganzo goes to try and calm the princess down before she rages out and kills everyone. The boys continue to chase each other around the courtyard making a wanderous mess of things while Guardsmen try to separate them. The boys just run circles around them taunting them as they still attack each other. They know that no Googlonian could catch them with their evolutionary speed and strength. Amus looks at the Uncles who are intensely focused on their Rock, Paper, Scissors contest and didn't notice the calamity around them.
"Are you two neanderthals going to help at all with this," asks Queen Amus as she gives them the death stare.
Her face was red as a beat and looking like she might explode. As she interrupts them, Slad throws his fist out like a rock and Bobby throws his hand out as paper.
Bobby covers Slad's fist with his hand and says,"hahaha, I got you." Bobby winks at Slad to rub it in.
"We had better help with the princes before out sister in law has an aneurism," says Slad as the brothers go to separate their nephews.
Just then a giant beam of light hits a body of water on Googlon and explodes. The explosion can be felt across the entire planet.
"Kortney, talk to me," says Slad as he and Bobby rush to jump on their space bikes.
"Two IGSC ships just arrived a few hundred thousand miles from Googlon and that was a warning shot from one of ships. They are saying they want the Storm brothers and are willing to blow this planet up to get them," informs Kortney.
Slad and Bobby race through outer space to intercept the ships.
Kortney appears in front of them, "you guys can't go out to meet them, they will kill you, even as bad ass as you guys are there are thousands of IGSC troops on those destroyers. You don't stand a chance."
"Some times it's better to die a hero than live a coward," says Slad.
"And I am at least going to look really cool going out in my Brand Name sun glasses," says Bobby with a smirk.
The two brothers dock on the closest ship with an explosion and start their fight for survival.
The Raider looks on in a ship hundreds of thousands of miles on the other side of Googlon licking his chops, "they took to the bait, begin the invasion."
Blackthunder leads a force near the castle. There ship lands about a quarter mile South of the castle. Syd, blood thirsty for revenge, rushes out to meet the ship. The Royal Guard can't keep up with her. She starts to cut The Raider's minions to pieces until Blackthunder steps out of the ship with a leap. He lands with a thud behind the princess. She turns with a powerful swipe of the Z Tab Experience that would have cut his head clean off if he hadn't caught it. He grabbed her by the wrist and lifted her from the ground as he examines the blade. He is shocked at what he sees. Syd back flip kicks him in the face and rolls out of his grip. She lands on her feet and squats down about to spring forward for a powerful attack.
"WAIT!" Blackthunder says with his hand raised in a loud powerful voice. "Where did you get that blade?" He asks.
"It was my father's and I am going to cut you to pieces with it," says Syd as she raises the machete.
"Wait, are Bamf Storm's daughter?" Says Blackthunder as he examines the warrior princess. Her face already painted in blood from her victims like a clown, just like her father used to. The rage and fire can be seen in her eyes. She looked muscular and powerful, even for a kid.
"Yes! And I am the Princess of Googlon. Now prepare to be gutted, you piece of trash," The Princess says as she leaps towards him.
Blackthunder side steps the attack and pushes her away, "hahaha, I should have seen that. You look just like him."
Syd launches in for another attack. Blackthunder catches her by the wrist again, spins around, and throws her away from the ship. She flips around to land on her feet. The Royal Guard finally arrive at the battle, but there are just a hand full of minions left, thanks to Syd. There is a slight pause in the battle. The Royal Guard ready to fire, The Raider's Minions ready fire with weapons shouldered.
"Stop," says Black Thunder in a powerful voice, "stand down! And Get back to the ship, we are leaving," he commands.
The minions were confused, but they didn't dare question the giant angry man. The Royal Guard, stand there stunned as Black Thunder turns to board his ship.
"COWARD!!! Turn and face me so I can eat your heart," screams Syd.
Blackthunder smiles and turns around, "you are every bit the fire of your old man. I am sorry he went out the way he did, but he saved my life once upon a time. And, I am not about to return that favor by killing his family. We are leaving kid. You might want to save your energy for The Raider." Blackthunder and his tattered army, board the ship and fly away.
The Royal Guard still standing awe struck, "what just happened," says one of them.
"THAT A WUSS!" Says Syd still standing their squeezing and grinding her weapon as if she was choking it to death. An explosion can be heard in the castle behind them.
"Princess, The Raider landed with the bulk of his army on the West side of the castle. They need our help!" Says the head Guardsman to Syd. She takes off back the castle, the Royal Guard behind her.
As The Raider landed near the Castle, Sam and Chase ran out to meet his forces, side by side, ready to die fighting next to one another in battle, just as their uncles would have. Ganzo and the Royal Guard rally behind the boys. They run into combat. The Raiders forces sprint out of their ships with guns blazing. The Royal Guard return fire. The fire fight looks like the forth of July, explosions and projectiles flying everywhere. The scenes are like something out of a war movie. Sam leads out with The Sword of Googlon drawn slicing minions to pieces as blue bolts of lightning rip them in half, Chase not far behind, smashing minions with giant bursts of energy from his hammer. The brothers' fury is devastating to the enemy.
The Raider exits his ship and sees his army being obliterated by the brothers. "How is this happening," he thinks to himself. He grabs an explosive package next to him and sprints into battle.
"The Raider!" Announces Ganzo.
The brothers divert their attention to the center of the battle field and work their way to him. The Raider rips bodies apart in the center of the pasture and looks at the brothers while he laughs. They attack in unison. Sam runs by him slashing with his sword. The Raider blocks the attack. As Sam passes, Chase comes over the top of him with a mighty smash of the hammer. The Raider rolls out of the way, inches from being crushed. As he rolls, he pulls out his side arm and sends a barrage of lasers with great accuracy toward the brothers. Sam lifts the sword and a forcefield protects them. The magic of Googlon protects its Princes. The brothers launch in for another attack trying to bisect The Raider. Sam goes to his left and explodes from the ground on his left leg and swipes high, aiming for his enemy's head. Chase moves to his right and swipes low to his left, hoping to break the legs of his target. The brother were hoping to scissor their opponent in half, but The Raider manages to side flip out of the attack, missing both attacks my millimeters. The Raider realizes he might be outmatched here and sprints to the castle with a puff of black smoke. He leaves a path of destruction behind him as he barrels through the crowd. Another wave of minions floods out of more invading ship. The battle intensifies in the center of the battle field as the brothers are distracted by the combat. Powerful explosions from Chase as well as quick strokes from Sam leave a pile of dead bodies everywhere.
Ganzo looks on and thinks to himself, "we might actually be able to pull this off."
Zombie Bobby and Slad make their way through one of the IGSC ships. Bobby ripping the heads off his opponents and eating their brains. Slad sprinting by IGSC Soldiers, smashing them on the side of the head as he explodes past them. The Soldiers focused their attention on the Zombie as he was such a big threat and easier to put a beed on. Slad took advantage of the diversion and was picking people off from the flanks. His speed had increased quite a bit with all the training he had done on Googlon. As bullets ripped through Bobby, he looked at the men and smiled. The wounds healing almost as fast as they happened. The decaying skin dripping from his torso. Slad is killing it on the perimeter of the room as Bobby draws fire and periodically attacks, dragging victims into the center. The fight moves into a hallway as Bobby throws a Soldier through the double doors that is flooded with IGSC warriors. Bobby leaps after him and starts smashing bodies at the fatal funnel. Slad cleans up what's left in the room with a very athletic display of movements that neutralizes the rest of the room.
In the pasture next to the castle, the brothers hear an explosion in the castle. The brothers look at each other and say in unison, "mother..."
The brothers buckle down to prepare to sprint to the castle, but Ganzo grabs Sam by the arm and says, "no the king must fight out here with his men, Chase can save your mother."
Chase nods and takes off toward the castle, crushing bad guys as he makes his way there.
Sam rallies the troops as Ganzo regroups with the men in the center of the battlefield. Sam's eye's sparking with blue lightning and rage. He explodes from the ground, moving at impossible speed. He can barely been seen. Just blue bolts of lightning circle the battle field, as a wake of death and destruction lay in Sams turbulent path.
Chase makes it to the fragmented castle walls, throwing giants pieces of wall off the rubble. "MOTHER....!!!!" He screams.
"My son, help, help, we are over here," says the queen who is stuck under the ruble with serval scared servants.
Chase breaks open a hole in the roof of their confinement and lowers his hammer through the hole. "Climb on!" He commands. The Queen and several servants climb on the the hammer. Chase lifts them out, as he continues to rescue the trapped Googlonians. A very pretty servant girl is taken with Chase.
"You are my hero," she says as she kisses him on the cheek. Chase blushes and works his way to other trapped Googlonians.
As Sam continues to obliterate the surrounding enemy, The Raider leaps from the castle and tackles Sam. The two warriors roll and spin to their feet facing each other. Sam goes in for the kill with a big downward attack with the sword. The Raider dodges it with a puff of black smoke. As he rolls out of the way, he cuts Sam in the side with his dagger. Sam grabs his side. The Raider goes in for the kill, but he is interrupted as Syd leaps from the from the castle screaming with all the fury in her. Her machete held high in the air as she swipes down to kill The Raider. The Raider lifts his dagger to block the attack, then rolls away.
"Get away from my brother, you scum!" Says the princes as she stands in front of Sam with her machete pointed at The Raider.
Sam sticks his blade into the ground and rises to his feet. Blue lightning erupts from the sword and a forcefield surrounds Syd and Sam as The Raider unloads a barrage of fire at them. Electricity flows from the sword, healing Sam's wounds. The Raider, frustrated, launches in the air for another attack after he rolls a concussion grenade at them. The grenade goes off, but before the evil being can take his revenge, Chase leaps from the castle and smashes The Raider to the ground. Chase then repeatedly smashes The Raider with his giant Hammer. Liquid spews from every orifice of the limp crushed body.
Sam and Syd rush to Chase and place their hands on his shoulders, "it's ok brother, I think you got em."
The family looks at each other as if the day had been won. But what devastation is coming from space....?
Slad and Bobby continue to fight on the ship. Their constant barrage of butt-kicking forces the other ship to send in reinforcements. "Two thousand more reinforcements just docked on the other side of the ship, boys. It might be time to call it a day and let's get out of here," says Kortney worried for the brothers.
"I have an idea," says Bobby.
Slad looks at him confused with his head cocked. Bobby reaches down to one of the dead IGSC Soldiers next to him and infects him with the Zombie Symbiot Virus. A growth appears on the back of the neck of the Soldier as he rises to his feet and stands there lifeless. Bobby feels a connection with him and orders him to infect more bodies on the ship.
"We can create our own army," says Bobby with excitement as he recruits more zombies.
"Uh, that sounds terrifying," says Kortney.
"Yea, everything about this sounds like a bad idea," says Slad.
"Well it's already happening so let's ride this train," says Bobby as his undead army starts to rise around him.
The IGSC reinforcements start attacking them from all fronts. The zombie army and the IGSC engage each other, but the battle is pretty one sided as Slad and Bobby continue crushing IGSC Soldiers.
"Well, this might actually work," says Bobby as the zombie army continues to grow.
Red alarms start flashing everywhere. "There is a zombie outbreak on the ship. There is a zombie outbreak on the ship. I say again this ship has been compromised and is being targeted for destruction," announces speakers throughout the ship.
"Oh no," says Kortney.
"I knew this was a bad idea," says Slad.
"The adjacent ship is targeting this one with a lethal blast. Not only do they want to contain the outbreak, but they will also be able to kill two top tier operatives on their most wanted list. We're doomed," thinks Kortney aloud.
"Not yet, if we can make it off this ship before it explodes. Come on!!!" Commands Slad as the brothers run for an exit.
They run through the halls of the ship trying to avoid conflict where they can and efficiently neutralizing it when they have to. They maintain momentum toward the exit. It was the hole in the ship they blasted for a dramatic entry earlier. They make a powerful leap through the hole into outer space. As they float away at a high rate of speed from the ship, the IGSC ship fires a powerful blast at the other. The ship exposes into a trillion pieces with explosive fire consuming what used to be a ship.
"Whoahoooooo," sings Bobby as they float away.
"Don't get too happy, we are not out of the woods yet," says Slad.
"You can say that again, I have programmed your space cycles back to this location and they are coming as fast as they can, but I had them on the other side of the ship causing a distraction when ya'll leaped. I don't think they are going to make it here in time," says Kortney with a frightened look on her face.
"In time for what," asks Bobby with a confused look on his face.
"In time for that!" Says Slad with a surprised look on his face as the recharge lights turn green on the main cannon of the IGSC ship, that just happens to be pointing at them. The green lights indicate that it is recharged, reloaded, and ready for another shot.
"Awe, man," says Bobby with his head down, "My Brand Name glasses got knocked off during the fight on the other ship. Ya know, the one that exploded."
The brothers look up at the ship ready to accept their fate. Kortney projects her image next to Slad with her eyes closed, body tense, waiting for the blasé.
"Wait a minute, why are you stressed, you just an AI, and still exist in code everywhere," Bobby asks Kortney.
Then Kaboooom!!! The Red Storm blasts through the ship on The Death Sled ripping the ship to pieces as he passes through it several times, glowing red with power from all the souls he absorbs. The site is terrifying, as he is seen ripping bodies apart on top of his chopper with each pass through the fiery ship.
"You see, that's why I am terrified, didn't Queen Amus have a vision of some horrific crap like that. What is that?" Asks Kortney.
The Brothers look on with amazement, just happy to be alive. The mood is short lived though as the fiery force completely eliminates all the life on that ship. The Red Storm stops at the front of where the ship used to be. He is eating the throat out of a victim while holding the lifeless limp body out dangling next to The Death Sled. He turns his fiery eyes toward Googlon, thirsty for more souls.
The brothers cycles fly by and they flip on board them. They rip on the throttle toward Googlon, hoping to beat the monster there. It's too late. The Death Sled explodes at teleportation speed with a trail of fire behind it toward the unsuspecting planet.
The red being crashes into the battlefield next to the castle leaving a crater as he dismounts his bike, " much death and destruction here..." He takes a moment and inhales through his nose with his eyes closed to savor the moment, "and still so many more lives, ripe for the taking."
He opens his eyes with a creepy smile that reveals his fangs behind the clown painted smile in blood. His voice it terrifying as it is head by every living being on the planet. It is heard from within their heads with an echo of a trillion screaming souls, followed by painful high pitched squelching. Everyone hunches over and holds their head in pain.
Sam, Chase, and Syd fight the painful noise and rise to their feet, "oh man, how are we going to defeat that? Asks Chase.
Syd draws her sword and says," together," as she looks at Sam.
Sam nods and the three face off with the beast.
As the tension builds Ty comes running in front of them yelling, "no, you will not attack my..."
He is interrupted as The Red Storm teleports in front of him and flicks him with his right index finger. The flick send the poor kid flying horizontally through the air as he bounces off the castle walls with a thud.
"Oh no," says Syd as they look behind them. Ty laying in the mud face down lifts his arm up with thumb up. "Oh good," says Syd as they turn back around.
Chazaz sneaks out to drag The Raider into his ship. The Raider's body is crushed, but somehow he is still alive. Chazaz crams bio foam into his chest and head. Once on the ship, Chazaz emerges The Raider's body in a biofoam tub. Chazaz pilots the small vessel and they manage to escape in the chaos. The Raider's fate is questionable, as the damage to his body might not be recoverable...
Sam rushes in with the Sword of Googlon draw high in the air for a strike ash The Red Storm with lightning speed. His brother and sister follow with their weapons high, ready to strike. The fiery man teleports out of the way and appears behind them. They then round house kicks them all in the head. The blow sends them flying into the forest, knocking several trees down. They rush back to the pasture.
The Red Storm wants to kill them and eat their souls, but can't for some reason. Something was holding him back. Something inside him. A miracle that was buying these desperate heroes critical time.
Syd, Sam, and Chase rush out of the forrest and look at each other. "How are we going to beat him?" Asks Chase.
Just then, Slad and Bobby land next to them flipping from their space bikes. "As a team," says Slad responding to the question, only to turn around and see Zombie Bobby in full zombie mode attacking without them.
Bobby lets out a roar, "Raaaaarrrrrhhhhrr," with his zombie teeth showing. The Red Storm rips the zombie in half, throwing this legs to his left and his torso to his right.
"Well, mostly a team," says Slad as he shrugs his shoulders. After a brief pause, Slad commands, "Let's Go!"
They attack in unison. The Red Storm stands there as they attack him. He doesn't even budge with each attack as if he were mocking them. It was if they were hitting a giant stone wall, that hurt their wrists and fists instead. Then The Red Storm does a spinning kick followed by a spinning back fist that knocks all four heroes a mile from him on their backs. There are trenches dug into the earth where they landed. The Red Storm takes a step back about to fly in for the kill, but just then, Zombie Bobby reaches up and grabs the terrifying creature. The Red Storm stomps a hole in his chest and rips his head from his body.
As he holds up the zombies head, Bobby says, "Oh crap, look it's Bamf! What's up bro?"
The creature stops and thinks for a second. Something is wrong. He drops Bobby's head as the undead torso looks around for his missing head. The fiery being fights within him self.
Chase leaps in the air brining the hammer down with a fury. The Red Storm takes over Bamf's body again and grabs the hammer in mid strike. He throws it with Chase attached. Sam zooms by with a bolt of lightning flying from his sword. The Red Storm flips out of the way and front flip kicks him the back of the head. Slad come by with his stick at full charge, but is met with a powerful choke slam. The Red Storm steps on his neck.
"Bro, calm down, it's Slad..." says Bobby's head on the ground. Bobby's body was still trying to find his head.
Syd leaps in to attack the red being but is caught in the air by the neck. He begins to choke her. Slad struggles to squeeze out the words, "bro...brotherrrr...that your are choking your...princess...bear..."
The red aura leaves Bamf's body as he sets his daughter down and gets off Slad's neck. He struggles to control the threat inside him. He looks around and looks at his hands, covered in blood. He feels The Red Storm taking over again. He looks up at his family with sadness as he turns back into The Red Storm. He squats down and leaps into the air as The Death Sled flies under him and he disappears into the sunset at warp speed.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2017 ⏰

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