Slad Storm the Gladiator

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Bamf and Bobby have a middle brother between them. CPT Slad Storm was a warrior on Planet G. It was the planet for the Gladiator Wars. The Gladiator Wars was a televised sporting event broadcasted across the galaxy. It was a place in the IGSC universe were conflicts could be resolved in a sporting event. Additionally, the sport was for entertainment, even when there were no conflicts to resolve. There were several planets and species that participated in the contests.
    The IGSC had their own team. As typical for the IGSC though, they guaranteed their superiority by enhancing their athletes with experiments. Slad was no different. The IGSC scientists had found a way to enhance the speed of this Soldier with nuclear radiation. It was an experimental procedure and Slad (to date) was the only one to survive it. They were able to make his cells radio active, and synthesize the nuclear power to make his muscles faster, his tendons more robust to handle the power and speed, and make his mind faster. His cells absorbed the radiation like a battery. He glowed green from the experiments. He wore a special black and green suit that contained the nuclear radiation and made it safe for others to be around him. Tribal like lines of glowing green ran throughout the suit. Slad's eyes glowed with a mix of purple and green. His hair and skin were green. He wore a specially designed aerodynamic helmet with his suit. And he carried a specially designed stick that he attached to the magnetic strip on his back. The stick expanded and contracted based on the type and amount of nuclear energy he put into it. He could also charge it to emit powerful blasts of energy on contact.
    King of the mountain was the name of this game. Gladiators stared at different corners of the arena and in the center was a giant mound of rock. The object of the game was to take and hold the top of the mountain for 60 consecutive seconds.
    Slad walked out of his entrance cave suited up with his helmet on. He could feel the excitement as people chanted. He walked with a deliberate demeanor looking at the mountain in front of him as all the other Gladiators did the same. He then looked at the crowd surrounding him and opened his arms above his head. He used the transfer of magnetic force from his back plate to his left glove to move the power stick from his back to his hand. He twisted the stick in his left hand to energized it. It glowed green with black lines running through it. He dropped his arms slamming the stick on the ground with a thunderous BOOM!!! His movements with the sound are intimidating. As dirt and green explosion moved all around him, the crowd came to their feet with excitement. Slad knew how to make an entrance.
    "You're even more dramatic than your brother," taunted Kourtney's face inside his visor.
    Slad helped to develop Kortney the AI in his youth so she always had an affinity toward him.
    "Ok Slad the Radioactive Rocket, you ready to win this thing?" Poked Kourtney.
    "YOU DAMN RIGHT!!!" Said Slad with testosterone pumping excitement.
    The announcer hovered over the top of the mountain on a small mobile platform. He was a squid-like creature with fantastic greasy hair.
    "Are you people of the Corps Worlds ready for KING...OF...THE...MOUNTAIN?!?!?" The announcer said with excitement.
    The crowed cheered. You could see the different sections supporting their favorite athletes.
    "Then lets get ready to ... RUMMMMMBBBBBBLLLLLLLEEEEE.....," sang the announcer to build anticipation,"in THREE...TWO...ONE...GO!!!"
    The light above the mountain turned green. Slad exploded from his starting spot with a powerful leap. All that could be seen of him was a green blur as he zig zagged his way of the mountain in seconds. He was significantly faster than any other being in the arena. He stood there with his arms in the air, head nodding with confidence, as he looked around at the crowd. A giant 60 second countdown timer appeared digitally above him with a chime every time a second passed.
    "With no surprise we have the Radioactive Rocket at the top first," announced the squid man.
    Sakrem the Amorak came pounding up the side of the mountain as he crested the top of the mountain. An Amorak was a giant rock like creator from the Cave World. The rock like skin was actually calcified bone that had evolved over time to be virtually impenetrable. The hard skin had a milky yellow-white tent to it. He swung a big spike ball attached to a chain at Slad. Slad teleported out of the way and struck Sakrem in the jaw with his right fist. Sakrem didn't move an inch as he lifted the ball and chain for another attack.
    Two more gladiators jumped to the top of the mountain and lunged at Slad. Slad leaps from the ground with a powerful, yet graceful leap like a gymnast as he back flips over them just in time to miss the spike ball that smashes the other two eager gladiators. Sakrem lets our a beast like roar as he looks with frustration at Slad.
    "Whoa, he looks pissed," said Kortney.
    Slad circles around behind the monster and leaps onto his back. With his stick charged and raised, he goes for the fatal blow, but is tacked from behind by Jambek the Lizard. The two go tumbling down the mountain like a Christmas tree ornament rolling down the side of the tree with Slad pulsing green light every time he hits the ground.
    "Real slick, stud," taunts Kortney as a 2 foot image outside his suit. She is dressed in a pink and purple toga.
    Jambek grabs Slad by the throat with both hands as they hit the base of the mountain. His big alligator like mouth open, dripping wet with saliva as he goes to bite off Slad's head. Slad reaches up with his right hand to stop Jambek's vicious attack. Slad charges his right glove with nuclear energy. The blast from Slad's glove knocks Jambek against a giant rock next them rendering him unconscious. Slad looks up at Sakrem as he throws limp bodies from the top of the mountain. The big red countdown number above Sakrem reading," 11...10...9..."
    "Hey sparkles, are you going to let this rock head win this thing?" Asks Kortney sarcastically.
    "Kortney, how much energy do I need to penetrate Sakrem's skull?" Asks Slad.
    Korntey still in her toga appears as a full size image next to Slad and looks up at Sakrem. Data appears around Sakrem in Slad's visor.
    Pink math symbols and number move from Kortney's head and in a split second she responds with, "it looks like about 18,108.1 Kilojoules of energy concentrated in a 1 inch by 1 inch area should penetrate his rock like skin."
    Slad take off at warp speed up the mountain while charging the stick.
    "3...2..." the timer continues to countdown above Sakrem.
    As a ball of green power pulses through Slad to the end of his green stick, he perfectly execute an uppercut with the Power Stick. The blow strikes Sakrem from the mountain. The force from the explosion knocks the audience back into their seats. Sakrem's head flies back with pieces of his jaw going everywhere. The momentum throws him all the way to the wall of the arena, unconscious. Slad scans the arena.
    "Well since your the only one left standing now, this should be an easy win from here," says Kortney.
    "YEAAHHHAAHHAHAHA!" Yells Slad as he flips into a 60 second breakdance for the crowd.
    "And we have a WINNER!!!" Says the announcer. "Congratulations to the Radioactive Rocket."
    As Slad walks through the locker room like his shit don't stink, Kortney appears from his suit in a two foot image with a distraught look on her face.
    "Slad there has been an emergency! Both your brothers are M.I.A. (missing in action). IGSC lost comms with Bamf and his team days ago near Planet X around the same time Bobby and his platoon were overrun in Junction City on Planet Z," informs Kortney.
    "FUCK!!!!" Screams Slad as he punches a hole through his locker. "Activate my space rocket and have it pick me up on top of the stadium," says Slad in an angry voice to Kortney as he suits back up, sprinting through the halls.
    He sprints up through a stairway to the top of the stadium and executes a perfect gymnastic style front flip onto his space rocket as it flies by the stadium. His movements are aggressive. He then barrel rolls the bike into a vertical position, pulls the throttle, and teleports at light speed into outer space. "What ship did Bamf launch from?" Asks Slad.
    "It looks like Ship 6789, I am bringing coordinates up now for it's current location," responds Kortney.
    "Can we warp there?" Asks Slad.
    "It will be risky, but I think I can do it from here..." says Kortney as a new set of coordinates appears in Slad's visor with a blinking dot on a digital space map.
    Slad rolls right and pulls on the throttle toward the coordinates, "do it," he commands.
    Slad Lands on the flight line of Ship 6789.
    "Kortney, tap into the main frame and tell me where my brother is," directs Slad.
    "Yes Sir," responds Kortney.
    Just then a group of pirates all shot to shit land on the flight line. Medics come running over to the men and start to patch them up. Slad scans the crowd. One of the team members seems to be hurt worse than the others. They lift him up on the gurney.
    Bamf looks at the doctor and asks, "is he going to make it?"
    "I don't know son, but we will try," responds the doctor, "you and the rest of your men look in bad shape, get to the infirmary so I can put you all back together."
    Bamf nodded. Slad, finally recognizes the men dressed as pirates as Bamf and his team.
    He walks up to him and gives him a big hug, "what happened bro?"
    Bamf's Team Sergeant, Thorny, answers for him, "It was a shit show."
    Bamf looked at both of them and simply nodded, "yea."
    "Well bro, I am glad your still alive. Kortney reported you MIA," Slad said as a medic fills the bullet holes in Bamf with Biofoam. Biofoam was a substance that sealed the wounds and helped them to heal faster. It burned like hell going in, not that anyone would know watching Bamf and his men get patched up. They took it like machines in for repair. No emotions, no signs of pain.
    "Yea, this was supposed to be a quick mission, but we got compromised getting on to Planet X. Spent the last couple days fighting our way out of there," said Thorny.
    Kortney appears out of Slad's suit and informs, "It gets worse, Bobby is MIA too on Planet Z."
    Bamf looked up,"Fuck! I figured, I felt it days ago. I can't explain it, but I did."
    Bamf pushes the medic off of him and grabs his equipment to re-arm. As he quickly reloads all his magazines and packs his command cycle, Slad helps him.
    Thorny looked at Bamf, "you're not doing what I think your doing are you?"
    "T...he's my brother," Bamf responded.
    "Storm, that's a death sentence...even for you. And look at you. You're all shot up like the rest of us," announces Thorny.
    "Yea, but we have all been through worse and you know that. Look...I need you to take command of the team, get em fixed up and off to R&R. I have to do this," said Bamf in a stern voice.
    Thorny looked at the ground, grabbed some of the grenades from his hip pouch and a rocket launcher from his back to pack it on Bamf's bike.
    "Well shit, Sir. If I don't see you again, it was an honor. Good luck, brother," Thorny said to Bamf.
    They hugged like family, then, Bamf and Slad mounted their space cycles and took off into the sunset at warp speed.

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