The Raider's Flashback

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As the Royal Family deals with the collateral damage of the IGSC and the recent attack on Googlon, The Raider regroups back at planet Blackheart.  The Raider, Blackthunder, T-Bone, and a number of high ranking officials in The Raider's guerrilla force meet in a room on Blackheart.  These men all ranting at their failure and the ferociousness and talent of the two strangers that crashed their raid on planet Googlon.  The Raider slams is fist on the table in front of them and looks at T-Bone. 
    He looks around at the rest of them and says, "these strangers ARE beatable!" He turns his head back to T-Bone, "and we would have won if YOU would have reinforced me when you were called!  What do you have to say for yourself, coward?"
    T-Bone, thinks of the time when he was surrounded by zombies on planet Z, he froze and began to weep.  He says to The Raider, "he was too much...they were too much." 
    The Raider, in a fit of rage, has a flashback to when he said the very same thing to his father as a child, "he was too much." 
    The Raider's mind slips back and forth from that horrid night his father beat him half to death to the present where he was severely beating T-Bone's limp body.  He remembers having to face off against little Bamf Storm in the cage on one of the IGSC ships they were raised.  Bamf was vicious in battle, even as a child.  It was customary for IGSC children to be pitted against each other. The process was to better develop them as future efficient killing machines and masters of combat.  Young Jackson Campbell stepped in the ring with that monster and never stood a chance.
Bamf looked at him through his creepy clown painted face.  Bamf painted his face because his mother liked clowns, or so he said.  Most IGSC children did not know their mothers and Bamf was no different.  Others believed he just liked leaving the blood stains on his face from eating the hearts of his victims (whenever his trainers unleash him on a planet).  Bamf probably didn't even know why he did it.  Maybe it was because his nose was always red from allergies and he was made fun of for that so he left the bloodstains on his face as a warning.  Why people picked on Bamf made little logical sense.  He attacked and maimed most that did so.  He was an angry kid, and it's a wonder that he turned out to be the heroic Knight that he was. 
Jackson said to his father, "I don't want to be in the ring with this red nosed freak."
Jackson turned back around toward Bamf. Bamf smiled right before he viciously attacked him.  It took five trainers and Jackson's father to pull Bamf from his limp bloody body.  They tased Bamf unconscious before locking him in his, "cool-off cage."  The trainers were smart and calculated in learning their subjects as they trained them.  They knew there is no dealing with the fury of "The Red Storm" when he is in a frenzy.  It's always better to deal with him after he has calmed down. 
The Raider remembers regaining consciousness in his quarters with his father in the room.  His father asks him, "what do you have to say for yourself, coward?"  His father was selfishly embarrassed by his son's performance. 
Jackson looks at his father with watery eyes and says, "he was too much." 
His father's anger takes over and he beats Jackson unconscious again.  It took Jackson several months to recover from the two severe beating he took that night.  He hated Bamf Storm ever since that night. 
Now, back on Bleackheart, The Raider full of the rage his father possessed, standing over a limp T-Bone body, goes for the fatal blow to kill the man that took his victory from him.  But, just before his fist reaches T-Bone's head, Blackthunder knocks The Raider to the Ground.  Blackthunder saved T-Bones life again just as he did back on planet Z on that terrifying night.

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