A Change of Heart

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En's eyes were widened and he shook his head.

"Loke.. Loki, no! I came back because I couldn't let that happen to you. Don't you see that? I care, and that's why I came back!" En tried to explain, but Loki was done hearing him talk. En had betrayed everything that he thought he knew. He pulled out his twin daggers, ready to do some damage.

"I can get us out of here, but we're running out of time. Loki please!" En tried to plead with him to see sense in the situation, but Loki wasn't budging.

"Not without my brother and my people." Loki finally managed to get out, his tone cold and distant. En nodded in understanding, then cautiously grabbed Loki's arm, pulling him into the main compartment of the spaceship. Everyone was gathered together there, awaiting their fate. Thanos' voice was coming over the loudspeaker of the Sakaarian ship and he sounded like he wasn't going to easily be swayed. Thor looked to Loki, angry at him again, thinking it was all his fault. En walked up to the front of the room, getting everyone's attention.

"Everyone! My name is the Grandmaster and I am here to get you all out of this sticky situation!" En announced and the crowd fell silent. He then looked to Loki, his voice more vulnerable and soft. "I have to link with your magic to get everyone to safety." Loki looked at his hand and slowly took it, though only for the sake of saving everyone. In a matter of minutes, they were sitting still. Sunlight poured through the compartment of the spaceship. They were definitely on Earth. Loki slipped his hand out of En's, trying to make a break for the exit, but the Grandmaster hurried after him.

Loki hurried outside, trying to get to somewhere he could be alone. He hated showing outward emotions. Odin had always taught Thor and Loki that crying was a sign of weakness, so Loki always made sure to hide it. His favorite place to cry when he was a child was the stables, mainly because he felt like the animals would listen without judging him. En gripped his arm as he caught up, not letting him go.

"Let me go!" Loki tried to shake his arm off. He spoke commandingly, his voice lower and more serious, even though he was trying not to break. En shook his head.

"Hear me out." En pled with him and Loki turned, his arms crossed. He didn't want to listen to him. "Loki, I know it sounds awful, but I did it before I realized.." The Grandmaster stopped and took a deep breath, bringing his hands up together in front of his lips. "Before I realized that I love you." Loki looked at him, frowning more as he thought about it. En's heart hammered in his chest.

"Don't say that." Loki spoke to En, shaking his head. "Don't say things you don't mean."

"But I do! Lokes, I do! I love you. I've never said that to anyone. I've always had these short flings with people and they've, uh, never gone this far. Thanos wanted to kill my brother.. I know you would have done the same thing. This is not one of my finer moments, but I saved us all from him in the end.." En tried to explain and Loki looked at him silently, hurt in his eyes.

"Everyone has always lied to me," Loki started to say after a moment of being silent. "I hoped you were the one who would be different." En's hopeful face fell.

"Please.. just let me be different. Please give me a second chance." The Grandmaster begged with him, something that he normally didn't do for anyone. Loki just stood there watching him beg, not moving a muscle toward or away from him. En walked closer slowly, afraid to upset him any more than he already had. En reached out his hand to Loki. "I won't do anything like that ever again." The Grandmaster caressed Loki's cheek cautiously, looking into his eyes. He didn't know if the trickster would forgive him this time. Loki reached his hand up to touch En's, looking back into the other's eyes.

"I.. I forgive you." Loki murmured and En nodded, leaning in a little. It was so unlike Loki to forgive someone, but truth be told, he was barely hanging on without En in his life. "But I won't forget this." That simple statement was strong. Loki wanted to make it known that he wasn't about to just let En back into his life right after him doing something as idiotic as that. The Grandmaster moved closer, embracing Loki, giving him an apology kiss as he caressed the trickster's cheek. By that time, Thor had caught a glimpse of their embrace, seeing En kissing his brother. Thor waited until En had moved away to confront Loki about it. Thor pulled Loki to the side, his grip tight on his brother's arm.

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