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Loki and En stayed with each other in their room, not particularly fond of the idea of leaving the confines of their space together. Loki didn't want to face the Avengers, and En was unfamiliar to Earth, so he wanted to stay by Loki's side. There honestly wasn't much to do in the room either because they'd just moved in. It was devoid of any personal belongings, and Loki frowned as he remembered all of the events that had previously occurred. As much as he hated it on Asgard, he still called it home. It was hard to explain. En sat up and rummaged through his hoodie, feeling around in the pocket. He then smiled a little, grasping at something and pulling it out. Loki propped his head up with his hand, looking over at En with amusement.

"What is that?" Loki inquired, noticing the Grandmaster's sudden joy.

"Alright, so I got you something and I really hope you'll like it. Maybe kind of as an 'I'm sorry' present, but more of an 'I love you' gift." En explained and Loki smiled genuinely.

"That's going to take some getting used to. You know, I have never said 'I love you' to anyone but my family." Loki mentioned and then En uncovered what he'd been holding. It was a ring on a leather cord.

"So this.. is made from a gemstone found only on Asgard. It just became super rare, y'know." En spoke softly, smiling at him. "It's green because you like the color green." Loki smiled and his eyes widened.

"How did you find this?" Loki asked softly, looking down in awe at the ring which glittered in the sunlight that peeked through the window.

"A lot of stuff comes through the portal and scrappers, uh, turn in things to me for money. I have quite a few Asgardian relics, actually." En explained and then put the cord over Loki's head, watching it come to rest on Loki's bare chest.

"I love it." Loki spoke genuinely, looking into En's eyes. He was so shocked. "I know this is going to sound sappy, but I really love you too. I love you so much, En." Loki finally admitted it to himself as well as to En. The Grandmaster almost looked shocked, but his shock turned into happiness soon enough as he pulled Loki close, kissing him passionately. En smiled against Loki's lips, gently pulling away after a moment, only to rest his forehead against Loki's.

"You bring meaning to my, uh, incredibly long life, dear trickster." En grinned, closing his eyes for a moment. "We've gotta travel the universe together now. No 'ifs', 'ands', or 'buts'." Loki nodded a little.

"Of course." Loki was completely awestruck that En had become so enchanted by him. It all felt like a dreamlike haze, and Loki didn't want to wake up from it. If he had to spend an eternity with En, well, that wouldn't be so bad. The trickster smiled and pressed a slow kiss to En's smiling lips, and at that moment, Thor opened the door, his eyes widening as he noticed what was going on. En heard the door open and opened his eyes, his eyesight drifting over to Thor. The Grandmaster grinned a little against Loki's lips as he saw Thor's line of sight change from their faces to their bare chests. Thor then covered his eyes, not sure what to say or do.

"We've got a voyeur." En purred against Loki's lips and Loki pulled away, seeing his blond brother at the door. He blushed hard, watching Thor in pure horror.

"What the hell, Thor! Haven't you ever heard of knocking?" Loki was shocked, pulling the sheets up self consciously to his neck as he watched Thor stand there at the door.

"I apologize, brother, I had no idea.. I.. I just came to see you." Thor replied, then hurried out the door, slamming it behind him. Loki looked back to En, biting his lip nervously, the blush tinting his cheeks. En chuckled and nuzzled his neck.

"We could have, um, asked if he wanted to join." En grinned charmingly, then looked at Loki to see his reaction.

"En! He's my brother!" Loki exclaimed and En chuckled even more.

Space OddityTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon