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"You're, um, what?" En spoke, mainly in shock rather than questioning what he meant by that statement.

"I'm pregnant." Loki spoke again, feeling extremely numb from all of it. He rubbed his face, a nervous gesture as he wondered what En would think. "I guess I should have thought about this earlier, but I had no clue.."

"So you're going to have a baby?" En asked, looking up at Loki. He was in shock.

"It's yours. No question about that." Loki explained with a half-hearted smile and took a seat beside En. He still couldn't tell if En was happy or not.

"How long?" En had a million questions, but he'd stick to the important ones.

"Six weeks." Loki responded, hoping En wouldn't react badly to the news. En's eyes widened and he looked at Loki, finally looking right into his eyes.

"That, uh, puts a slight kink into our plans." En explained, not sure how to react.

"Yeah..." Loki trailed off and then he spoke up again. "Please let me know how you're feeling about this. Don't shut me out. I won't be mad if you will just be honest with me." The trickster knew it would hurt if En wanted to skip out, but he would understand. Loki didn't really know how to feel about it all either. The next thing that En did was surprising to him. He moved in closer to Loki and wrapped his arms around the trickster.

"Well, obviously I'm feeling a whole, um, range of things. I'm going to be a dad! That's incredible. I mean, I guess I knew you could have kids because of Sleipnir but I assumed that was only when you were shapeshifting.." En tried to explain to him, but nonetheless staying by his side. He pressed a kiss to Loki's cheek, smiling against his skin. "My god.. we're going to be parents!" That simple statement caused Loki to smile. It felt good to have someone so supportive as his companion in life. Loki teared up, feeling out of control of his emotions.

"We are... En we're going to be parents." Loki echoed En's statement and leaned into him, holding him close. He couldn't believe how different this experience would be from when he had Sleipnir. He wasn't single this time.. he had someone to be by his side and to help raise the kid with him. "You're not the last of your race anymore." He murmured to En. "The baby will be part of you." En felt himself starting to get emotional too.

"Wow.. I uh, I didn't think of it that way. That's incredible! I'm so excited!" En smiled brightly, which put a smile on Loki's face.

"Out of the end of an era begins a new one." Loki mused in reference to the destruction of Asgard, staying close to En.

"Should we tell anyone? I mean, I don't really know the procedure for this kind of thing.." En was his awkward self, and Loki loved it.

"Well, I'm thinking I should tell Thor that he'll be an uncle. Maybe we could wait a little while and keep it to ourselves though. The Avengers will no doubt behave stressfully about it enough as is it." Loki explained and snuggled into En's side, taking in his scent as he did. "You're going to be a great father. You're already doing so well with Sleipnir." That brought up a problem. How were they supposed to fight Thanos like this? "I think that's why your immortality spell wasn't working. It's because I was with child."

"That would make sense.." En pointed out and then he got an idea. "Should we go ahead and let Sleipnir know? He's going to be a big brother.." En smiled to Loki and Loki nodded.

"I don't know if he'd be good at keeping it a secret, but you're definitely right." Loki replied with a happy smile. Loki and En walked down the hall to Sleipnir's room, not only to check up on him, but also to give him the news. Loki knocked on the door with the coded knock that he and Sleip had agreed on and Sleipnir opened the door. He smiled brightly.

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