I'll Save You

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By the time the Avengers made it back to the tower, it had already been ransacked and pillaged through. Nothing was taken that they knew of. En had finally come to, but he was in a weak state. He looked around, his eyes wide with panic.

"The panic room... Loki!" En leaned up off the floor of the ship, hurrying to get up and break through from where Steve and Nat had surrounded him. The Elder practically ran to the room, his stomach dropping as he saw the giant hole ripped in the door. He hurried inside, calling out for his trickster. When he didn't see him, he panicked even more.

"Uh... um... okay. Don't panic. Don't panic. I'm fucking panicking! Oh gods." En was starting to hyperventilate as Pepper came out from her hiding place.

"He took Loki. You have to go after him." Pepper spoke, practically pushing him out the door. The Elder grabbed his chest, feeling his heart pounding fast. He'd never been so terrified in his life.

"Do you know where he went?" En asked, more like demanded.

"I don't know, I'm sorry." Pepper replied, trying to stay calm.

"The ship!" En exclaimed as his eyes widened. On his way out the door he saw Steve. "We have to go save Loki!" En called out desperately and Steve gave him a sad look.

"We have to save Earth. It's one man or the whole of Earth's population." Steve tried to explain as calmly as he could. En looked at him as if he had murdered the trickster himself. En gave him a look of betrayal, shaking his head.

"Fine. I keep watch over the universe for millions of years and you earthlings can't even do one damn thing for me. I see where your loyalty lies, Captain." En's words were full of venom as he stormed off, trying to find a vehicle that would get him to space. His upper lip felt warm and when he brushed his fingers over it, they came away with blood on them. His nose was bleeding from the amount of magic he'd been using. Teleportation was out of the question, at least for now. Whatever he decided to do, he'd have to hurry.


Loki actually went without a fight. To save the baby, he would have to be on his best behavior. As they arrived on the ship, Loki's hands were in magical handcuffs. As soon as Thanos had gotten him on the ship, he shackled Loki's ankles to chains on the wall as well as his wrists. He was able to move, but only within a five foot radius. He looked up at Thanos with contempt as the other looked at him with a diabolical smile.

"Look at you." Thanos commented, using a single purple finger to lift up Loki's chin to make him look into the Titan's eyes. "The whore of Asgard. I didn't know the rumors were true until now." Loki gave him a glare, one from the very depth of his soul. "So you've given birth to a monster before, this should be no different." The trickster stayed still, not wanting to fight back. If he decided to fight back, he'd be jeopardizing Frigga.

"Not to mention your other monstrous children. Tell me, how did it feel to watch them die before your very eyes? Hela.. Fenrir, Jormundgand.. maybe more. Who knows really, with how much you get around." Thanos elaborated, hoping to strike a nerve.

"Where were you when Hela was destroying Asgard? Destroying your children? Oh, that's right, you were giving the Grandmaster a blowjob. What a shame." Thanos smirked, knowing that would hit a nerve.

"You care about yourself more than you could ever care about your children. The Grandmaster is the same way. If your baby comes out looking like a monster, he won't want it." The alien was doing all he could to get Loki to retaliate. Loki was trying not to be emotional, but he was failing miserably on that front thanks to the hormones.

"Seems I've hit a nerve. It's because you know it's true. You'd rather watch them die a hundred times before you'd actually take care of them. You watched Fenrir die while you were perched on the rainbow bridge looking like an angel. With him dies your affair with that giantess. You say you could do nothing but you know that isn't true. Hela would have listened to you." Thanos spoke confidently. Loki's eyes burned with rage as he looked up at Thanos defiantly. "Go ahead, say your worst to me. It only confirms your neglect."

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