Waiting Game

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"Wait... so you're telling me that when you, Thor, and Loki defeated Thanos, you just threw him out into the galaxy? And you're saying that he's coming back to kill the Asgardians and Thor?" Steve asked, confused as to why he would think that.

"You have to do something, um, immediately.  I know this is all because of a dream, but he's going to kill them all, maybe the earthlings too. He's going to capture Loki.." En was almost hysterical, which wasn't normal for him. Steve knew it must have had to hold meaning.

"I foresaw the destruction of Ego. I can see into the future, I just can't alter reality. It's because I am one with the planets. When something or someone is in danger on a planetary scale, it comes to me." En added and Steve nodded, taking him seriously.

"So when is Thanos supposed to be here? You didn't happen to notice any indicator of time, did you?" Steve asked, his arms crossed.

"The part in my dream was a few months from now. He said he'd destroyed the Asgardian race on Earth, and he also had all of the infinity stones." En explained and Steve blanched.

"All of the control in the universe in the hands of one man who wants to make it his own." Steve mused and looked to En. "How many months? Do you know?" En rubbed the back of his neck, deciding he needed to make it known how important this all was.

"Six, maybe seven. The reason I know this is because Loki is pregnant. We just found out about it.. so I could tell in the vision because he was farther along in the pregnancy." En explained, feeling awful that he had to disclose it without Loki's consent. Steve's eyes widened.

"Loki's pregnant? How?" Steve was shocked.

"It's complicated. It has to do with the makeup of his genes and his shape shifting. I don't fully know myself, but I know he's pregnant. I can't let Thanos get to him. I'll do anything I can to help you stop this." En elaborated and Steve nodded.

"Of course." Steve replied softly, leaning on the conference table. "Are you the father?" Cap asked out of curiosity. En nodded and Cap gave him a bittersweet smile. "I would do anything for my kid if I had one too."

"Thank you." En then paused, not knowing if he should tell the Avengers about the Tesseract. "There's one more thing. You have to pardon Loki for this because it's mostly a misunderstanding."

"What is it?" Steve asked, his eyebrow raised.

"When Asgard was destroyed, he took the Tesseract so that it wouldn't just be floating out in space for Thanos to grab. He didn't take it to use it, just to keep it away from that crazy guy. He has it. I told him to give it to the Avengers, but he seems to think that bargaining with Thanos to save the Asgardians and Earthlings is a good idea." En told him everything, not sure what Cap would do. Steve's eyes widened and he shook his head.

"That's basically a homing beacon! Thanos can feel the energy from galaxies away!" Steve was enraged, but mainly because they should have told the Avengers sooner. "We have to get that thing far away from here. Maybe Dr. Strange could help. Maybe put it into an infinite loop or something." Neither had noticed Loki standing by the doorframe. He didn't look pleased at all.

"So you told him, did you?" Loki asked, looking at En with a frown on his face. "You told him everything. We have this under control."

"Loki, if we don't stop Thanos, he's going to capture us both.. he's going to kill your brother and the Asgardians." En explained to him and Loki walked over to him. "I can't lose you. Not again."

"Then we fight. If we only have a few months, we make the most of it while he doesn't yet have all of the gems." Loki spoke and Steve shook his head.

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