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Loki felt the guards being rough with him as they hoisted him up, space handcuffs tightening on his wrists. Thor practically barked at them to be careful and Loki attempted to cooperate for the safety of himself and his unborn child. He was confused as to why En wasn't doing anything to help him out. He was just standing there, doing Thanos' bidding like a mindless slave.

"What the hell are you doing? Help us!" Loki cried out to the Grandmaster in frustration.

"I'm sorry... I uh, I have to go along with what the boss says. You're very beautiful though. I wish I could save you." En spoke sympathetically and Thanos glanced to him with an odd look. Loki's eyes widened as he felt his heart breaking. What if En had skipped out and joined Thanos? What if he was acting like he didn't know them to save his own ass? How could he just skip out on Loki, Sleipnir, and their unborn child like that? Loki felt tears threatening to escape. He had been more emotional lately, which wasn't helping in a situation where he needed to remain calm. Both he and Thor were dragged into a cell together immediately, which wouldn't have been a good idea if the forcefield hadn't have been strong enough to hold them both. Unfortunately it was. Thor could tell how upset Loki was getting and he walked over to where Loki had been seated, the trickster's knees pulled up to his chest.

"I know you're upset. Maybe he betrayed us. Maybe he didn't, but we can't lose our heads. We've got to get out of this hellhole." Thor was doing a marvelous job at motivational speaking at the moment. That's when Loki lost it. When he looked at his brother, seeing how much he cared, he started to cry. Thor hooked his arm around his brother and pulled him close.

"He... he... I thought he loved me." Loki whimpered, hiding his face in Thor's tunic like a child. Thor really felt for him. He caressed Loki's back, trying to calm him like their mother used to do.

"Hey... you remember that time when we were young and you fell down and skinned your knees? You were upset and so I sang to you. Everyone made fun of me, but none of that mattered. It was that song that mother used to sing to you. It calmed you down." Thor mused and then started to hum it to him, then softly sang.

When Thor had finished, Loki was sniffling, his face still buried. It meant so much to him that Thor would go to such great lengths to make him feel better. He had calmed down a bit and he looked up at Thor, feeling ashamed of showing weakness.

"I'm so sorry.. I just, everything's so overwhelming lately." Loki apologized and Thor shook his head.

"No need to apologize, brother. I understand." Thor assured him and Loki looked around the cell.

"We've got to get out of here. It's a magic blocking cell. I've been here before, so I know what it does. I never figured out how to get out before... I'm hoping that we can trick En into letting us out. I don't know.." Loki was just firing off ideas, hoping one would stick and make sense. Thor looked around, trying to see any weakness in the cage. Loki was a better critical thinker, so he left most of that to Loki. Thor was thinking of how they'd have to punch their way out. After what felt like hours, the door to the cell hall opened. Loki tensed, thinking it was Thanos at first. The footfalls were light as a feather, however, so he knew it couldn't be the Mad Titan. Loki looked up and saw En walking over to their cell. He looked at Thor and Loki as if he were trying to place them in his mind. The door was locked right behind him in the hall.

"En.. you need to tell me right now if you're faking this whole memory loss thing right now. If you've betrayed us, act like a fucking man and tell me." Loki had enough. He wanted the truth. En furrowed his brow.

"I uh, I really have no idea who you are. Should I?" En asked, looking at the both of them, still confused. Thor was getting angrier by the second.

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