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Before he could say anything else, En had leaned up, stealing a kiss from him. It was a gentle, yet longing kiss. He had truly thought that he'd lost his love in that spaceship, so it was overwhelmingly amazing to see him awake and smiling.

"I'm literally never going to leave you alone again." En spoke playfully against his lips.

"I would be worried if you didn't." Loki murmured back teasingly.

Right after that, Thor hugged his brother. He didn't hug him tightly, so not to hurt him, but it was meaningful nonetheless. Even Sleipnir had been awakened from his nap, his smile wide as he saw Loki awake. He joined in on the hug, covering Loki's face in kisses and little tears.


As the weeks continued to pass, the Avengers threw a small impromptu baby shower for Loki. They knew that he'd be needing some baby supplies, especially since most of their time had been spent preparing for Thanos. Each of them had chipped in to get a crib, diapers, clothes, and all kinds of other supplies. He had been so shocked when he walked into the room that he teared up. They had all become quite fond of the god and his partner, so it was the least they could do for his help in defeating Thanos. Sleipnir helped open the presents, and Loki was happy to oblige, having been quite tired as of late. The real surprise occurred when En's brother Taneleer showed up to the shower. He was late, but at least he was there. When En saw him, he rose from the chair and hurried to him, wrapping him in a huge hug. When they had finished hugging, En led him over to Loki and Sleipnir.

"Loki, Sleipnir, this is my little brother, Taneleer. Taneleer, this is my partner Loki and his son Sleipnir. Sleipnir is my kid too now." He smiled happily and Taneleer smiled widely in return.

"It's so nice to meet you. En never tells me anything. I caught word from Sakaar that En wasn't there and I followed the trail of crumbs back here. I'm glad you are both safe." He expressed and En nodded in reply. "And how is the beautiful baby?" The collector's voice was pleasant, a deep tone that he drew out when he talked.

"She's doing wonderfully. She's been kicking a lot lately." Loki replied, gently rubbing his stomach.

"Oh! I brought something for the baby." Tan stuck his hand in his pocket and pulled out something, gently handing it to Loki. it was a baby rattle that had constellations and planets on it.

"Thank you! This is gorgeous " Loki smiled graciously, looking at the rattle as he turned it in his hand. "You're right, he never tells me anything either." Loki teased. En gave them both a playful glare before he walked around with Tan, introducing him to everyone. It was cute. Sleipnir was looking at the crib and getting excited about Frigga coming. Loki smiled as Sleipnir ran back over.

"I wish Frigga was here so she could see all of her cool presents!" Sleipnir pointed out and Loki laughed softly, pulling Sleipnir up to sit beside him on the couch.

"She's almost here. Don't rush it." Loki chuckled, feeling her kick. He was nervous about the birth, but he was honestly already one hundred percent done with carrying her around. He was used to being so skinny and he was so self conscious, though En was doing a great job of helping him get over that. It was mainly the fact that his back was hurting and he felt tired all the time, which was something that probably wasn't going to change with the baby's arrival. When En returned, his brother had already made great friends with Thor.

Loki and En had already talked about considering having Thor and Taneleer be Frigga's godfathers. It would be perfect. Now was the time to let them both know. Loki motioned En, Thor, and Taneleer over and stood up, smiling at them.

"So En and I have been talking and we decided to ask the both of you if you would like to be Frigga's godfathers." Loki spoke, gently placing his hand on his baby bump, caressing his stomach as Frigga kicked.

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