Teen Love

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These Are The Times

These are the times that so much is new

These are the days I find myself thinking of you

We shared a chunk of our youth, and a few friends

Truthfully if I want to think I could have had you I must pretend

There were a few females I cared for a lot

But none of them had what I truly sought

They say in each of us there is a God-shaped hole

I needed someone who could help me fill up my soul

There was this young woman incredibly pretty and smart

I thought I could have all if I could win her heart

In truth though she only saw me as a friend

Once more to realize my dream I would have to pretend

I felt so ashamed, I didn’t like myself much

Maybe that’s why I so deeply longed for your touch

One night back home we talked and I looked in your eyes

And right away you could see through my disguise

I was a lost little boy in a world for only women and men

My body was eighteen, my spirit just ten

You still wanted to help me, that alone meant a lot

But there was no love inside me, that kind of love can’t be taught

These are the days I feel life has just begun

Even though I’m past forty I feel happy and young

Girl of my dreams, I still want to thank you

In my darkest times your caring got me through

Just because someone so lovely could reach out in my time of need

Love one day grew inside me from your tiny love seed

And now that I’ve grown out of self-doubt and shame

I’ve learned about love and that loving isn’t a game

I want to say to those of you young people still in your teen years

Your life will one day be amazing despite all of your fears

It doesn’t matter at all who sleeps with who

What means everything is the heart that beats inside you

Leif Gregersen

May 9, 2014

Poems From Inside MeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora