For You There Will Be No More Crying

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Time Passes For All

when I think of you mother I think of the mountains

the ones that are nearest my home

within their majestic view that were like heaven-made fountains

among their glory we left you still and alone

but that was just your ashes, your spirit is here

here close to my heart, I can feel it warm and near

and you are watching me from wherever you rest

I hope so dearly your life is full of happiness, zest

those huge craggy rocks oversee your remains

in that spot on the lake to which melting snow drains

we all knew you would want to end up right there

and so we all sent you off by sharing a prayer

in all of this world there seems to be nothing so clean

as that place where you are now, so much nature pristine

in that park in the mountains so cherished by all

we return to remember spring summer and fall

if only everyone had someone as precious as you

then in treating this delicate planet more would be true

I think of the places destroyed to find oil

oil to poison the air, fracking to poison the soil

doesn't just one of them see how precious life is

or that we hold it in trust, it all really is his

I think that mankind was given this earth just as a test

the way that we treat it we will never find true rest

those waters around your small island mom

I hope will be crystal clear until kingdom come

because I love you and want to give you all that I can

I wish I knew what could be done to save nature from man

I am not saying man is a lower life form

but we are sailing this ship right into the storm

we all have the same chance to do right with our lives

the way we are going, our race will never survive

so look at your spouses and parents and kids

and ask yourself if you could face life in the skids

because we are going that way and you should know

the first rule of living is ¨you reap what you sow¨

Leif Gregersen

May 16, 2014

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First White of Winter Poems,

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