In The Eyes Of a Strange Girl

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In Her Eyes

Strange beauty but not from the face of a stranger

Pure loveliness that comes only from deep within

I’ve seen that face many times but not like this

I have this feeling now that true love may begin

When I first laid eyes on that face I was blinded

By a shallow loveliness that eclipsed the love I now feel

For the girl who was not comfortable with her beauty

Which made my feelings for her so much more real

I now see this new girl as lover, companion

I now see her as best friend and soul mate

I let go of my need for a Barbie

I let go of my ego and hate

The one I once thought was a true love

Later showed she cared only for cash

Now I gaze into the eyes of true beauty

Love, beauty and friendship I do know will last

She makes the most simple things so fun

Playing checkers or walking barefoot on grass

That other woman I once thought I needed

Would turn up her nose and say we had no class

I love this simpler girl my companion

She has showed me new ways to be glad

And the thing that’s the greatest is I know she loves me

She’s so much more than any dream I once had

Don’t look for the girl who’s the cutest

Don’t chase after the one with all the best things

Seek out your one true soul mate

And be happy with the joy that he or she brings

Leif Gregersen

August 11, 2014

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