Father You Taught Me

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Father's Day 2014

When I was just a tot

Wearing a shirt just like yours

You taught me

How to play chess

As I sat in my child's chair

Next to your recliner

As we ate our fill of cheese and crackers

When I got a little older

And I needed new things to do

You taught me

How to swim

And how I love swimming to this day

Even though when I got older I learned

You couldn't swim yourself

When I was just about a man

And you got me my first suit

You taught my brother and I

How to shine our shoes

And soon I was in cadets

And I shined my boots every day

Until they made me a sergeant

I was so very proud

And I think you were a little too

That I had done so much

With what I learned from you

When I became a teen

You taught me

How to drive

And I kept that dream alive

Saved every thin little dime

And then one day

Bought a Cobra

And I was the envy of my friends

Oh my loving father

You gave so much

Yet asked so little in return

How could you be surprised

That you still are my best friend

Even after all this time

Oh my dear dad

Though age may take you soon

I won't stop loving you

Or doing all the things

You taught me

June 3, 2014

If you are enjoying your read, have a look at "Green Mountain Road" or "Through The Withering Storm" now on sale in Amazon Kindle store for just. 99 cents each. Also my two poetry collections, "Poems From Inside Me" and "First White of Winter" poems are also available for just a dollar minus one penny.

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