In The Night Air

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One Fact To Trust

So many thoughts crowd my mind tonight

While the ominous moon is shining bright

I have upon my mind close friends I once knew

Who for different reasons time came due

Love may be a wonderful, awesome thing

But it doesn't overcome all of what death can bring

I often think of a young woman I knew for a while

And how I will never again get to see her smile

Sometimes it seems that Cancer claims the best of us

Though I wish there were a kinder axiom to trust

As a boy I was so inspired by Terry Fox

But kept in mind the time left on my own clock

I grew out of all those childhood fears

But that would not be the end of my tears

Out of nowhere a friend died just a teen

No crueler fate had I ever seen

He had been pushed so far he took his own life

He simply couldn't handle normal teenage strife

And not long after his mother did the same

As though they had something to gain

As I grew older I missed this friend a great deal

Though somehow it didn't all seem real

I would often think he was still alive but somewhere hidden

In my young mind death was a concept forbidden

I wish that I could have had my chance

To have asked that girl for one last dance

I wish I could have said goodbye to those friends

Who too early went on to meet their ends

But though my words may seem unkind

We must bury the dead and leave them behind

Because there is just one fact we all can trust

One day the reaper will come for each of us

Leif Gregersen

May 23, 2014

Poems From Inside MeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ