Level 3: Progress Saved

173 13 31

Here's something funny before you feel the sadness

Christine sprinted towards where Brooke last went, hoping to find her okay.

She will be okay, right?

Christine killed zombies and ran past a crowd only to find the worst thing she could have ever witnessed...

Brooke was pinned against the hard ground, crying and screaming hysterically and painfully as zombies shredded her apart one by one. You could see blood from all directions, and what was in her hand?

Christine's shuriken.

Christine shrieked loudly as she ran over to Brooke's location and beat up every monster around her, and then knelt beside Brooke.

Poor poor Brooke.

Brooke whom she loved so so much.

The little hurt girl opened her eyes weakly, and gazed upon Christine.

"Kristy..." She mumbled, streaks of blood pouring down her mouth.

"Brooke! Try to stay awake! We'll help you get through this!"

"..There's nothing you can do... I'm a goner.."


At that point, everyone ran over to Christine and Brooke, as they heard that annoying voice.

Level 3- Completed. Process will save.

They all saw Brooke on the ground and got around her, Jake and Rich scavenging for any items that could help her...

But it would be nearly impossible...

Brooke's chest was ripped, shredded, and the cuts were as deep as they can get. So much blood came out, that she would pass out any second. Her face was growing really pale, and her eyes were so lifeless. It was so unusual for Brooke to look like that, yet here were are...

Jake handed Christine a cloth and she began to wrap it around the dying girl, but she pushed it away weakly.

"Don't spare your things on me... let's face it, I'm gonna die.."

That was heartbreaking. Christine rested Brooke's head on her lap. She ran her fingers through Brooke's hair, not wanting her to go.

"I love you, so much.." Christine said softly, tears leaking from her eyes.

"..Me too..." Brooke smiled, at ease.

Everyone stayed gathered around Brooke. Michael wiped his eyes, trying not to cry, along with Jake. Jeremy had a few tears leaking, but Rich started to wimper, tears pooling around around and exiting his eyes.

"I've got my ticket for the long way 'round..."

Everyone snapped out of it and looked at Brooke, closing her eyes, singing her beautiful voice.

"The one with the prettiest of views..."

That just made them cry even more, but they tried to act strong, they tried to hear Brooke's angel-like voice.

"It's got mountains, it's got rivers, it's got sights to give you shivers..."

Brooke used all her force to pull herself up and kiss Christine on her lips quickly. She smiled brightly, and fell back down onto her lap, closing her eyes again, and squeezing her love's hand barely.

"But it sure would be prettier with you..."

Christine started to cry even more as Brooke finished the verse, waiting for again angelic voice. But she heard nothing.

Be More SafeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon